Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Frankenstein Science on Memorial Day 2014

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."
                                                Philippians 4:13

            It is truly amazing what Jesus can do with his hands. One small boy's mother, knowing that boys get hungry, sent him off to hear the great preacher, Jesus, with a small lunch-- just loaves and fish. We know what Jesus did with that lunch. D.L. Moody, founder of Moody Bible Institute and the great Moody church in Chicago, had a third grade education. He said, "God will see what one man, completely yielded to him, can do."
            Most days, on the Mall, Washington, DC, tearful parents and children who never saw their father, stand with flowers and cards, before the great marble slabs on which 58,000 names of the fallen, dead of the Vietnam War, are etched. These people know about Memorial Day.

            In one of the most tragic and horrendous battles of the Civil War, a battle in which 17,000 were killed, the Battle of Cold Harbor (on the Virginia line), men and horses were killed-- strewn across the countryside. A wounded officer, with the rank of colonel, walked by a young boy, 17 years of age. The boy looked up and said,  "Colonel, are we winning?" Those, both sides, North and South, the 613,000 killed in the Civil War, knew about Memorial Day.

            In the same house, in which I now live, but 30 years ago, I put an American flag in my front yard. Two women of the Wimble Square HOA came to my front door, and told this blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer veteran of the Korean War, that the home owners association did not allow for me to put a flag in my front yard. Just as those who have never honored our blessed Lord, in memorial at his communion table, some people, even to this day, have no concept of memorializing anything or anyone. I heard a talk show host say, just yesterday, "I am not religious, do not believe in God, but surely God has given up on America. No one living today, who was living 50 years ago, could believe what has happened my country." Like so many patriots, this writer so loves his country, but so despises his country's government.

            BUT, it is not difficult to, on land, love and honor someone who jumps into the river and saves you from drowning. From the revolution to the present, we stand on the shoulders of those who saved us. With our cynicism, brought on by the decadence of government, we must remember our blessed Lord, who told his disciples to cast out into the deep (Luke 5:4). It will not be the silliness of Oprah or the Obama-types, who will save our country. It will not be the "airs" of the blue bloods / elitists/ the one percenters. It will not be the lust for power or things that will make us whole again (Jeremiah 19:11). But, it will be the fundamentals and absolutes of right and wrong-- the recognition of hypocrisy-- that will open our blinded eyes, and give us vision of what's happening, before it's too late.

            Just think, more munitions of war, terror from the sky, were dropped in Iran and Afghanistan by unmanned drones, than were dropped by manned planes in the Kosovo War (1998-99). Just think, our young warriors are "anointed" with psychotropic drugs, 6 months before going to war. The greatest ambition of military planners in today's military warfare, is artificial intelligence-- "high brass" trying to decide if robots have the judgment to differentiate from civilian and military targets. Which is better? Robots or human warriors dominated by toxic molecules.

            As with Obama's American healthcare, Big Pharma is in control. Daily, we hear of the horrors of sick-care with the Veteran's Administration. With government, civilian or military, there is unlimited money to spend with Big Pharma. There are unlimited patients, with which to experiment. Now, more soldiers die from suicide, than are killed by the enemy. Of those who return, 22 veterans commit suicide every day. 91 million Americans are taking anti-depression, anti-despair, psychotropic drugs, 8 million school children are on mind-altering drugs. 91% of all school children who visit a counselor, leave with a drug prescription. This is FRANKENSTEIN SCIENCE-- the "doping" of America, its warriors, its children. Now you can understand why Big Pharma has spent $2.7 billion on lobbying. There are 4 pharmaceutical lobbyists in Washington per congressperson.

            WHEN will the hard-working, tax-paying, God-fearing citizen realize that his taxes are paying for buildings and equipment (hospitals, courthouses, government office facilities) in which doctors, lawyers, and others work to make big salaries for themselves-- while the stressed citizen is treated like dirt when he enters one of these facilities.

            When you have politicians, doctors, warriors, drugs, you have what these people and things can do. We realize and recognize the decadence around us. In the history of the world, God has often started over. Can we believe that a nation, America, that has come so far, has fallen so fast? My Lord of glory and mercy has the ability to start over with us. Those who fought for our great nation buried, wrapped only in the flag which they served, believed in the integrity of this country. On this Memorial Day, help us to believe in the integrity of America.

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