Thursday, September 18, 2014

An American Comedy

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. 
Psalms 2:4-5 

One of the longest running broadway plays set during the roaring twenties was the play, "Chicago". It was often called an American comedy because it depicted in vivid detail the spiritual, intellectual, political satire of the administration of criminal justice, the flotsam (shipwreck) of Americana. The wreckage of our american experience though many have a tendency to laugh about any and everything, is more a tragedy than a comedy. Herein, these words, like music, a message inside my head that no one else could possibly hear.

There is nothing as bleak, lifeless, as a desert. I went into the Sahara Desert from Algeria, Egypt and Mali... vast oceans of just sand. I crossed the Gobi Desert by train, vast oceans of sand with just a single railroad track. There are actually people who live in these lifeless places. My driver, taking me out into the Sahara in a Jeep, stopped in order for me to take photographs of nothingness. He spotted a spot on the horizon, could not tell at first what it was. A native Arab kept walking towards us... a long walk in the blazing heat, covered head to toe. After a long time, he walked up to us, came over to me and just looked me over. I always have gifts for natives, I gave him a pen-tablet, a cigarette lighter and chewing gum. He just nodded and walked away. Later, nearer to civilization, I came across native boys who had dug down deep in the desert and brought forth petrified plants (the petrified bush in the above photograph, I brought back from the Sahara). I believe I paid the boys $2 for this bush which grew thousands of years ago in the desert. You see, in epochs past-history of this planet, vegetation grew in the Sahara. Over a long period of time, the vegetation was covered by sand... the plants petrified. We know at one time, even the Antarctic was not covered with ice. Such has been the change in the crust of this Earth.

It is time to consider what has happened above sea level to genus Homo, considered intelligent. Are our morals, values, intellectual accomplishments being inundated by the sand-dirt, regression which some call progress.

Our ancestors, both the religious and non religious, when they stopped crying would laugh at the foolishness of mankind today, having come so far to lose it all so quickly. Many, having jumped off the empire state building, just before the big splash on the pavement, in their stupidity, would say, "So far, so good." 

When this writer's ancestors landed on the shores of New Jersey, from the Good Ship Kent, in 1677, that horrendous voyage across a dangerous ocean, it was just a matter of survival. They had left the "wisdom" of Europe but sought something that "wisdom" could not supply, freedom. I have here in this room, their cast iron fireplace cooking pot. There were no work animals, supplies of any type, only that which their own hands provided. To eat, so they could work, they first built a chimney in which they could hang this iron cooking pot. They probably had one bucket, a few spoons, perhaps a shovel, ax, hammer etc. They next built a shelter around the chimney so they would have living space on land. From this type of survival, circumstances to which we would not commit animals, they advanced-conquered-built what became the most advanced nation in the world.

This writer is probably one of the last men allowed into the Great Pyramid at Cairo in Egypt. Since that time, the public has not been allowed into the pyramid. The inner chamber, large enough to place both St. Paul's and Notre Dame's cathedrals, built of thousands of blocks of stone each weighing 40-60 tons, blocks joined together so accurately that even a human hair cannot go in between, before the time of geometry, astrology and other advanced sciences, built at the very epicenter of earth's landmass, the interior has the constant temperature of 68 degrees fahrenheit, the best temperature for mans survival. Many books have been written about this great structure, the only structure other than the great wall of china which can be seen from space. It was there when Jesus was carried into Egypt by his parents, it was there during the great flood of Noah, and to this day with all the "smarts" of mankind, no one can determine how it was built. So remarkable its construction, that the most expensive building ever built on earth, Solomon's Temple (estimated value even then: $14 Billion), has the same footprint... 13 acres. Man had much knowledge before the founding of America, but America has developed and manufactured almost every modern technological advance... the world's super military power. America sent out 90% of all Christian missionaries, yet today, only 20% of Americans attend worship services of any type. America even designed and built the vehicles and engines, planes and ships which traverse the world. Yet even the cities-plants where these miracles of transportation and aviation were built are now mostly closed. The fiber, chemicals, academia developed in America has left its shores. Its people squalling for jobs, lost opportunities.

A nation which cultivated every type of education opportunity, libraries, foundations, now supports such a degenerate public education system that many parents choose to homeschool just as my ancestors did, landing and founding Morristown, NJ., and after building homes, schools, stores, set up systems for a civilized culture. With all of our opportunities, more of our fellow citizens imprisoned than any other country (25% of the WORLD's criminals are housed in American prisons).

For those idiots who laugh at everything remotely funny, radio, television, even the church house, the song is dead, "Nothing is coming up roses..." we are on a downward slide, heading for covering by the desert sands of history. This writer, born in poverty on a dirt road, no power or phone lines, worked his way through education opportunities. This young boy, standing with a metal case filled with bible samples probably saw then, 70 years ago, the best years of his life. He knew that he was standing on the shoulders of his fore bearers and all he had was opportunity, if willing to pay the price. Do you have in the White House, State House, Court House, Church House or even YOUR house, those who are still willing to pay the same price?

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