Elvis Costello said, “I used to be disgusted, now I am just amused.”
I used to think working hard, living according to God's plan, behaving yourself in every way would get you somewhere in life. When you listen to the news over the state controlled media, when you observe the world and those who love the world (1Jo 2:15), you realize that those who are just laid back, taking life easy, doing little or nothing at all are enjoying most of the success the world has to offer.
I was always in a hurry, this is when I had eyesight. Always going up stairs two or three steps at a time … running everywhere … driving fast. I knew that life was short and we only had a short time to accomplish. I had to learn to say no graciously. Often, particularly on Sunday, I would have several speaking engagements, trying to prepare for the next, driving from one to the other. God has a way of slowing us down, taking the “hurry” out of our life. When you are totally blind, you move very slow. You are put on your face before HIM depending on His quantum astuteness and defense.
In the Koran, God is referred to as Holy only twice. When you diminish the Holiness and Righteousness of God, you diminish self.
Larry King, now getting his 7th divorce, asked a Christian minister recently if God is Christian. King, Jewish, likes to throw these hard balls at those who think they know where they stand. I find that most people have never really considered their stands on anything, totally unable to defend themselves, suffering “whiplash” when faced with a debate on issues.
Japan has been in a deep depression since 1990, 20 years. They are having much trouble pulling out if it … a population of old people living off the government, young people no longer having children to pay the great tax burden. The same thing has happened in 21 other countries. Greece has now been debunked to junk-bond status … so has Portugal and Spain. The recent Senate hearings demonstrate forever what it is like for crooks in banking finance to have an anger quotient of hurry to get filthy rich. It is the instability, fraud, and craziness in government, during my lifetime, that has created this insane dependence on government … everyone wanting government to take care of all their needs and they, just spending their money on their wants. Spoiled, lazy young people whose ancestors were hard working, God fearing entrepreneurs now just think that life is one big vacation.
California, the love and lazy paradise capitol of the world, where people just live to impress one another with their looks and their lust is now in a state of absolute bankruptcy. So, is New York and New Jersey, states where 100 years ago, migrants flocked for just the opportunity of work and responsibility. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), sponging off reserve monetary systems from around the world, is throwing billions of dollars at these “sinking” nations, just running the printing presses night and day, printing out more worthless money created from thin air … nothing to back it up. Why not do this for California, New York, New Jersey, all the states? Why not just let everyone eat, drink and be merry?
I often wonder what type dreams these “greed vendors” of the world have at night. Lack of mind control during the day will lead to lack of mind control even in dreams. Lack of mind control will lead to incredulous Satanic actions (robbery of your fellow man whether breaking into his house or fleecing his stock portfolio … cheating your fellow man with fees in his various accounts or short changing him at the fast food restaurant). Sin is sin, regardless of it's height, depth, or above all, transparency. I find that most sinners think they are going to get by with something whether picking your pockets in a downtown alley or skyscraper banking board room.
When will we learn, poor or rich, educated or uneducated, that we are vessels of God? “For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.” (1 Cor 2:16)
The worst case of “whiplash”, and many have already experienced it, when we meet our maker, created in his image, the maker and creator of the universe, and realize that our stupid transgressions where so miniscule compared to the power always available to us … just for the asking.
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