Friday, December 21, 2012

Hoops and Resolutions

Hoops and Resolutions

"Upon a darkened night
The flame of love was burning in my breast
And by a lantern bright....
While all within lay quiet as the dead"

The Dark Night of the Soul
-St John of the Cross

            2013 in sight (at least for those of you who can see-in my mind), most of us have spent our lives jumping-dancing-praying through the hoops of someone else's resolutions and regulations. I'm so tired of hearing about going over the cliff.  We have been over the cliff, downward spiral my entire lifetime (82 years). The hazing insanity-twirl of things getting worse everyday.

            About to go over Niagara or Iguazu Falls, the torrent current so swift that even if you wanted to, no boat, no person could alter course, turn around. The liberal-pagan unbelievers would have you believe as we have gone over the cliff-falls that we are just swimming-flying fast.

            In the dark night, soul of this nation, let one who has spent most of his life in darkness give testimony to what has happened. Have you ever considered the parallels between the development of religious faith in the church compared to the development of patriotism in the American experiment of political parties-political science and the deterioration of both religion and government?

            Christianity would have been just an off-shoot of Judaism if God had not put the Apostle Paul on the scene. In the beginning of the church, Jews, enthused with a gentile member. Today, the church, gentile, enthused about a Jewish member. Today's problem with the church and with democracy: the loss of PURITY in both. It took me a long time to understand the laughing, frowning gargoyles on European cathedrals. I would look at them and think, 'What was in the mind of these ancient stone masons?'

            Now we know, as we have seen cults mature and ease out of the church house. Perhaps the first cult, then and until this day, the masons, Masonic order attempting to find within themselves a "way, truth, life" that they did not find in Christ...rituals, "claims" on their morality, recognition signs by handshakes, and apparel. I truly believe that membership in the Masonic order, early America, a mark of fraternal-masculine accomplishment. Most Presidents were masons, and most men of means. My great grandfather's tombstone bore the Masonic emblem.

            It is from this venue of stability-organization that the church of Latter Day Saints, Mormons, developed. Joseph Smith, Masonic order member, 1830, wrote the Book of Mormon at age 24. Amazingly, he developed a following. People persecuted-harassed for their beliefs, growing all the time, to this very day.

            From the church, Charles Taze Russell, 1879 began writing and developing a following. Today, 42 million Watchtower magazines are published each month and their members, though persecuted, "beating the bushes." There are six kingdom halls in this town in which I live. Always, without fail, I can recognize a Jehovah's witness just by talking with them for a few minutes. Personality cult, members showing a personification of goodness. They have been trained to interact. Like the Mormon cult, now, all over the world. And, this very city where I live, Mary Baker Eddy, 1879, Science and Health with Key to Scriptures, founding and following of the Christian Science church. Then, L. Ron Hubbard, Dianetics, the scientology church. Almost too bizarre to explain, a belief that we are extraterrestrials-"thetans" in earthly bodies, having lived in extraterrestrial cultures in past lives. These too, are growing...Tom Cruise, John Travolta, etc, etc.

            Traveling the world, every continent, this writer well understands the religions of the world...Buddhist, Hindus, Muslims, etc. As most Christian denominations in America decline, Christianity is growing in the rest of the world, particularly in China.

            Phenomenal of my lifetime, people moving out of staid-cold-lost denominations. How could any Christian stay in a liberal-social church, Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist, Black Liberation Churches, etc. Denominations who, in the past, believed in the inspired word of God. Now, politically correct, wanting to be popular-excepted by the world, lesbian-gay-unsaved bishops and pastors, acceptance of the damnable heresy of same sex marriage. "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean [thing]; and I will receive you" (2 Corinthians 6:17).

            In Europe, particularly England and France, Muslims are taking over vacated church buildings. Hungry for truth, American Christians, fed up-tired of a diabetic gospel (too much sugar from the pulpit), meeting in store fronts, homes, grasping-groping for fellowship in a place with true believers. This accounts for the remarkable growth of non-denominational churches such as Bethany, Baton Rouge, Louisianna, fantastic growth since 1963. The church with 7,000 members has given $63 million dollars to missions. There are several independent groups, growing in almost every town. Of course the fastest growing denomination, Assemblies of God. In 2011 they "planted" 368 churches. Believing, born again, saved Christians are on the move minus denominationalism. Baptists, afflicted and conflicted with the cares of this world, the need to be popular-accepted. Much like the Catholics (supposedly pro-life, pro-family) ELEVATED Obama to a second term. The votes of just these two denominations, Baptist-Catholic, could have prevented his re-election.

            So it is with the present American political scene, conservative American republicans are tired of RNC stupidity, sickened by the direction of our country. There is no hope for Democrats, they have gone the way of Sodom. But, true conservatives, true libertarians, independence, above all, Tea Party members, should huddle together AND, through fasting-working-prayer start a new and better awakening such as the one that this country experienced in the mid 1700's. America has not come this far to fall so low. In spite of our warts, even the debauchery of our leaders, God knows that many Americans have compassionate hearts capable of spreading God's goodness and glory.

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