Tuesday, October 15, 2019

October 15, 2019

Not on this Field

Soft comes the hush of eventide
And songbirds hide
In limbs of budded trees
To bid farewell to setting sun
With lullabies they've sung
Each night for centuries.

A lark is winging swiftly home -
Black dot alone -
Beneath auroral clouds.
All nature makes a homeward rush
As twilight's rosy blush
The eyes of night arouse.
- “Twilight” by Margaret Yacavace

The only way the news media, the democrat party, the ACOU can succeed in controlling the First Amendment of our marvelous constitution, pertain to birth control, abortion or differences in gender is to eradicate the conscience of mankind. The communist-liberals do not want more poor people, more minorities to exist, they want to control. This is why Margaret Sanger, her book on Eugenics (Margaret was a friend of Adolf Hitler), called black people, “weeds”. It is amazing that the very organization she founded, Planned Parenthood, is now supported by blacks and the poor, and the liberals. They should have told her ilk, long ago, “We will not play on this field.” We live in a world of absolutes, right and wrong, sour and sweet, good and evil, God told us long ago you cannot get sweet and bitter from the same well. “Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter,” (James 3:11).
In the community where the writer was reared, his parents, grandparents, great grandparents before him, on both sides, at the crossroads, not far from my grandfather’s plantation home, the large two-room schoolhouse which my mother attended as a child… With its belfry for a bell, outside-toilets, and a hand pump for drinking water. My mother’s great aunt, for whom she was named, was the teacher. Back of this large schoolhouse, owned by the county, still standing, was a large ballfield and right on to this day, was well-known for ball teams that play in this ballfield. I have talked about before, my cousin’s general store, here at this crossroads, and, since he owned most of the land around this ballfield, and, since he profited at the ballgames, he had built bleachers behind home-plate. My great uncle was coach of the local ball team.
But, one Saturday afternoon, when a visiting team came, they refused to play on the field, because the field has not been prepared. The cows had been tethered to eat grass on the field. Young men do not want to fall in cow manure when catching a ball, so the coach of the visiting team said they would not play on that field. The game was transferred to the high school about a mile away where there was a better playing field… I believe the only time it ever happened. Because the local team took care to scrape and prepare the ballfield from then on. There are defects in the “mind-fields” of many people. There are more slaves in Muslim countries than any other nations in the world. Islam has always been a religion of warfare, Muhammed owned the slaves and believed in warfare. America’s own military started with a navy that had to fight Muslim bandits along the North African coast, “shores of Tripoli.” Our national anthem, Star Spangled Banner, is about freedom. But, even today, “Reverend” Al Sharpton promotes a plantation mentality, the Democrat party supported almost 100% by those who would be enslaved… Enshrined civil rights… By justice, Sharpton would be in jail for tax evasion. We have found that liberals and conservatives, minorities, religious and political antagonists, have trouble playing on the same field.
This writer has been in mosques, where only the men are kneeling inside, women are kept out. Early Christian churches, found it “proper” to seat men on the right side of the church, women on the left. It was only in the amen corner, near the pulpit, that old couples sat together. I can still see cousin Connie and Zelphia, cousin Bet and Ernest, cousin Mary and Will, cousin Cassy and Luther, and my own grandparents in the amen corner. But eventually, they all came together. Not so, in the Qu’ran, or the Muslim faith.
If a disciple of Jesus is not journeying to serve, there is no reason for the trip. As the “mother goose” book said, “If you do not where you are going, it makes no difference which road you take.” If we are all just impulse buying, just jumping from one collection to another… Politics-religion-civic or other responsibilities, liberal fascism, then we need to get grounded in some fundamental truths. Truth is truth whether anyone believes it or not, and Jesus told us that he is truth. This is one field on which we can play, with certainty and with confidence. I believe that faith is a verb, “Action based on belief, sustained by confidence.” Your blind writer has walked by faith, not by sight. Christianity is not complicated, just tough. It is not easy to turn the other cheek, to forgive as Jesus forgave, to love your neighbor as yourself. I have some neighbors whom I cannot believe anyone would love… Such as the child abusers across the street, such as the women who can talk so sweet to their dogs, and have nothing but hatred to express toward other human beings. Were things any worse before Noah’s flood? Is there any spirit of awakening when we see mass killings such as Las Vegas, fires such as in California, hurricanes such as in Texas and Florida. Do we actually believe that God will not permeate our field of dreams, our field of ambition, our field of good health or wealth?

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