Thursday, November 6, 2014



Some enchanted evening
You may see a stranger,
you may see a stranger
Across a crowded room
And somehow you know,
You know even then
That somewhere you'll see her
Again and again.

God has good sense, he knows that Satan can imitate everything. As a child, I never could understand my grandmother referring to store bought loaves of bread as lite-bread. My ancestors, landing on the shores of America in 1677, like those primitive cooks before them, knew only "heavy" bread. In my lifetime, changes in everything, from the heavy to the light... now referred to as lite... lite beer, lite milk, lite clothing, lite bedding etc. Vehicles are much lighter, housing less bulky, lifestyles much, much easier. To cure diseases, not just treatment, such as diabetes and cancer, we must learn to hate the foods we like, like the foods we hate. Scientists, even your own doctor, will not tell you this, but sugar nourishes-encourages-spreads cancer. Sugar is the most addictive substance known to man. Have you noticed how addictive fast foods are when you eat in some restaurants? In 1900, only 3 of 100 people had cancer. Today, 50 out of 100 people have cancer, and the number is growing. Cancer and diabetes were rare diseases when I was in school, just seventy years ago. Many people cannot accept the diagnosis... some states, example Oregon, provide suicide packets for citizens (Brittany Maynard). Flies do not cause garbage. God has provided clean-up crews for a human being, prize your immune system. Let bacteria do its work.

In a world of deceit, a world of political correctness, as we have lightened up-depreciated everything else, so we have made a "CHEAPNESS" of our spiritual and political beliefs. The liberty we find in Christianity came at such a tremendous cost both spiritually and politically (the ugliness of death on a cross). If I were to have a tombstone, I would want the words "Work in Progress" inscribed on it.("Thy word is forever settled in heaven." Psalm 119:89) Chosen, by God, for life, life is eternal. The word Koinonia means fellowship-encouragement. A greater blight on my life than blindness, so little encouragement. Think of what Moses' life could have been with encouragement. He witnessed the redemption of three million Jewish slaves from Egypt, through the Red Sea, witnessed God's attention to them, yet, the stiff-necked people, even his own sister and brothers were a heavy burden on his life and Moses was kept from entering the Promised Land, UNTIL he appeared with Jesus and Elijah there on the Mount of Transfiguration. I believe Martin Luther realized the burden-heaviness of God's word. For hundreds of years, the Catholic church taught wrongness instead of rightness, just think, years of God's message with just books of law then scarce manuscripts. Think of the enlightenment when the printed page allowed any person to discover the Grace of God. Whether spiritual or political it is all a matter of message. This nation, its churches, built on message, but, nothing excuses the watering down-weakness of the message. We have had several generations of westerners who think the spiritual message is simply a matter of actions, citizenship is a matter of actions...a checklist Christianity, a bellhop God of national security, available when needed. 

History has been marked by God dealing with a man, not a committee... the right man, at the right place, at the right time, for example, a David Livingston or Dwight L. Moody. In the summer, this old blind veteran sleeps with his window open at night. The flight patterns going to the local airport pass right over my house. Looking into the sky, a sighted person cannot see it, but I can hear a plane cutting through it... the underpinnings of God's magnificent design of support to the plane. Just as he is caretaker of the planets. Have you ever wondered why some people are attracted to you and others, seemingly, are repulsed by you? Again, it is a matter of message. The apostle Paul told us long ago, "Christ in you, the hope of glory." Colossians 1:27. If one does not like you, rejoice, you are in good company because they would not like my Blessed Lord either. The great mystery of my lifetime, everyone-everything made lighter. From the White House, to the State House, to the Courthouse, to the School House, even to the Church House, and perhaps even to your house, whether decency and morality in government, values-absolutes defended-fought-preached we have seen what happens to a 'flimsy" world physically, politically, spiritually.

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