Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Teaching Generosity Passing on

Dear Dr. Morris

I hope you remember me. My name is George Griggs. I was the recipient of the William Byrd award back in 2017. I hope you don’t mind, but I made mention to Gary that I had been thinking of you and he gave me your email so I could contact you. I was pleased to hear my letter of appreciation that I wrote following my award, was successful in its conveyance of my unimaginable gratitude. So sorry it has been so long since I last wrote to you. I asked Gary if he could give me your email so that I could write to you. I have been thinking of you lately and have wanted to see how you were.  I really wanted to let you know how your gift was used to help so many people.

Firstly, my friend whom I mentioned in the last letter had suffered the heart attack, he is doing very well. He and his family were able to get back on their feet thanks to the kindness of people like yourself. So many wonderful people band together to ensure they had everything they needed. I was able to make some much-needed repairs to my mother’s home. I have been slowly chipping away at them for years. Through your award, I was able to drastically shrink the list of needed repairs. My wife and I also started that account for my daughter Remi. It is an amazing feeling being able to set your children up for a brighter future. I am pleased to be able to do it for my kids. Yes, I said kids. We have started a second account for our new daughter Riley Alysse Griggs. She was born on May 15, 2018. She was near adulthood when she was born, weighing in at 10lbs 11oz. Pretty sure I saw her driver’s license fall to the floor. We just celebrated her first birthday. She and her sister are little blonde haired blue eyed angels. They can be devils when they want to be. But this is what God intended for us and I could not be more grateful. We have recently purchased our first home. We are excited to be able to make our home in Goldsboro NC. For a time it seemed as if I may have to leave UMO. That is an option I really don’t want to entertain. Thankfully things have worked out for the moment to keep me here.

Your award was even more of a blessing than you could ever imagine. It helped to make so many positive outcomes for so many people. The University and its family are blessed to have someone like you helping to promote the idea of charity. The stories that Gary has told me of your generosity and faith has motivated me to want to do more. I think one key to a happy life is to realize that it isn’t about what you have, but rather what you have to give. If you are blessed, then be the blessing for others who need the miracle.

I have tried to get the IT Department more involved with the community as of the last few years. I was fortunate enough to have been able to organize an annual toy drive to help support the Pediatrics Department at Wayne Memorial/UNC Hospital. This past Christmas was the 2nd year. Combined we have collected around 400 toys. I am working on an idea of possibly doing a toy drive in July for them as well. The head of the department mentioned that they tend to run low on toys around the middle of the year.

I was happy to have recently worked alongside Dwayne McKay to donate some gently used computers to the Boys and Girls Club here in Mount Olive. Dwayne approached me about the idea, which I took to my boss Robert Pruett, who agreed wholeheartedly to allow me to prepare the computer for them. When we update our systems here at the University, we are left with some really good systems that will likely just be tossed. The systems they were using were so old that the kids could barely use them. Now they have some good quality computers for them to utilize for play or schoolwork. We have also donated some systems to the Woman’s Shelter in Goldsboro. They take in so many battered and abused woman and children that they really were struggling to afford technology that could benefit the families in play and work.

It is awesome to work at a place that allows and encourages you to spread charity. I want you to understand that you have been an inspiration, not just to me but to everyone who has had the honor of coming to know you. I hope this letter helps to lift your spirits. You are in my family’s thoughts and prayers. Thank you for everything you do for others.
George Griggs
George Griggs
Infrastructure Administrator
SAS (Statistical Analysis System) Administrator
System Support Technician
Department of Information Technology
University of Mount Olive
634 Henderson Street
Mount Olive, NC 28365
1-800-653-0854, ext: 1350
DID: 919-635-2783
Email: GGriggs@UMO.edu

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