Friday, August 9, 2013

Melt Down

The spread of radiation from Fukushima

Jack Sprat could eat no fat
His wife could eat no lean
And so betwixt the two of them
They licked the platter clean

Jack ate all the lean,
Joan at all the fat.
The bone they picked it clean,
Then gave it to the cat.

Jack Sprat was wheeling,
His wife by the ditch.
The barrow turned over,
And in she did pitch.

Says Jack, “She’ll be drowned!”
But Joan did not reply,
“I don’t think I shall,
for the ditch is quite dry.”

Source: Mother Goose’s Nursery Rhymes (1817)

As a field-grade medical officer, on staff at one army hospital, while on active duty with the US Army, I was attending a staff party. One of my friends, an internist, born and raised in Toledo, Spain, and educated in America, was at the party with his wife and two sons-- I would say they were 10-12 years of age. He knew that I was a well-known teetotaler, and both of his sons were swilling down beer. I said to him, "Aren't they a little young to be drinking alcohol?"

He replied, "I want them to drink, smoke-- do any and everything possible in order to have some pleasure in their lives and stay numb enough to escape the horrors of this world."

And so it is with many parents, who should not be surprised when their children become dope addicts. No mother or father should be surprised when their child-- who grew up seeing beer in the refrigerator along with parents and parents' friends imbibing cocktails--becomes an alcoholic.

In my lifetime-- and probably at no other time in history-- has any thinking person risen in the morning to face another day of total, world chaos.  When you listen to the news broadcast, or for the decided, watched "smellivision" (the average American watches 3.5 hours a day-- the first thing to be switched on in the morning, the last to be switched off at night), you see or hear a world of dreary-eyed zombies.

Even for the authentic Christian-- those who know the reality of "the fruit of the spirit" (love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control) -- there is difficulty not having a psychological meltdown. (Galations 5:22-23) This world is comprised of one meltdown after another. By 2020, the US Air Force will have nothing but drones. And further into the future, ground forces will be robots. ( We were once a people so proud of our freedom and rights; we are now enslaved.  Perhaps nothing exemplifies the enslavement more than the Home Owners Associations demanding that home owners not have a gun in their house (there are over 1,000 HOAs in this county of 212,000 where I live). With the political correctness of not smoking, these associations have already restricted each residence to be smoke-free. With smart meters, the time a home can use its own washing machine can be regulated ( ).  Analyze your house; some electrical sources are emitting radiation all the time. Think of your nightstand, your clock radio emitting radiation, right next to your head. I understand some people sleep with their cell phone under their pillow, and are surprised when they develop cancer in their brain.

There is a cumulative effect from radiation. The entire Pacific Ocean has been poisoned by the Fukushima meltdown. Desperate in their attempts to control that meltdown, an attempt is being made to freeze all the land around the reactors ( ). The average person does not understand-- and certainly the government will not inform them-- the amount of radiation you get from electricity in your technology, or even the wiring in walls of your house. Few realize that a fluorescent tube will illuminate when you stand in the EMF field near a high-voltage power line ( ). Just the radiation from your cell phone-- particularly, when combined with the many instruments in your car-- is critical in human health.

There was a time when human beings lived/thrived without being in the crucible of constant radiation, and, at that time, there was very little cancer. At a time when 50% of the population is in the crush of eating disorders leading to diabetes, how often does any doctor question you about your diet? I promise you this: remove corn, soy products, canola (cotton seed products), and all sugar (unless from a sugar beet) from your diet, and you might have a chance. Keep you immune system strong. It is your only defense against cancer.

There is a new elitism in America. Power Brokers, in politics and the banking fields, are living high, while the grunts/peasants are striving just to get by. It is the stress of the day-by-day survival which fills prisons, hospitals, and welfare offices. At a time when scientific discovery, progress in academia, and convenience in every area of life has reached such heights, how can we drop so low--one veteran takes their own life each day. There are more deaths from suicide than from combat in the active-duty military. Addiction to illegal drugs costs the taxpayers $534 billion each year.

During the great flu epidemic of 1918, when my parents were children, my grandmother told me how everyone in the community was sick. Dr. Hayes, the only doctor who would enter the community, had also died from the disease. They were on their own. She said that when one started coughing, that person knew they would be the next. And the dying person could hear the men of the community sawing wood, building their own coffin. My grandfather's sister, Aunt Catty, teacher at the two-room school house, gave birth to a baby boy, and had the short time to name her newly born baby before the flu killed her. My grandfather's brother, an uncle who I still remember, took her baby to his sister’s yard, nearby, where flu had not struck to avoid infecting that house. There his sister could breastfeed the child, as she was already nursing her own baby. Real Christians, who are possessed by the Holy Spirit of God, should be able to handle any meltdown-- political, moral, financial, or nuclear. In the present-day meltdown, both from the pulpit and the pew, those who know Christ, crucified and resurrected, by grace, through faith, will survive. To the others, good luck.

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
Thomas Jefferson

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