I have been one of the largest and best known antiquarian book collectors for many years of my life. With my many rare hardcover first editions I have a rare collection of old comic books. By the way, old comic books are worth more than old first editions. One of the first copies of Superman, only 75 were produced in the first printing, recently sold for over one million dollars. I owned one of these first copies of Superman, which was stolen out of my house by one of the University students here...a student supported by your taxes...a student paid by me to help me in my work but who came here with his mind focused on one thing, to steal some of my best books. Of course, the University, law enforcement, as usual, did nothing. I called the boy's father, who lived in Cary North Carolina, and the father said, “I am not surprised”. I can say without fear of contradiction, as one who worked his way through eight years of University and who has always tried to give college students a chance to work, we have a new day of college student...young people who have no respect for anything or anyone...not even an old blind veteran.
Some of the first comic characters were called “Looney Tunes”. From 1929 to 1970 Looney Tunes characterizations were played in theaters. The shorts were usually played before the main feature, funny nonsensical, activations, which got the audience relaxed, in the mood for the main feature. Let's face it, we have become a world “seeking escape” from the harsh realities of life. This has been brought on mostly by television, a system which brings the world right into your living room or bedroom. No matter what it is, going on in the world, Olympics, ball finals, beauty pageants, political hyperbole, you can watch anything in your own house but, it is often more enjoyable to watch it with someone else.
In large bars and clubs near sports arenas and mostly in sports centered cities, bars are now selling season tickets for the viewing of sports activities. A table in one of these bars sells for $500. This includes a free drink for everyone at your table, and your viewing the activity on a large screen TV. In most cities, such as Fenway Park in Boston, the season tickets have been sold out. You will notice that even in this time of depression, when unemployment is edging 20%, when inflation is edging 20%, when there is moaning and groaning from every direction about the economy, the future of this country and the world, the sports arenas are still filled. Movie houses are still filled with patrons. There seems to be no depression in attendance at private clubs and bars. People always have money to spend on what they want. People still expect the government to supply your needs so you can spend your money on your wants.
It did not start with Marie Antoinette, wife of Louis XVI, who said when informed that the people did not have bread, “let them eat cake”. I thought of this when I stood in the hall of mirrors in the palace at Versailles, where the WWI peace documents were being signed and a young waiter, Ho Chi Minh, brought from the French protectorate Vietnam, appealed to Woodrow Wilson for help for his country...enslaved by France. I stood in the largest arena in Rome, the Roman Colosseum, which seated 50,000 people, where the people watched the circus...just keep the people entertained...they will become easily enslaved. I stood in the amphitheater in Ephesus, Turkey, which seated 28,000. Here the people were entertained and could briefly escape their enslavement. Even in 1975, when the USSR still had back breaking control over the Russian people the only time I saw any smiles in the entire country of Russia, was at the world famous circus in Moscow.
Many lives could have been saved, much grief and pain would not have been experienced, if “Looney Tunes” world power brokers would have paid attention to the problems of the underclass. In his 1978 Memoirs, the biography of David Rockefeller, on page 405, we are told that he is a globalist and the most famous quote of his existence...this man of the trilateral commission and the World Commission on Foreign Relations, “some men are born to rule, most are born to be ruled”.
Life is in the blood. A historical, Biblical fact, which no one can dispute, Abraham, first Jew, brought by God 600 miles from his birthplace to a land to which God led him, knowing that his “chosen people” would spend 400 years in slavery and then leave slavery richer than when they went in, one man, Moses, taken from an ark of salvation in the Nile river, an ark made of brush, pitch and slime, actually given room and board, the best education the world had to offer, from the hands of Pharaoh's own daughter, his own mother Jaquebed, raising him, and yet, after 40 years as Pharaohs' son, after 40 years as a shepard/learner in the desert, was finally ready for God's service.
In any nation, including America, a soldier is decorated for the shedding of blood. It takes persistence and discipline to be ready for service, not the type service the world recognizes in a Rockefeller, Kennedy, Bush, or even crowned royalty.
In the year 4990 B.C., God destroyed the earth with a great flood. (Gen 6:12-13) Next time, and it cannot be long, the earth will be destroyed by fire. (2 Pet 3:5-7) WHO CARES? Man wants what he wants when he wants, moral, spiritual, physical. You can listen to the “Looney Tunes”, music played on your radio or television, you can listen to the “Looney Tunes” of your supposed pastors and protectors of your spiritual salvation. You can listen to the “Looney Tunes” of the politicians and power brokers of your government, both local and global, and know that most are just puppet characters, strings being pulled by Satanic forces of evil, who's loyalty is only with self, not you. The American Constitution is punctuated by checks and balances. Americans are insured by it's Constitution being the only anti-government Constitution in the world. This is the genius of the American constitution, we are permitted to rebel.
Even Franklin D. Roosevelt, in his four freedoms, were expressed as follows;
The first is freedom of speech and expression -- everywhere in the world.
The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way -- everywhere in the world.
The third is freedom from want -- which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants -- everywhere in the world.
The fourth is freedom from fear -- which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor-- anywhere in the world.
Our Constitution also permits us to bear arms...essential not only for our own defense but for the hunting of food if necessary. Americans also knew that it might become necessary to defend self against government. Anyone who trusts the government is too dumb to vote. Not one living American should have trusted Bush 41 or 43, certainly not Clinton, and who would trust Obama except a real retard-ate? At the top of every ballot should be one question, “do you trust your government?” If the ballot is marked yes, the ballot should be immediately thrown out.
We now know of what Greenspan spoke, when he said, there was too much “irrational exuberance” in the stock market. The crooked bankers just turned over worthless mortgages to government, Freddie and Fanny crooks, who turned them over to the unsuspecting world. It started with the bubble on the stock market, then the bubble in the housing market, then the bubble in the bailout market. Bubbles have been squashed all over the enslaved taxpayer who is now just trying to survive as “Looney Tunes” politicians and bureaucrats tell him how dumb he is for having believed them and not believing them now in getting him out of this quandary. The inmates are running the asylum singing “Looney Tunes” as the whores on the Potomac get ready to sell you to the highest bidder. 90% of the GNP will now go to pay the national debt.
George Washington, richest President to ever lead this country, who said, “I had rather be on my farm than be Emperor of the world”, at another time further said, “government is a dangerous servant and a fearful master”.
This week, Mr. Obama had an after Easter prayer breakfast...with such theological greats as Joel Osteen and several black preachers. He will dance to the “Looney Tune” of anyone around him, “Supposed” Christian ministers, Islamic radicals and today Russian Atheists as he signs away Americas defense shield. Washington and those in Washington do not yet realize we are in a moral free fall, abortion, homosexual agenda, eugenics, radical bankruptcy (California and Los Angeles are already in bankruptcy). Most municipalities, states, on the verge of bankruptcy.
We have the prescription for cure, but do not chose to use it.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2Ch 7:14)
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