Mr. Larry King, liberal heartthrob of America's decadent Democrats, known for his suspenders is about as well known for his many wives. This week, according to press reports, he is divorcing his 7th wife due to a matter of irreconcilable differences.
It has been irreconcilable differences that has changed history in America, getting caught up in personalities or promiscuousness, products of profiteering, paganism and propriety. It was President Eisenhower's heart attack in 1955 which lead to the introduction of cholesterol … the fact that Americans were eating too much meat and carbohydrates, we came up with “wheatless Monday” and , “meatless Tuesday” in an effort to cut back on cholesterol. Without any scientific evidence Americans fall into the trap of believing anything state media will promote.
Recently, during the coldest winter on record, besmirched by Global Warming, Mr. Obama and his overheated Communist sympathizers decided to put an international tax on us using cap and trade or global warming as a vehicle, since we are not paying enough in local, state and federal taxes. Now, comes the VAT tax (Value Added Tax). How well I remember the country “hog killings”, when the fat, lazy hogs were scalded in a vat of hot water. Their hair cleaned from the body, then attached to a gallous, were hoisted and gutted. Perhaps, after the vat, not having paid enough, we too, will be hoisted and gutted.
There was a time, when Americans voluntarily paid their tax because of character, integrity, love for liberty.
The wedding ring on a man's hand signifies the never ending bond of marriage … no ending, total encirclement. So it is with love of country, no ending, total encirclement. You are always anxious to pledge allegiance to the flag ... not like today's occupant of the White House who does not even put his hand over his heart as the civilian gesture, running down his own country and other world capitols. There are many reasons to find fault with your government but, as with the old song, “Love It or Leave It”.
A good marriage, good health, good government, good life … all takes work. Many have lost the spirituality of work. Whether cutting the soil with a plow in the field, whether cutting the bread of life growing in a field with a scythe or cutting out cancerous tissue in the hospital surgery emporium, all work should be honest, worthy of integrity.
I am the first to tell you that government taxation has taken about everything that is not nailed down. Now, the government has come with a crowbar, taking what is nailed down (thousands of new employees at the IRS). Look in the mirror, you have no one to blame but the one in the reflection. Your vote, your stance against oppression is the determining factor involving your future and that of your family. A child born in the local hospital this morning owes the government $48,000 at birth.
Americans will learn to live as carefully before the pending disaster as they will after the disaster, the pending disaster of a terrorist strike or that of trying to repay the un-payable American debt.
My passport has been stamped in 157 countries of the world. I have traveled through every continent, most countries several times. Most of the world's population lives in dirt … particularly those below the 30th parallel.
America has forgotten it's blessings, Constitutionally illiterate and more importantly Biblically illiterate. Joseph, the Earthly father of Jesus and our blessed Lord himself could show us much about the value of work and the values of life. Can you not just hear Joseph telling Jesus, “measure twice and cut once”? We have forgotten our values, forsaken the good sense of our founders and the blessedness of almighty God.
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