Mark Twain said that India is the ultimate travel destination. I enjoyed my travels through India, once by train from Pakistan to the Southernmost corner, Kanyakumari. I particularly enjoyed Goa. India is certainly the most religious nation in the world...temples everywhere...rituals in the Holy river of the Ganges, but I disagree with Twain, Africa is the most fascinating continent with it's over 40 African nations...spectacular, pastoral, natural beauty, landscapes of every type, wild bush filled with wild animals blending into their natural habitat...some of the poorest and happiest people the mind can imagine.
On a photography safari in Botswana, sleeping outside in tents, cooking over an open fire, my driver said to my guide, “I think we should get out of here, I don't want the doctor exposed to what he is going to hear”. Government officials and soldiers had captured some ivory poachers. Justice is very swift in an African nation...they have the offenders, they have the evidence. Months are not spent on investigations and trials. Before the poachers were shot, there was crying and screaming, begging for their lives, and then after the shots, silence. The people knew the law, they broke the law, they had the bags of elephant tusks, valuable ivory, justice was sure and swift.
Once, in a Duke hospital waiting room, I had been waiting a long time to see a doctor. A prisoner was brought in by an armed guard to see the same doctor. Compare, if you will, a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer, veteran, working every day to pay taxes to support this county after having given his eyesight...I had to pay someone to drive me to the hospital. I have to pay every day for my upkeep and for the insurance to see the doctor, but, here was a prisoner who had free transportation, free healthcare, free room and board, free clothing and, his vote on anything counts just as much as mine.
One of my friends owns an apartment right on the edge of the university campus here in this city. The government pays, under section eight, the rent for the individual living in the apartment. The individual is a sex offender...living right on the edge of a university campus (strictly against the law but the law and social services put him there), the government pays his rent and his living expenses. This 30 year old gets food stamps, does not work because of his “situation” and is left to spend his time watching trash on television, and “porno computer”, playing video games.
Is there anything wrong with this picture...this is directed to the 52% of you who pay all the tax in this country, particularly those most oppressed by real estate taxes.
The great Egyptian movie star, Omar Sharif, you will remember his role in the 1965 movie, Dr. Zhivago said, “movies are my way of making a living but horse racing is my passion. I love horses. I love to own stables of race horses. The problem is, the losers eat as much as the winners.”
Margaret Thatcher, one of England's greatest Prime Ministers, born in Grantham England in an apartment above her father's butcher shop said, “The trouble with Socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money”.
I get so tired of hearing politicians talk about America being the wealthiest country in the world. We are the world's debtor nation, rapidly becoming one of the world's poorest countries. Many are trying to leave, particularly the children of the migrants who came here seeking opportunity. The Great Depression of the 1930s was not deep at all compared to what they are facing now. In the Great Depression, there was just a tremendous transfer of wealth, transfers to the pockets of the elite and the other power hungry, rich entrepreneurs, Bilderbergers, Illuminati figures, Rothschild banker-fellow travelers, Rockefellers, Kennedys, Bushes and others who play ball with the world's tyrants.
Last year, China produced 18 million vehicles to the USA's 11 million. America, once the automobile manufacturing Mecca of the world. Corruption in America and Mexico is about equal. The different is, the world's largest city, Mexico City, population 30 million, is depending on the largess of American industry through NAFTA. The long border between Mexico and the United States is a source of drug and human trafficking. Crime is so bad in Brazil that police travel in groups...in order to protect one another. Reportedly, it is almost as bad in Argentina. In Paraguay, where former President George W Bush owns a 100,000 acre ranch, American's can be protected because of private armies. It is my understanding, many of America's wealthiest are making preparations to escape the excessive taxation, threats from terrorists which will surely start their suicide missions in this country, by living in remote places.
About every other advertisement on the news now is one trying to sell you gold. All the gold, known in the world, would fit in a 75 foot cube. Gold buyers know that this is an international method of exchange. The problem is, and this is something not discussed anywhere except in the financial world, there is much fakery in gold storage and certification. Tungsten weighs the same as gold, and it is already known, that many gold bars are just tungsten bars with a veneer of gold. It takes large dealers in gold such as nations, national banks or large gold storage companies to pull off this type of fraud but we can be sure with the corruption rampant in the world, corruption in this area is probably taking place.
Thank God I do not have to deal with large municipalities, large corporations or even smaller businesses trying to stay afloat in these perilous times. At a time when 52% of all black babies are aborted, most of the world's population, either already on a socialized slavery system of government, and other people, through hook or crook, are just trying to survive. Most nations, cultures and even individuals have stopped treading water and are now just trying to stay afloat (The retirement fund for California State employees is 500 billion dollars short. Funds are being transferred from park allocations to keep schools open). Morality, honesty, seems to be something of the past.
I have employed many people of all ages through the years in several businesses. I have found, much to my sorrow, that the least reliable employee, worst work ethic, always female. This disabled person cannot even find a woman to do simple housekeeping. I believe from the time she walks in my house she is constantly contriving some way of relieving me of some property. From communion wine in my refrigerator to ties off my tie rack, things just disappear. Has the time come when God's chief creation, those for which his son died for their sins have reduced themselves to just being poachers and moochers from their fellow man and their governments?
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