Today is Earth Day, a day set aside since 1970 to celebrate the environment, the fullness and goodness of mother Earth. Earth Day was started by Senator Gaylord Nelson. The day is celebrated in every country on Earth at present time.
Until the year 1900, most of the world's populations lived in rural areas. Before the time of the Industrial Revolution in the late 1800s, almost all children were exposed to the sanctity of the Earth. How well I remember, as a child, the first day my mother would let us go barefoot. Having worn shoes all winter, the dirt felt so good to my feet … it still does. It is unfortunate that most children are not reared on a farm today … then they would know the sacredness of dirt … soil in which seeds grow … God having put every element, every mineral into the Earth for life, flora or fauna.
If the crust of the Earth were gold, men would lie, cheat, steal and kill for a handful of dirt. We put a value on scarce things. In the collectibles business, in which I have been involved most of my life, only something scarce, one of a kind, is worth something. Most collectors, spend their entire life just waiting for that one rare item to appear … something which they can sell for much money … a hand written letter from a famous person, a painting from a renowned artist, a sculpture or woodwork from someone who had his own method … never to be duplicated.
There is nothing about the good Earth that can be duplicated. Every element, every mineral, every herb, every rock formation needed to sustain life is present in the Earth. From the Earth, God made man. He breathed into man life and a soul. (Gen 2:7) Every element, in the periodic table has never changed … the atomic weights of every element still the same, you find in the body of a human being. It is just in recent years that the scientist and healthcare field has decided that dirt is good for people. The children who worked on the farm, who sweated, the largest organ of the human body, the skin, coming in to direct contact with dirt, stayed very healthy. One treatment of some diseases today consists of eating clay. Many farm people lived their entire life without ever having gone to a doctor and then it was a country doctor who had enough sense to know the healing qualities of food … grown from the Earth. Today, just about every element and everything good for life, plants or animal, has been leeched from the soil. Artificial fertilizers are instilled into the soil which encourage plant growth but these plants, so bereft of the homeostasis, life giving qualities, you can easily starve to death. The greatest thing you can do for your health is to take supplements daily that you can no longer find in food.
When the two and a half million children of Israel, ex slaves, left Egypt at Kadesh-Barnea they were just a few days travel from the promise land … a land God had told them was filled with “milk and honey”. At one time in this world, the countryside was filled with “milk and honey” … cows eating green nutritious grass, giving nutritious milk, honey bees gleaning the pollen from nutritious flowers … everyone drinking clean, pure water (this was before the time of the poisons of fluoride and chlorine). But, these people, like today's people, thought they knew best and God provided their needs over the next 40 years as they wandered and fell in death in the desert. We feel that Monsanto knows best (and other such chemical conglomerates), hybrid seed, genetically engineered plants, seedless fruits … and we wonder why everyone stays ill. In India alone, 183,000 farmers have committed suicide. They stopped using the seed indigenous to their country, seed adapted to times of drought etc. and started using genetically engineered seed which could not withstand the erratic seasons of India. Failing, crop after crop, the farmer's only exit was death … leaving behind wives and children in this Pagan country.
A person who has never studied history will have little appreciation for Europe. One who has never studied music will have little appreciation for the Opera. One, who has never studied the human body, will have little appreciation for health, the magnificence of God's chief creation, the human body.
I have found, in my long eventful life, that most people put up barriers of ignorance and like to live behind those barriers. There is nothing as pathetic in this world as ignorance. They love to throw in your face, “I do not believe in holistic healthcare”. I want to go to a scientist who has spent his life studying chemicals, their effect on tissue and now spends his time trying to correct what chemicals have done to the body through cancer and other such deadly translucence.
During the past 20 years, even the ignorant academics have finally learned the importance of greenness … nutrition of green, raw plants, life giving photosynthesis of green air (too bad they did not indoctrinate their God, Mr. Al Gore with this knowledge). In England, vines are grown to completely cover buildings.
In the green indoctrination, citizens are asking government to do as much as they do. As with everything else, especially this monstrosity healthcare legislation the government is always behind. Nowhere in this “sick care' legislation do we find intentions to qualify holistic care. It is is with poultices, charcoal, herbs, that we find cures for most ailments. This is the way our ancestors did it. In God's answer book, the Bible, you find everything you need in treatment of health. When will sensible, hard working, God fearing people learn not to put toxins in their body … slow suicide?
[[A Psalm of David.]] The earth [is] the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. (Psalm 24:1)
David gave us these words one thousand years before Christ. The prophets, priests, poets of old knew the critical value and nature of the Earth.
All the ignorance of the world is related to the Devil, not to God.
Your circle of personality includes you mind, spirit and soul.
Without God, you cannot know God. Without the Holy Spirit if God within your body your soul is not magnified. We will all experience clinical death, but our soul, our personality, will live forever. Most Earth Day people do not understand the significance of the Earth, like everything spiritual, foolishness to him.
Life is in the blood. (Lev 17:11) Nutrition is distributed to the cells of your body through the blood … the elements and oxygen your body needs particularly for the brain and central nervous system. One half minute after your brain does not get this nutrition the brain dies. It is essential, that from the good Earth, the nutrition provided by the Earth, our blood being enriched for a life of service to the one who gave us life. Now I know, modern schools and education teaches “from the goo to the zoo to you”. Some smart scientists have tried to manufacture life. Not then, not now, not ever will any scientist manufacture life. Your very life depends on your relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit who gave us everything we need for life.
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