Thursday, April 23, 2015

Acquiescence to Evil

"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself."-Oscar Wilde

This writer, did not understand for a long time but does understand today the fact that I had a restless  conscious and learned to act upon it. Every minute of every day, I have the cognitive kaleidoscope of images which my sightless eyes could not see, but which my other senses have enhanced. I realized the foolishness of what goes on in America, the challenge of the Christian life, when "Quick fix prayers do not change things." I am an American by birth, like the apostle Paul speaking on Christianity, I have the scars to prove it, "From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus" (Galatians 6:17).

Their is not a maverick molecule in the universe. I know that god, creator of the universe, is "boss" in control of everything. From the time Satan was kicked out of heaven, god put limitations on him. With the first two people our ancestral parents, who he created, Adam and Eve. AND in the perfect Utopia, he prepared for them, the garden of Eden. He established his rights, his parameters "Don't touch that tree."

From the darkness of indignity toward human intelligence, we daily face news cast describing the horror story of this present world. Incomprehensible challenge to ones intelligence. At the very time that working-sweating citizens in servitude, were presenting their taxes to the government for national security, we find landing on the capital grounds, a homemade gyro-contraption, built and flown by a postman from Florida. At the same time we learned that many of our nations young people-products of government schools and talking boxes, are heading towards the Middle-East to join the forces of ISIS. Intent on the chopping off of heads- the destruction of the Christian religion. We learn that many of these young people are attracted to ISIS, just as they are attracted to comic book action figures. There minuscule brain cells, connect ISIS warriors with the figures of Super-Man, Spider-Man, Iron-Man and other action figures. From a country and from homes with every convenience, a country were one third of its population is obese, they convent lands were children still have distended bellies from hunger. Walk around with begging bowls. This writer knows because he has been there. Like Communism, this writer has see what Islam does to the human person-hood as well as countries. We live in a world of consistent inconsistencies, an acquiescence to the low rungs in the ladder. Politicians, like civic minded "do-gooders", are attracted to the non-producers. Emphasis in government, and even churches, is built around the platitudes of service. Yet, those who serve get little recognition... Homemakers, Law abiding citizens, protagonists of the family.

Everything has changed, but are the important things better? We find Job, 1500 B.C probably the richest man of his time. It was only after he had lost everything, wealth, children, servants, even his own wife said, "Curse god and die." That he realized the gains and loses of life. He was probably the first man with aids, sores covering his body. God showed him the intrangency of things, the callousness of friends.

Today is tomorrow that never came. We can do little about the future, nothing about the past. It is always good to have a mental cleansing. To think about what "could have been":

What could have been, if it were not for that baby cry in Bethlehem when god put on a tent of human flesh.
What could have been, if my ancestors had not been brave enough to cross the Atlantic in 1677.
What could have been, if I did not have the parents in which I had; who had me sitting on those hard benches in the family church, teaching me the honor of hard work-saving money-preparing for the future.
What could have been, if this writer had not entered the military service, stayed married to one women. Not burn the midnight oil in hard study-live frugally-invested wisely.
What could have been, if I had died in car crashes which I managed to survive.
What could have been, if I had yielded to the evil in which always presented itself. God has forgiven me for every one of my rotten sins. But what could have been, if god had not chosen me to live with him eternally.

The history of Christianity is so beautifully described with two people, two places, and gods hands. The creator-god pushed Adam and Eve out of that perfect garden because they chose death instead of life. But, god walking and eating with two men, after the resurrection, with his two nail pierced hands, showed us forever our escape from evil. He had been walking-talking with two men on their way to Emmaus. Eating with this two men, breaking bread, They recognized his nail pierced hands. Like us, the world around us, we escape our acquiescence, by thinking of Jesus' nail pierced hands.


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