Jimmy Stewart and Jane Wyman starred in the 1947 movie, Magic Town. Here is what Stewart had to say about the town, “I've been searching for a town like this for years. You know, when I got off that train this morning, I said to myself "This is it." I've just walked through your town, folks, with its shade trees and its lovely parks. I stood before your impressive buildings mellowed with age, and I said to myself "Here is a sturdy challenge to the evils of the modern era." I watched your people on the street, and I felt their vitality and their sense of security. Your children are happy. They're happy. You can see it in their dear little faces, and hear it in their wholesome talk. There's beauty here. It's almost indescribable. You're used to it, you're all a part of it, you take it for granted. But to me, it's a hope and a dream of a lifetime. I too want to become a part of it. Please don't change it.”
I firmly believe this is what most people feel about their own home town...unless it has been ruined by modern day political corruption and losses brought on by the economic debacle of jobs and industry being moved to foreign countries (NAFTA, CAFTA), companies trying to survive the social-ethological strictures applied by sociological ideology.
I live in the historic part of this old port city. Before the Chief of Police sent a uniformed police officer (SGT Buster Yost) to my house to tell me that I should stay off the streets, stay in my house with the doors locked, needing some fresh air and sunshine like everyone else, this totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer veteran, was still able to get out and walk around his block each day. Crime is so bad in the city now that the citizens who pay the taxes, like me, are locked up while the criminals control the streets.
But, for many years, as I would walk on the street in this historic area, many visitors to the city would stop me and say pretty much the same thing as the Jimmy Stewart quote. They would say, “this is the type old city I have always wanted to live in. I love the old buildings, the great trees, the beautiful plants. It all seems so real, so American.”
What has happened? Will the sociologist-communist politicians who dictate the direction of this country be happy when all cities are Detroits, bleak, unmanageable, without future, a profile in failure? Will these social engineers be happy when cities are like Los Angeles...bankrupt...spending tax payer dollars on people and things that do not pay taxes? Will the prophets of the New World Order be happy when small business is bereft of profits, when all public servants are just public masters and all politicians are just phony exploiters of the get rich quick mentality? Bank robbers said they robbed banks because that is where the money was. Today's politician opportunists seek public office because this is where hoards of public money is located. It is simply a matter of getting close enough to it to magically transfer it into your pocket. “Magic Town” has now become the magician type phenomenon of keeping the populous so busy with the problems facing them (crime, utility problems etc.) that they do not realize and recognize the magical ability, through public authorities and other cash cow milking to magically transfer the huge tax payments massaged from your pockets into their pick-pocket mentality.
This is what has happened to your town, your home town, the place you try to get back to from war, from college, from distant work, from foreign travel. It makes no difference where you go, the beauty of other places, the glitter of other streets, there is still no place like home. The first time I was in Moscow, as I boarded a TWA plane to return to America, the Captain standing at the door said to me, “they happiest people I ever see are those going home from horrible places like this. It makes you appreciate home.” Now, Moscow had beautiful subway stations with paintings on the walls, chandeliers, marble floors. New York City has the great lights on Broadway, the white way, Los Angeles has the glitter of Hollywood, Las Vegas has the flashing of the strip but, everyone wants to go home, “there is no place like home”. The most corrupt city of all, the great whore house on the Potomac, is Washington D.C., the nation's capitol. How did it get that way? We were not careful enough in whom we sent there, puppets, perverts, posers, portrayers of decency at home, but easily bought and paid for in a “smoke filled room”.
An old preacher, said long ago, “a Christian is someone as responsible at noon time in his hometown where everyone knows him as he is at midnight in a foreign city where no one knows him”. We chose products and money and advertising instead of patriots of principle. We chose popularity instead of posterity. We looked at the outside instead of analyzing the inside. We believed in what their own advertisements said about them rather than asking God what he knew about them.
Joseph Kennedy, one of the most corrupt Catholics to ever live, said there are three rules to succeed in politics. “The first rule is money, the second rule is money, the third rule is more money”. We have the best politicians that money can buy and, when you have money you have what money can get you. When you have patriotism you have what patriots can get you. When you have prayer, you have what God can get you. Is it any mystery, does it take a high IQ for anyone to realize that in the home town, your town, or their town, we need what God can give us? This is truly magic, supernatural, more supernatural than Harry Potter, The Da Vinci Code, The Double-Helix...God's inspired, inerrant, infallible word, his message about government as everything else is eternal truth.
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