Thursday, July 31, 2014

Absurdities and Atrocities

Democracy is, by the nature of it, a self-canceling business; and it gives in the long run a net result of zero. 
- Thomas Carlyle

Joyce Riley was so pleasant as to read this entry on her national broadcast. The following link is the audio from the reading.

Your writer, writing for many publications, over many years, particularly publications of military officers, has been referred to as a nutty bible banger. I learned long ago that any nation of people who will so willingly accept absurdities in government will also very willingly accept the atrocities of government.

Most people are perfectly content to be "sheep" their entire lives, easily led astray. If the entire crust of the Earth were gold, men would lie, cheat, steal and kill for a handful of dirt. In my world travels, particularly in North Africa and Norway, I talked with many shepherds of sheep. They would relate just how stupid flocks of sheep can act. Our blessed lord, with only one record of him writing anything, walked everywhere, his feet nourishing the soil around the Sea of Galilee where he spent his entire life. He surely saw the daftness of sheep which is why he spoke of them so much in his preaching.

But, we are living in the 21st century, over two thousand years on this side of the cross. We are supposed to be alert to the absurd, educated, technology savvy, one would think that like the skin of many animals, genus Homo is able to shed his skin of education and sophistication. Since the average person watches television, government-secular controlled news media seven and a half hours each and every day, we have learned not to think for ourselves. Nothing gives Satan more delight than the sabotaging of everything decent in a world of beauty.To let the world, flesh devil, do our thinking for us.

To the uninitiated, everything is obscure. Have we become so dumbed down, that we cannot comprehend the absurdities and atrocities of the world around us? Are we so bombarded by our broken culture that we cannot comprehend what is going on?

Just think what has happened in my lifetime of 84 years. I find myself, in the sunset years of my life, knee-deep in despair for my country (Dr. Morris is a totally blind, 100% disabled service connected medical officer veteran of the Korean War). Even some Christian churches are accepting the abomination of abortion (3,000 innocent babies killed everyday). Even some churches, even some prominent pastors, are accepting the gay agenda abomination of same sex marriage, a repudiation of everything established in the physical and spiritual concepts of man (new animal life in the world is reproduced by the conjugal union of male and female). Our entire molecular structure of mass is based on the attraction of opposites, every chemical equation based upon God's creation and revelation of opposites attracting.

Would one ever have believed that the greatest superpower on Earth would erase its borders-thousands of children crossing our southern border from South America. It was in Roger Baldwin's constitution of the ACLU, nearly 100 years ago (1918), that this communist liberal promoted the abdication of all borders, the breakdown of all marital restrictions. The liberals-socialists-communists have always kicked God in the face. All the liberals have to offer mankind is death. Such was offered in the very beginning of human history. In the garden, God established his rights, ie: certain parameters, "Don't touch that tree." Man chose the spirit of death instead of the spirit of life. AND, ever since, even two thousand years on this side of the cross when redemption was offered, most have continued to refuse choosing the atrocities of hell rather than the gift of eternal life in heaven.

The poet said, "Into every life, some rain must fall." It makes no difference our DNA, measures of education, or ancestry, there are problems we encounter everyday. BUT, in the 21st century, why do we accept the insanity of warfare in such remote places as Afghanistan where 40% of all war materials sent there have disappeared? Why do we accept the fact that thousands of our finest were killed in Iraq, yet nothing was accomplished, things worse now than when we first became engaged there. The Christian community just sitting back while the Christian church in the Middle East is being destroyed. For instance, the Iraqi city Mosul, ancient Nineveh, where Jonah called the entire city to repentance, all christian church monuments are being destroyed. The entire Middle East, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria in a state of warfare which can easily be called the beginning of World War III.

My entire life, there has been constant warfare between the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael. Those of us who have traveled and studied Israel, know its beauty. That small strand of land which is the bridge of world history. We know that world history will find its "end-times" there. In the mean time, and remember this is the 21st century, why does superpower America sit back and watch the deterioration of its borders in a world of science, refuse to accept the reality of an Ebola world infection. We know that Satan has devalued human life...abortion, gangland atrocities in inner city ghettos. In Africa, where many of these genocidal diseases are hatched, little is done in containment. Understand that 672 have died from Ebola. Those attempting to control the disease are in tents. Where is the scientific community and the establishment of controls? This writer spent much time in the city of Lagos, Nigeria, a city of 21 Million, near the epicenter of the disease outbreak. I well remember the airport, the many planes in and out. In a century of enlightenment, can we not understand how quickly a disease without cure can travel the world.

America has come too far to fall so quickly. God placed his hands of power, grace, mercy on this great nation. When will Christians awaken when God chose us for life, drew us into his arms of love, chose for us our own cross to bear. We gave to him a blank check. I have signed my check and he has filled in what he requires. And so it is, with everyone who claims the name of Christ. We cannot be Christlike and see our own country destroyed, mostly from within. When I swore allegiance to my country as a commissioned officer, I swore to protect my country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. When God drew me to serve him, I promised obedience. I do not have much of the things that the world thinks are important but I do have all the promises of God. He and He alone can awaken us to absurdities, can eliminate atrocities.

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