Saturday, March 1, 2014

Incredible Insurance

"Incredible Insurance"

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness: and all these things shall be added to you.
(Matthew 6:33)

            Freedom is the inherent right of all men.  Truth leads to freedom.  (John 8:32)  Jesus told us that He is the truth.  (John 17:17 & John 14:6)  God's greatest gift to man, liberty and free will.  Until Christ becomes preeminent, your life committed to Him, you are as lost as the unbelieving sinner because you do not have the trust in Him which He demands.  God demands trust.  We say we believe, but our actions say otherwise.  We want to trust in the sovereignty of God, but in the caldron of daily activity we lose so quickly, that trust. 

            The largest-tallest buildings in any city are buildings owned by great insurance companies.  The three tallest buildings in the city of Chicago are insurance buildings.  In 2012 1.1 trillion was spent on casualty insurance in America.  America spends more on warfare than the rest of the world combined, 652 billion dollars.  America furnishes 30% of NATO's budget and NATO spends 60% of all money on warfare.  In my lifetime (84 years), health, automobile and life insurance have become basic requirements.  Even on the farm, God's most independent people rely on crop insurance... insurance against wetness, dryness, storms.  The lands on which my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents farmed... suffered through times of draught and drowning, now, those same crops are insured.  Recently, on these farms when the crops "drowned," the crops were just "cut up by tractor machinery," destroyed, and the insurance collected. 

            The lack of trust in God not only to save our souls, but to bless us with abundance (John 10:10) in our lives, is a loss to us.  In not willing to face our "predicaments" with trust in God, we place ourselves with the same attitude as the unbeliever.  We expect the unbeliever, those who do not trust in God, to seek protection by way of insurance-government-welfare rolls.  God has assured those who believe and trust in Him that He knows our needs, "He will never leave us or forsake us."  (Hebrews 13:5) 

            WHEN the unsaved, the unbeliever, sees the Christian whose trust and faithfulness depends on the grace of God, exercising the same doubts and fears of those who do not have faith or trust, WHAT a testimony!

            In truth, if Christians, because they are suppose to depend on their faith in the grace and mercy of God are fraught with fear, they then become worse than the unbeliever.  In truth, Republicans, because they are suppose to have a higher standard of morality and values, get caught in the mire of government programs, supposed need for insurance protection, are no better than democrats.  At the democrat's convention in Charlotte, NC, the democrats wanted God taken out of their programs, through entitlements-subsidies-controlled programs.  Democrats want government to be high on the alter of their life agenda.  Democrats go so far in their pagan, non-God ideology that they easily murder the innocent unborn, proudly promote homosexuality of every type before God and man.  YET, those who claim the name of Christ, who certainly should believe in the protection of God, like ENVYING their unsaved friends and family members who are hob-knobbing-drinking and playing at the clubs, cast God aside as they want to dress-drink-dance to the tunes of the world-flesh-devil. 

            The most incredible insurance of which man can conceive, trusting for protection from the Creator of the universe, the One who not only through the stars in space, but can heal-halt heap blessings on those who love Him and curses on those who hate Him.  He is able and incredible insurance.  He is able to heal all sickness, harass every enemy of the faith and harbor you in safety. 

            Only the most naive among us will refuse to see how fast the nations of the earth are going down the drain.  This is what happens when insurance buildings become higher than church steeples.  One criminal activity after another, not just in the bleak places in your town, but in the bright lights of your city, not just with those who are exceptionally ignorant, but also with those who are exceptionally bright.  The cross of Christ on the top of most church steeples tells the world that people of faith have a protector.  The insurance corporate edifices above us all tell the world that man wants controls, not freedom or liberty, that man made protection is superior to creator God who designed everything.  We have thousands of miles of blood vessels in which life circulates in the human body, life is in your blood.  Your insurance policy will pay for guess work... large cathedrals of treatment, big Pharma making fortunes on God-given chemicals, people who actually think they know something about the human body and will act if paid enough.  Sovereign God knows the very number of hairs on your head.  (Luke 12:7)  He knows about all of the electric current which flows through the wires in your house.  Man has always believed in a superior power, the Romans - Jupiter, the Greeks - Zeus, the Egyptians - Ra.  This world traveler has seen worship of every type... men crawling up hills, flogging their bodies, feeding snakes and monkeys, all attempting to satisfy a basic human need for worship of someone/something greater than self. 

            Christianity is not complicated, just tough.  The Christian message is not complicated (follow me).  The Christian prayer is not complicated, just, "Lord help me."   (Matthew 14:30)   

            One of my employees, a Seventh Day Adventist, after driving me to vote, said, "Real Christians, certainly members of Seventh Day Adventist, do not vote because we know we are bringing down condemnation on ourselves.  We rapidly realize the futility of our vote."  When you depend on insurance and you go through the harassment of the insurance company seeking every reason to not pay, you realize the futility of insurance.  When you hear about your nation and world's conditions, even criminal darkness in your own town, you realize the futility of voting... which has resulted in such politicians-law enforcement.  The Christian has no place to go except to the word of God, the Creator of the universe and our confidence in Him.  Our faith, a verb, action, based on belief, sustained by confidence, such incredible insurance and assurance.

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