Monday, October 28, 2013

The River Flows South

"We are persuaded that good Christians will always be good citizens, and that where righteousness prevails among individuals the Nation will be great and happy. Thus while just government protects all in their religious rights, true religion affords to government it's surest support."
                                                                        -George Washington

            Before this writer was a member of the military, a college student, working summers selling Bibles door to door, I stayed with Mrs. Sears at her rooming house on New Bridge St, Jacksonville, N.C.. I remember like it was yesterday, young marines coming to her house each Saturday to get their loud speaker equipment for their Saturday afternoon and night outdoor Christian rally in downtown Jacksonville. I remember taking the equipment to the downtown area in my car. I was amazed that so many young marines conducted a weekend evangelistic service in the city attempting to reach other marines. Later in life, having served many years in the military, and having been associated with many churches near the military facility, I realized the military was one of God's evangelistic growth centers. Young military men and women, if Christian, are very concerned about the souls of their fellow soldiers. From the time of General Washington, military officers and enlisted, both on and off base, have been active in the church. They certainly do not have to impress anyone. Both on and off the military facility, Satan has every attraction for them... beer joints-bars, strip clubs, and gambling establishments. After American service men left Saigon, South Vietnam, the leaders of North Vietnam set to work cleansing the city of what they called "American- Western decadence". Combat Christian soldiers know full well that they want God on their side in time of war. Unlike civilian churches, who want to fight the battle against Satan from air conditioned fox holes, the front line solider knows he needs the ever-present worthy hand of God in his defense. He wants to know the fighting solider next to him also has such protection. Our greatest warriors have been great Christians, including Eisenhower and Patton. Almost every combat solider can relate about the provident hand of God making a difference in his life.
            Most rivers flow south, Mississippi, Amazon, etc., so it is with integrity/ morality /religious fervor of mankind. Along with the political correctness, profane nature that has taken over politicians, power brokers, bankers of the world, comes the effort to now curtail the activity of Christian service people, even to the extent of limiting their membership in Christian groups and conservative organizations. For years atheists have tried to take God out of our national life, "in God we trust" OFF our money OUT of our pledge of allegiance. Now, the Air Force Academy officer's oath "so help me God". Now, in Fort Hood, Texas at a pre-deployment briefing, the Department of Defense has threatened fighting men that membership and donations to conservative groups such as the Tea Party, would result in punishment for them. I can not imagine, even in my lifetime, punishment TO this field grade officer FOR activity in a local Baptist church as well as giving God's tithes and offerings to religious causes and churches.
            With the occupation of the White House with a Sunni Muslim, control of the government, particularly the Congress, with followers of Satan, should we have the majestic painting of the Baptism of Pocahontas removed from the Rotunda of the Capital Building? Godliness is often replaced by helplessness. How soon we forget that the Capital building in the earliest days of this Republic was used for Church services.

            From the earliest days of this Democratic Republic, we have seen the need for a military. The founding fathers did not wish to spend the treasure and talent of this new nation with fighting forces, but, President Jefferson learned early that we must defend ourselves, "from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli." This army medical officer still believes that every able body man should serve in the military. I have never known a young person in the military who was not improved by military discipline, hygiene, fundamentals of education and appearance, if nothing more than the shining of one's shoes. A young man learns that his shoes should give a good appearance, not only in the military service, but for the remainder of his life. Surely, if we had young men, who become fathers, who know the benefit of discipline/ rules/ hygiene, we would have better families.
            There was a time when we spoke of the American Dream. Most of my time in the military, active duty, was used in lecturing young recruits. As a medical officer, I talked with them about the necessity of taking care of their bodies, eating and drinking correctly, rest, exercise, and hygiene. One would never believe the young people, even from this, the world's most prosperous nation, who entered the military not knowing the fundamentals of hygiene and good health practices. After they learned the essentials of teeth, skin, and reproductive care, they could not help but be better fathers and mothers. Along with personal body care, the need for education and preparation for living in a thriving, competitive society, there was a time where each young person wanted a job, wanted to succeed, own a home, own a vehicle, make a real contribution, make a real contribution to his community. It is in the communist societies of the world that you find government housing (everyone living in the same type shoe box), with government cutting their grass, trimming their shrubbery, making every commitment to their life. It is the moochers, those who are the dregs of society, who want the government furnishing them places to exercise, telling them places to get 'sick' care. And now, I'm sorry to say, starting with the military, telling them when, how, and why to donate or have any resemblance of religion in their thinking.

            I pray to God for the time that a General Washington, President Jefferson, or Dr. Franklin will walk into the halls of Congress and say to the Senators, and representatives of the people. "Get out of here! You are a disgrace to the men and women who shed their blood for this great republic." I want the day to come that in some liberal, pretender pulpits, Jesus Himself will shout to the pew warmers, as He did to the Pharisees of His day, "Get out of here. You are a disgrace to the blood shed for you."
           Please, let this old, blind veteran be first in line for a reformation at the church house, for a revolution at the courthouse, state house, and in federal Congress.

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