Hairem Scarem
One of the most interesting courses of study in the world is Political Geography. I will never forget my Political Geography professor … the “whys” of this world. Why does a city grow in a certain place? Why are some countries more “warfare” significant than others? Why are some nations so much richer than others? It is all a matter of geography and political integrity.
Rivers for transportation … cities growing at strategic points on those rivers. Harbors and bays on land masses leading to international commerce and traffic (Hong Kong, World's Largest Port, Shanghai, 2nd largest port, NYC Harbor, San Francisco Harbor etc.). Mineral wealth, oil and coal deposits, fertility of land. For instance, there is no place in Russia that has 20 inches of rainfall a year. This is not considered even good pasture land in America. The continent of Africa has great mineral wealth but because of the antagonism, constant warfare of tribes, it has never been developed. Only in South Africa, where diamonds and gold have been mined, where all resources have been made available to the world, has prosperity flourished. There are more automobiles in South Africa than all the other African nations combined.
The prosperity of any country depends on the prosperity and welfare of it's citizens. Western Civilization was pushed by religious convictions and a culture of responsibility and work ethic. Only when the evils of Socialism take over, citizens learn that they can sit around and do nothing at the expense of their neighbors, does the nation begin it's fall … recently, Iceland, Greece, England etc. An industrious population will always succeed. In my trips to Israel, the Holy Land, I was amazed at the industriousness of the people. They turned this baron land into a productive cyclone while, all around them, their lazy cousins, the Arabs, just sit around, mostly in Cafes, drinking tea (mostly men) all day long, their wives working, caring for children.
Long ago, when first in these Arab countries, I noticed men were always riding on donkeys, the women and children walking behind. My guide said, “I think the women want the man well rested. This accounts for all the children.”
Economics, in itself, tells one much about the prosperity of a country. It tells you much about the difference in the prosperity of individuals. Individuals who work hard, save their money, invest wisely, are always the goose that lays the golden egg of prosperity of a nation. Excessive taxation of the achievers, excessive bureaucracy, hand outs to the non-achievers all plays a part in the how and why of national decline. If a man is smart enough to make money, he is usually smart enough to keep it. With the pending Socialism, then Communism of America the “haves” are trying to keep what they have from the “have-nots”. When you have a Democrat political party totally in power, any wisdom shows that an attempt to equalize and spread the wealth under the Marxist system leads to conflict. With super-inflation brought on by un-payable debt, worthless currency, corruption in traditional investing (Goldman Sachs and other banking and financial lending practices), most are looking for other involvement.
The collectibles market is showing a real spurt in activity. For years, my business of collectable marketing has been at a standstill. Recently, there has been new interest in buying antiquarian books, even paintings and prints, collectables of every type. Almost every advertisement on television or radio pertains to the buying of gold or other precious metals. I am told that jewelry is being bought as an investment. Most collectables, at least for now, are hidden from the tax appraiser. Ad valorem taxed land and buildings were once a good investment. Now, all the wild spending politicians not getting revenues from sales taxes are out to raise taxes on your property, that which can be easily appraised. I have tax receipts from family land 200 years ago. It is amazing how little taxes were on large parcels of land. If you want to destroy development, construction, kill jobs and business opportunities, just keep raising taxes.
50% of the population does not pay any income tax, does not own any real property. So, not only do the achievers pay a large slice of their income in income taxes but must support the schools, hospitals and public works with their property tax. In the early years of America, only property owners were allowed to vote. The founders, as did Alex de Tocqueville in writing about America, knew that the time would come when those riding in the wagon would have to be pushed and dragged by their fellow citizens … that government workers through finagling, one way or another would have their nose in the trough and that government civil workers, along with those just content to subsist on welfare would take up the largess provided by the doers … the walkers not the talkers. As with everything in life, religious, political, social, it is easier to talk than to walk.
We are looking towards scary times, twice as many bank closings this year as last. With the government taking over a large slice of the small amount left, not already under government control, socialized healthcare will put us into the dungeon of economic advance. Have no delusion, the recession, in spite of what Obama has said, is not over … not even close. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Pray that we can retreat from military involvement in these destitute areas of the world where nothing will be accomplished except further spending of our talent, time and treasury. Pray that Americans will come to their senses and relieve political tyrants from their destruction.
Mexico has been in full collapse for five years, many from Mexico have simply walked across the border. The Democrats know what they are doing, they stopped the building of the fence in order to ensure that large voting block. The New World Order wants to destroy this country. Bush 41 was the first to introduce the idea, his father before him, Senator Prescott Bush, was a Nazi sympathizer. As a real Republican, as a real conservative, a real Christian, not a fake Republican, fake Conservative, fake Christian like Bush 41 or 43 we repudiate what this one family has done to this country. But, just think what is happening now.
With Goldman Sachs, we saw unbridled greed. With the past three Presidents, past three Congresses, we are seeing American chaos. Dishonestly on the athletic field is easily recognized, even a crooked umpire. With your vote, force the dishonest politicians, the dishonest bankers, back into their closet of depraity.
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