The most effective weapon Satan has in his arsenal is the weapon of discouragement. I said to a young man this very morning, “You are going to be surprised how much you learn in your lifetime, if you are fortunate to live to my age”. Because, when I was his age, and I don't own one article of clothing as young as he is. Because, I had a good mind a healthy body, acceptable eyesight, I thought I had the world figured. It is amazing how much I have learned with age. It is amazing how smart my father became, when I went to college. When I was the age of this young man, I thought old people were such a drag... so uneducated... so ignorant. I'm embarrassed now to think how much I discounted years of experience and study... just living. I'm embarrassed now to think of the first patients in my office, how little I knew as a doctor. I'm embarrassed now, to think how little I knew when I was up speaking before large groups of well informed people. I'm embarrassed now, to think how little I knew about God's Word as I filled pulpits around the country... the saints who were in the audience and knew so much more than I did... not only about the Bible but the many other books that have been written by the great minds of Faith... Charles Spurgeon, C.S. Lewis, R.G. Lee, etc.
I have participated in some large funerals in my life... men, successful by every measure, wealth, power, biography. Never, at one of these funerals, did I hear anyone speak of his automobile, his beautiful home, his golf score. They always talked about his love of God, family, and country. They always spoke of his compassion for others. Giving of himself. Following, the great example of Jesus Christ.
One, the first graduate of North Carolina State University, E.C. Matthews who died at age 100, with a marvelous family whom he loved very much, friends everywhere who, as an engineer, actually designed and built the church in which his funeral was held. He always had a word of encouragement for everyone and that is the way he is remembered. Another, who's father helped design and build the Brooklyn Bridge, was a Deacon in Bellvue Baptist Church most of his life. Always there, I don't believe he ever took a vacation. He could have been on a yacht or at a seaside villa but he was there to encourage the pastor and his fellow members. Another gentile-man, a member of first Baptist Church here in this city, who always wanted to attend the Southern Baptist convention with me had a gentile heart for children. His two sons did not turn out very well but, he told me, “they are mine and I am responsible. Perhaps I did not encourage them enough”.
God has blessed me to be able to return for his glory much of my income which I direct through his direction for awards and scholarships at colleges. My message in the thousands of dollars given for this purpose, always, this is my way of encouraging those who need financial help … particularly those who are disabled. I financed a loan fund, at one college, so any student studying, preparing for full time Christian work can always get funds … interest free. The college just asks them to repay the money when able.
“Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all [men]. See that none render evil for evil unto any [man]; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all [men]. Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing.” (1Th 5:14-17) These words, from the Apostle Paul, to the Christians at Thessaloniki are ever the words of encouragement for the church. Joyfully, we focus on God instead of circumstances. We pray without ceasing.
The most dangerous words in the world, are words found in Christ's instructions to his Apostles on prayer … most people call this the Lord's Prayer … it is not the Lord's Prayer because Christ did not ask for forgiveness. (Mat 6:9-13)
Think of what is involved when you pray in this prayer, forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. In other words, we ask God to forgive us just as we forgive others. Think of those you have not forgiven … even family members … the most unforgiving people I have ever known are members of your own family.
It is a mystery which only God can explain, how a woman and man can so love one another, marry, have children … then divorce and have such a hatred for one another even though their own children share their DNA, family backgrounds. Your own children, whether you live with your spouse or not need the encouragement from the love of both parents, the security of family involvement. Usually it is a matter of in laws, the reason the parents of children cannot act civilized after divorce.
On further down in the Lord's Prayer, “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil” (Mat 6:13). My analytical chemistry professor, Dr. JT Dobbins at UNCCH, reminded me long ago, there should be a corollary here. Why should Christians ask God to deliver them from temptation and deliver them from evil, when many times, particularly with the liquor stores and the lottery, Christians go to the poles in lock-step to vote for putting temptation into the way of their fellow man? We, of all people, should want God to keep temptation and evil from the “lost and dying”.
Encouragement can be such a small thing, the spoken word, the smile, or gentleness. Patience is truly a virtue … it is better to wait than to work. I'm inpatient with myself because I am so impatient with others, particularly, telemarketers. Remember, if you know someone who is blind, let the phone ring many times because it takes a blind person more time to get to the phone and, blind people cannot use cell phones … in most cases. There is no encouragement like the encouragement given to sick people. I heard Dr. James Dobson say that 80% of all people in nursing homes never have a visitor. One of my friends, Eddie Jones, after he retired, volunteered in an exclusive Florida nursing home for a time … a nursing home which cost patients over 6000 dollars per month. He said, “I could not work there, totally neglected people”.
Encourage young mothers, remember, we were all young one time.
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