A lost word in most vocabularies, is the word “trust”. You want to trust your child but you are smart to verify the trust. You want to trust employees but you are smart to verify the trust. I have never hired an employee with which I did not impress the importance of trust. I would always say, without exception, “you know you are working for a totally blind man, and I must be able to trust you.” My house is full of nice things, expensive objects, but it is all junk compared to your immortal soul. Much to my sorrow, even though I have never had one who did not express their trustworthiness, it has not worked out that way. One employee, Sherrie, on another floor of my house, would have her husband on the outside taking things to the car which she took to the front door. Just about all my silver disappeared. I just have the “blessed assurance” of knowing that they will get what is coming to them. Both were former Jehovah Witnesses and evidently, mad with the world.
A famous president, Ronald Reagan, was known for his expression, “trust, but verify”. Most Americans do not understand how devastating a nuclear war can be. In an area of a nuclear explosion, you cannot re-enter the area for 50 years. Most of us cannot comprehend the horror of the devastation at Hiroshima and Nagasaki when the first atomic weapons were used in 1945. Just imagine, a city of 100,000, everyone there just evaporating in an instant.
For a long time, America was the only nuclear power, keeping everyone in line, ourselves protected, just by the thought of having this superior power. Then, Russia came along with it's nuclear weapons. Russia had the intentions of fighting a war and winning the war. It's strategic placement of nuclear weapons, it's intensity of bomb shelters, showed it's desire to survive nuclear attack. America, just the opposite, placed it's nuclear silos in the Midwest with the intention of having the silos destroyed without having it's cities attacked. Our fallout shelters have all disappeared. As far as I know, the only Americans who would be protected at a time of a nuclear attack would be the congress and bureaucrats in Washington and military experts elsewhere who would go into tax payer provided, underground bunkers. I understand there are extensive underground facilities on most military bases. More important than nuclear conflict between the great powers, the ones who own most of the bombs, U.S. (owns 90% of all nuclear weapons), China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Israel, is the chance that a rogue nation such as N. Korea or Venezuela...one with the money and bizarre intentions to cause real harm, might acquire on it's own, or one of the famous, so called, suitcase weapons stolen or sold by Russia, from Russia during the bleak days of the Russian economic struggle. It only takes one to start up a holocaust across the world through unintended consequences such as a nuclear cloud. The intrigue of nuclear weapons is a matter of conjecture among the conspiracy crowd but, it is pretty well known that Israel has an umbra of nuclear protection, probably from nuclear submarines, always on the ready. Yesterday, Mr. Obama and Russian President Dmitri Medvedev signed a nuclear arms agreement that will shrink the nuclear arsenals to the levels of the pre-1960s arms race. The agreement signed yeaterday will shrink the nuclear war heads 1/3 to 1500 from the previous 2200.
The agreement signing means nothing unless approved by the U.S. Senate. Mr. Obama, wanting to get some world attention as a peace-nick jumped ahead and got this agreement before the Senate had a chance to act. Surely, there are some senators who well remember how long and how far you can trust the Russians. Surely, there are some military historians who know about the Bay of Pigs fiasco in Cuba. Surely, there are some in congress who know that there are probably already nuclear items available to terrorists in this country. Anyone, who has ever traveled in Russia, China, Korea, Pakistan or any of these nuclear countries know the integrity of their leaders and just how much trust you can put in them. It is just the grace of God that Pakistan and India have not already thrown nuclear weapons at one another...with their long disputed borders and religions. Anyone who has seen the treatment of Russian and Chinese citizens, by their own government, Godlessness, control freaks, “the end justifies the means”, know that a country that so devalues it's own citizens care nothing about the welfare of the world.
I was crossing Russia on the Trans Siberian Railroad. The accommodations for tourists, foreigners, was sparse at best. Accommodations for their own citizens on that train, and I saw them, would make hog traveling, crated trucks seem comfortable. One day, I saw some soldiers pull a citizen off the train and beat him senselessly in full view of everyone. There was a Russian artist on the train, who painted a marvelous scene as a gift for me. He said to me, “I understand in Christian America you believe in Hell, we live in it every day of our life”.
Any time I think of America's relationship with foreign governments I evaluate how difficult it has been for us to win any military conflict with which we have been engaged since WWII...Korea was a standoff disaster, Vietnam was a loss any way you look at it, Iraq is a loss any way you look at it, Afghanistan will be a loss. We seem unable to even protect our ships from pirates. Just this week, a large U.S. Tanker with 36 men aboard was captured by pirates. If America had the backbone it had in WWII, as soon as the pirates made an approach there would not have been a greasy spot left...so fast would have been the shots fired from the tanker.
Congress has had the attitude of mutually ensured destruction involving nuclear warfare...we have such a plurality of warheads that we can wipe away any attacker. The problem is identifying the attacker. It is difficult to identify natural from man made earthquakes. It was learned long ago, that earthquakes can be forced just by drilling down, as if drilling oil and putting a nuclear charge in the ground from which you would normally withdraw oil. Earthquakes are so numerous now, that they are seldom reported unless disastrous. Along the San Andreas fault, the line which runs from South America to the Aleutian Islands, there were several this month...Chile, Mexico etc. Underground nuclear activity is the most dangerous of all because of the tsunamis involved and the ever increasing importance of the world's oil and water supplies.
We think we can determine a controlled demolition. We have reason to believe that the Oklahoma City destruction (Murrah) and even the 9-11 destruction (World Trade) in New York City was a controlled demolition. Explosions, natural or man made, are a result of the release of pinned up energy. Most Americans want to believe that their fellow human beings are too decent to destroy one another. Most Americans, in fact, most citizens of the world, are too much in love with the world, the things of the world, to think that anyone would want to leave it. It is time to realize that the world is a very cruel place and those who do not know, should learn that there is a better place. There was an old song, “This World Is Not Our Home, We Are Just Traveling Through”.
Don't dwell on this nuclear warfare, earthquakes, man's inhumanity towards man.
One of my very elderly friends, had a recording of her husbands funeral, the music, the message, etc. She would play it real often and continue to talk about him, his life, his death, and her loss. One day, I said to her, “perhaps listen to that recording once a year, that is enough”. You no longer have to verify your trust and love for your husband.
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