Thursday, June 13, 2013

Steeples Point Upward

June 13, 2013
Steeples point upward

            "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also" John 14:3. The most radical atheist I have ever known, even when I have been surrounded by the spectators and pretenders filling most church houses, even when reading comments by liberal preachers, none of these would never CHANGE the power of the cross... The word of God even if it made their lives more acceptable. The unsaved tares -religionist, those who go along to get along, those who have a secret envy for the actions -dress, language of their unsaved friends, those who doubt and question everything in your belief, even trying to shame you in your commitment would never change anything about God's plan of salvation because every "Christian watcher", even children, recognize hypocrisy.
            From our knees and then to our feet the Christian runs with patients and fortitude the race that God has chosen for him... in spite of everything.
            Dr. Archibald Alexander taught bible at Princeton University for forty years. He said that one is "dragged" down in life by problems of sickness, disability, finances, even family. It takes a strong Christian to turn problems over to God.
            If there is any one incident that this world traveler has described, which caused many comments from readers,  in written articles it was my one experience on the kalahari planes of Botswana, Africa.
            Of course this was back when I had a small amount of vision in one eye, left eye. Early morning, standing watching a large herd of wildebeests, there must of been thousands. Near by, hidden by the African bush two large lions just waiting for a meal. Of course, animals on the "outskirts" of the heard detected the lions which caused a stampede, leaving behind the disabled and the newborn. Of course the lions feasted on those who could not keep up, if only the herd of wildebeests had the good sense to protect their own, using their piercing hoofs and horns, they could have made manse meat of the lions, but the wilder beasts, like most human beings, just became "rubberneckers", watching the tragedy thinking, I'm glad its not me... I don't want to get involved, that's their problem.
            Germany, after World War I, was a very prosperous nation. Teaming with scientist educators, they decided to "mind their own business" as Mr. Hitler (his brown shirts, SS troops, all of them homosexual) decided, in their own interest, and the interest in their fellow travelers, begets. To cleanse the country side first, hundreds of thousands of the disabled were hauled off to the death chambers, then millions of Jews. They simply refused to stand up for one another and for the absolute liberty -truth -supposedly found in the human spirit. They knew that Joseph Stalling has killed more than fifty million of his country men, we know that Mao Zedong killed over one hundred million of his country men. And so it has always been, and still is, today, ten thousand Syrians are killed each week, six thousand of them children. Catholics and Baptists have enough voting power to elect the president, housing of congress in America. Inside the churches -cathedrals we sing and talk about loving the children of the world YET, we pay taxes to build drones that drop bombs on children, pay taxes to support planned parenthood and the abortion of three thousand babies each day, 1,400 of them black. What has happened to black churches who say nothing when 52% of their babies are aborted. What has happened to white as well as all churches, when so many babies of every race are aborted, the abomination of same-sex marriage, the stupidity of polluting our military services of mixed gender -even on the front lines. Thank God the southern Baptists have made their feelings known about the corrupting of Boy Scouts, a God and country organization which has made many young boys men. The Christian lives for the cause of Christ; not anything else in this world. Facing life's uncertainties -traumatic events, we first call upon the omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresent God. We look at the architectural marvels of buildings, the Madison avenue techniques of church services, so proud of what man can accomplish. Hell will be full of people shamed forever... There with the unsaved, many will remember that they did not major on important things, the souls of their fellow man. Many will wish they had given time to the disenfranchised, disabled, poor and distressed. Many have wished they had trusted more, prayed more.
            Scriptures invited us to go to Potters house, the potter working with clay, designing a vessel as he chooses. The potter is in charge, (God is boss), the potter never takes his eyes of the wheel.
            The church house pews are warmed by those who sing "O how I love Jesus". They do not love Jesus enough to study God's word, live the word. The US tax code has nine times more words than the Holy Bible. Most business men are more familiar with taxes than God's word. We are not concerned that a Christian Chaplin can be prosecuted (kicked out of the service) if he does not perform a marriage ceremony of two military service members of the same sex.
            In rules for radicals, dedicated to Lucifer,  Saul Alinsky states that Communism must gain a foot hole one step at a time. Roger Baldwin said almost the same thing in his preamble to the constitution of the ACLU (the objectiveness Communism). Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton, best students of Alinsky, believe that they should make Communism the rule of this nation. Christians know that we are just passing through, that our citizenship is in heaven. For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:" Philippians 3:20. While we are here, just as while Jesus was here, the son of God, ours is to live a life of discipleship, grace by faith, "living epistles read and seen of men." "Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:" 2 Corinthians 3:2. "For we are his workmanship." Ephesians 2:10. Life is a journey not a destination, whatever happens along the way, everything points upward. Thank God, Steeples point upward.

Dr. T.R. Morris
Lt. Col USA Retired
Visit my blog at
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(Dr. Morris is a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran, 8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries)

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