Brave New World, Aldous Huxley 1931 book is based on H.G. Wells book, Men Like Gods. When we look at today's newspaper headlines, we think of Gomer Pyle “Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!” We are living in the brave new world, with men, particularly in our nations capital, who think they are Gods ... Too good for hard work, too smart for anything except corruption ... physically beautiful men are attracted only to other men ... women are attracted only to other women. In Lyndon Johnson's administration, his assistant Jenkins, was caught in a gay situation at the YMCA. Now, its seems that most elected and non-elected are coming out of the close t... Almost, putting Barney Frank on the sidelines.
Every advance in the homosexual agenda comes with a loss of liberty. With a Democrat dominated administration in congress owing election to their gay constitutes and sympathizers of gays. (Second largest voting block, next to blacks, unmarried single women who want government, not husbands, to support their children. 40% of all children now born to single mothers.)
President Barack Obama recently signed the first major piece of federal gay rights legislation, a milestone that activists compared to the passage of 1960s civil rights legislation empowering blacks.
The new law adds acts of violence against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people to the list of federal hate crimes. Gay rights activists voiced hope that the Obama administration would advance more issues, including legislation to bar workplace discrimination, allow military service and recognize same-sex marriages.
In a signing ceremony in the White House East Room, Obama said that the gay rights protections represented a ``long-awaited change'' that would protect people who are victimized because of ``who they love . . . or who they are.''
Now, an employer must except for work, in his place of business, a male wearing a dress and heels. Now, according to last weeks court ruling involving gays and lesbians in hospitals there can be visitation by carrying a card that shows their domestic-partner registration. Now, Obama has appointed Amanda Simpson as a senior technical adviser to the Department of Commerce, making her the first transgender appointment of his administration.
My friend, Dr. Dennis Cuddy, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, author of Road to Socialism and New World Order. Said recently, “Two and a half years before the Germans were defeated in World War II the Nazi's were going underground, to lay the eggs for another war.” Dr. Cuddy believes, as in 1919 with professors and scientist objectives of a “New World Order” will continue. Perhaps this is the reason I was taught mathematics by Dr. Alfred Brauer, at Chapel Hill, who taught the German Army the projection of rockets fired at England. Perhaps you can remember President George H.W. Bush speaking of the “New World Order” before a joint session of Congress on March 6, 1991?
I was still in the hospital, resulting from military service, in 1968, height of the Vietnam Conflict. When the first realization of the “New World Order”, our being dragged into one conflict after another with all the perils involved, first alarmed me. The last 40 years, we have seen a takeover of this democratic republic, incrementally, unmistakably, by a dictatorial, tyrannical “New World Order”. There are 3 essential revelations about man: his creation, his arrogance, his forgiveness. Read the first chapters of God's word, any other secular book, there can be no doubt about creation. I do not want anyone, who calls himself a “Christian”, to tell me that he believes in evolution - CREATION, abortion, gay-marriage, or that he is a member of the democrat party.
Mans ARROGANCE is shown at the Tower of Babel, a few hundred years after the great flood of 4790 BC. (Noah had lived to the age of 950 years old, many of his heirs were still around, still defector-rebels, knowing the power of God, wanting to reach god by building a tower upward. Because of the arrogance, God confused their languages, from then until now, men unable to understand the vocabulary of one another.
Western civilization has been built around the gospel permeating these societies and cultures. Men are still in rebellion, thinking they can “out think” God.
Stephen Hawkings world renown British physicist whose scientific research has spanned over 40 years, still trying to explain the universe. Hawkings, in a chair, totally immobilized by Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS) can only communicate by 7mm movement of one finger. Now to estimate this distance, the inter papillary distance between two human eyes is 70 mm. So awesome is the God given brain of this physicist, he can comprehend pages of calculations and return to one minor error pages before.
The FORGIVENESS of God can only be estimated by his power to forgive the doubts of Hawkings the deciduous of the power brokers, promoters of a “New World Order” in this most blessed country. Only a forgiving God will look kindly on sexually confused people who try to keep a foot in both worlds... The world of perversion and the world of piety and promises.
In my life time, particularly in the past 40 years America is forgetting its ascendency... In Richmond ... God given blessings.
How will I remember, our first electric lights. Our electric bill was only $1 a month. The power company came by to see if something was wrong. My mother said, “We only use the light after it gets real dark.” There were no appliances with gratitude, the electric light had penetrated the darkness or our world. When will light penetrate the darkness of this new world ... Which is not brave ... not in order.
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