There have been many great warfare battles in history. Young men and women, who too, only had one life to live … most buried, just wrapped in the flag of their country.
The greatest battle known to scientists, theologians, or anyone else is the battle between God and Satan for your mind. The brain, weighing about three pounds, filled with millions upon millions of dendrites (brain cells or purkinje cells), millions of words of information stored about every sound, smell, vision you have ever experienced. Of the trillions of cells in the human body, there are 14 billion in the brain. The internal structure of each cell contains thousands of pages of information about you and you only. It is the brain that holds memories, calculations, instinctive behavior living with you until your clinical death which, at that time, your soul, only you, will escape into the ether of eternity. Without mass, without weight, you have a soul. It is your soul. The tent of human flesh which you use while on this earth will decay and slowly disintegrate but the most magnificent creation this brain can imagine will live on forever.
No person who has ever lived has used the full capacity of the brain. The human mind is unique in every way … your persona, of the billions of human beings who have lived on this earth, no two alike.
I will never understand why and how an individual will intentionally take chemicals into his body to affect and destroy his mental ability yet, it is done every day … shooting poison directly into the blood vessels, taking poison by mouth or nurturing poisonous, toxic thoughts through the ears or other senses. I suggested to one governor, one time, that all drunks, caught driving under the influence should be forced to spend some time at a mental hospital but, like the time when school children were shown the electric chair at Central Prison, we are so afraid we will abuse the sensitivities of children or even those intent on becoming criminal. In the best homes in town, at the country club,the men and women who drink too much are called alcoholics. In the poor homes in town, down on skid row, those who drink too much beer or ripple are called drunks. None of this is as debilitating as mind altering chemicals.
80% of Gulf War veterans are on Prozac. 80% of Iraq veterans are being treated for mental disorders. This does not include the many receiving pensions for physical disability and rehabilitation … blindness, loss of limbs (wheel chairs), brain and neurological trauma. Most college students are now using psychotropic drugs and many in the workplace, uppers and downers.
Derek Stansbury, a 26 year old Senior Air Force intelligence specialist, reportedly took eight Ambien sleeping tablets before boarding a flight from Europe to America. Sleep walking in the plane, talking about a bomb in his suitcase, the plane was diverted to Maine.
As a veteran of the Korean conflict, still in the hospital during Vietnam, I cannot understand why the military services continuously manifest such problems. Did we not learn anything from Fort Hood, Texas? Not since WWII has America really won a military conflict … Korea mostly a standoff, Vietnam a defeat … brush fires in the Balkans, Panama etc., Iraq a standoff and Afghanistan moving towards defeat. When American troops invaded Iraq, told the Iraqi troops to go home, tried to pass out sandwiches with one hand while shooting at people with the other, I thought, “has Rumsfeld, Rice and George W. Bush gone completely crazy?” Instead of occupying and putting the entire country under curfew, in a short time there was 80% more cars in Iraq than when the war started. Then, they wondered how the people were moving explosives around … blowing up our troops as well as their own people. Does it embarrass anyone that some ragtag pirates from Somalia, in little motor boats are capturing large ships and holding them for ransom?
My thoughts about America's military future have been greatly influenced by some veterans I have hired in recent years … Marine, Air Force, Navy, Army. There are always exceptions but most have no work ethic at all … absolutely no morals. They either just get up and walk out and you never hear from them again or, if because of absolute sorriness, you let one go, he will come back and rob you since he did not take enough while he was employed. Obviously, the military will now take into the ranks anyone of room temperature, still breathing.
A recent poll tells us that only 8% of Americans feel that Congress can solve their problems. TEA parties are a good indication of American's distrust of government. Hundreds are taking place across the country, Republicans, Democrats, Independents. Sarah Palin, former Governor of Alaska and John McCain's running mate, has made 12 million dollars speaking at these TEA party events. She said, “start picking a party, the TEA party system is not a party, you must get involved in one”. The problem, Democrats, who outnumber Republicans, are largely responsible for getting us into this Cap and Trade movement (erasable carbon tax), truth movement (senseless 9-11 attacks), birth movement (Obama's birth certificate), financial dilemma (Democrats Dodd and Franks and the whole Goldman Sachs, bankers, federal reserve, mortgage fiasco).
How can any American, any person who would dare call himself Christian, vote for the Democrat party, gay agenda malarkey, abortion, gay marriage, takeover of 1/6th of the economy with federal controlled healthcare?
Any time, anyone objects to total Democrat control of our lives through government, the race card is played. It has nothing to do with race, rather what is going on in the mind.
Th country is about equally split between liberals and conservatives. On the liberal side, about 15% of the 50% are blacks and gays. They are totally committed to turning this country into a Communist cauldron of lawlessness and deceit … anything goes as long as it does not require work or morality. About 15% of the other 50% are staunch, hardcore conservative fundamentalists. They were, at one time, called evangelicals but, there are so many pretenders in the evangelical movement. For instance evangelicals voting for the liberal doubled in the last election (Kerry 16%/Obama 32%). Even Catholics, the most fundamental, religious, pro-life denomination voted 54% for Obama. Catholics, largest denomination, controlling 70% of America's vote, could keep America Christian however, like Protestants, Baptists, they love the world, and the things of the world more than they love God.
When the Holy Spirit of God permeates one's being, the Holy Spirit of God controls one's life and actions. From the beginning of time, there have been pretenders … those religious, church people who have presence of mind enough to get into the church house, sit on a pew, and then stand, with hymn book in hand and sing about “loyalty to Christ” or “Savior, like a Shepard lead me” then, like the world, and the Pagans of the world, we'll go to the polls … same brain, same mind, same heart and vote Paganism. Now, do you understand, why we are in the mess we are in, militarily, financially, scholastically, politically and religiously? Now, can you understand why there is so little patriotism, propriety, prosperity?
The financial tsunami, the pending international conflict in Iran, the pandering and pampering of gays and blacks in state capitols, every area of the socioeconomic system, the academic system will not solve the problem.
Satan has never been very concerned with your feet, he wants control of your mind. History shows us that very few minds have been totally committed to goodness and generosity. It is time to start. This is the “Battle Front”.
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