Saturday, January 24, 2015

Free Throws

“Through it all,
through it all,
I've learned to trust in Jesus,
I've learned to trust in God.

Through it all,
through it all,
I've learned to depend upon His Word.”

Chorus of Through it All, Andre Crouch 

In this flight-fight-plight of life there is nothing more troublesome than the study of the human mind, just getting through the supernatural comprehension of what is involved in human intelligence: realizing the mercy, grace of the Creator of the universe-caretaker of its planets and God's direct relationship with the personhood of man and every human dilemma.

This writer wonders how many believers have experimented with prayer, the wondrous love of a Savior whose blood and water gushed from His heart as He died for the sin of the world... The supernatural message of the cross.

Years ago, speaking in many churches, I seldom saw a cross, even a vacant cross. I so love the Catholic crucifix. Every worship service should be engulfed by the "worth-ship" of the pain our blessed Lord freely gave. My pain, as a sightless man, is reaching out-pushing out to those who spend more time before a TV set, in a gym, or in an arena watching millionaire ballplayers run up and down a ball court than they do with God's word; the answer book for every human equation... the greatest power in all the world, the One who created you, sustained you and at last will save you.

What I want to get across here is the fact, and it is a fact, proved over and over, that we are not stuck where we start.

Your writer was born on a dirt road in poverty stricken Eastern North Carolina... no power, phone or water lines. School houses, like church houses, like most houses, were destitute. There were no inside gyms at the school, we played on God's "Good Earth". I would have been to short to play basketball anyway.

I saw my first basketball game after I arrived at UNC, Chapel Hill. There were 13 in my high school graduating class. As in everything else, I was not prepared for college.

Back then, basketball games were played in Woolen Gym where they set up bleachers for national university games. Since then, there has been Carmichael Center and now the famous Gene Smith Center. I could not understand free throws, that from the lunacy involved in playing the game in attempting to make points, some had difficulty making free throws, free points and yet, is this not the history of mankind... God giving man freedom, the gift of life, the gift of salvation?

When anyone asks this Christian what proof he has for the Bible, I state "it is just a three letter word"... "JEW". Study the history of man in the world, learn to trust the "Boss" of the universe. He gave "free throws" to the Jewish people. The death angel "Passover" just because they were Jews, three million slaves lead across a sea bed, water piled on either side just because they were Jews, "free throws". And it has never ended, "free throws", God gave his Son and his Son gave His life.

Even more so, as we maneuver amid victims, towards the goal line, think of those who were born to privilege-ancestry-money, think of those born with superior minds, think of those born with good looks, think of those with talent whether surgery or singing... "free throws".

I never considered this very much until I left the poverty of Eastern North Carolina and encountered the disparity of the world found at an education institution. As children, my father had taken us into town to see the Christmas lights-decorations at the homes of wealth. Most of these people did not even believe in the Christ of Christmas. At the state supported Colleges and University, supported by the taxes of all citizens, even those with dark skins and who were not allowed to enter the University, or put their feet on the sands of the state's white beaches. The disparity-bigotry-discrimination became stigmatized when I learned that some of my friends whose fathers were judges, legislators, big alumni givers got many "free throws" from the University. The University had officials who checked on the sons of prominence regularly to make sure they had no academic or financial problems. My friend Ned, whose father was a Legislator would buy me ice cream with his food allowance. He did not need to work to get through financially or academically. The University via politics in Raleigh, took care of him and so it was with so many others. The poor, the disenfranchised, the disabled, those with black or dark skins, those who did not graduate from military-prep-outstanding high schools did not receive any "free throws" from any place.

If there is anything I have learned in my long life, those who are the recipients of "free throws", think God should be made in their image, not them made in the image of God.

Henry David Thoreau had said "Once you have seen one train wreck, you have seen them all." God knew that sightless, I could not see all the train wrecks of the world, but he wanted me to "sense" the world. We have learned the silliness of warning people about smoking cigarettes, over eating, even the futility of wars against poverty-drugs-terrorism. Most simply do not care. In a world of meism, you sit in a chair surrounded by a circle. Your only interest, that within the circle that surrounds your chair. Within the madness of addictions, sex, greed, we have become profane-decadent creatures. Most of us have very few friends who usually are "free throws". Betrayal of country, friends, even family makes God blush. What kind of idiot had rather be on a landing craft at Normandy, knowing the certain death of bullets, would not have rather had been at home in America with his family, going to a job, enjoying his children. The more mature the saint, the tougher the test. Have you ever considered the "free throws" you enjoy because of the saints and glory who kept our faith, the thousands of veterans buried on foreign soil, who prized this Nation?

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