In the L. Frank Baum, 1900 novel, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and again in the 1939 movie, Munchkins became a household name, depicting unusual people. In the cookie cutter type world to which we are heading, much as I saw in Communist China, Burma, Russia, and several police states, the personality of the individual becomes almost non existent, we are supposed to look alike, get the same type healthcare, exposed to the same academic curriculum, dressed in very much the same type clothing, eat, drink, think and live according to the control, authoritarian, totalitarian compendium or catechism of “big brother”. The Marxist “strategym” of “the end justifies the means”.
I was in Japan during the Vietnam War, talking with a scientist about the atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He said, “in Japan we have learned to bear the unbearable”. The unexpected catastrophes and tragedies of life give cause for each mind to claim within the recesses of it's innermost faith, a claim on bearing the unbearable, such as relatives of this week's plane crash in Russia killing many Polish officials, families claiming the bodies of mine victims in West Virginia or even the many leaders of government gathering in Washington DC thinking the unthinkable...preparation for control of nuclear weapons and a nuclear holocaust.
It is within the mind that man has the ability to overcome tragedy, to get up and start over, to reconcile defeat with renaissance. It is within the mind that we find the nuggets of creativity...one's ability to carve something of beauty from a simple piece of wood, on canvas, paper, board, with paints or other color material, from his own innermost thoughts, talent, to leave to the world an impression that only he could make. When one is blessed with talent, whether it comes from the backwoods of the South or the hollows of West Virginia a particular instrument or music composition that only a talent from that background can produce. By some, by a particular miracle of hand and eye ordination, one can become a millionaire bouncing, throwing or hitting a ball with a stick or club. Other quick moves from the practice and discipline of the body produces goals and targets, the world's fastest swimmer or runner.
For most of us, those untouched by the blessings of wired talent, rhythmic musculature, sharpened senses, we have the opportunity to study, analyze, to proffer into potentiality accomplishment through risk and just plain hard work.
Living in America, at least up to now, we were given the potential blessing of opportunity. We are not stuck where we start. It will not be easy, but with the right mindset, each citizen, willing to pay the price, it will be difficult, has the right to succeed. Don't confuse success with accomplishment. Think of Madonna and Helen Keller, but, with character, faith, a willingness to work, your destination is usually assured.
Why do some succeed in life, even coming from the bowels of poverty and others do not? It is a matter of setting the sail, ready to engage the storm. Why is 3% of the population millionaires?
#1 You get out of bed each day, willing and ready to do the right thing...knowing that when you look in the mirror, you are the master of your faith.
#2 Learn early to live beneath your means. It is better to be a millionaire on a back street than to be a harassed debtor trying to impress others and prove something at the country club, “spending money on things I can't afford to impress people I don't know”. The simple lifestyle will get you much further in health and happiness than a complicated, over extended way of living. K.I.S.S. Keep it simple stupid! It is better what God knows about you than these people you don't know think of you. “[There is] treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spendeth it up.” (Pro 21:20)
#3 Time and energy is all you have...money will follow. It is better to work than to worry and sometimes you have to wait.
#4 Is financial independence more important than status?
#5 Don't depend on your parents to provide a financial cushion.
#6 Study and stay proficient in recognizing financial opportunity.
#7 Choose the right occupation. It is usually hard work, working every day with routine and efficiency which will cause many trips to the bank.
#8 Hold on to nickles, even if the elephant screams. Nickles make dollars and dollars take care of themselves.
#9 You cannot invest anything you have already spent.
#10 Life is a banquet, keep your fork, the desert is yet to come.
Many times in speaking at church suppers, the ladies would take up the plates but would say, “keep your fork”. I knew the desert was on the way. So it is in life. Make careful preparation for the desert.
Thomas Edison owned a large laboratory and factory in New Jersey. One night, the entire place burned to the ground. His son said, “what are we going to do?” Thomas Edison, who had invented over 1000 items, many successful, some unsuccessful said, “we will just start over”.
Recognize early, the God of the second chance. “Because thy lovingkindness [is] better than life, my lips shall praise thee.” (Psa 63:3)
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