Brook Benton, South Carolina Native, who died much too young at age 56, best known for “Rainy Night in Georgia” and “Endlessly”, performed the song, “Lie to Me”. Hitler's Chief of Intelligence, Joseph Goebbels, Madison Avenue, the demons of the Democrat party have taught us, everyone wants to hear a lie. People have itching ears to hear a lie, they do not want to hear or know the truth.
I have spent my adult life, in a state, ruled by lying Democrats. Those who did not lie their way into office through the elective process were appointed to places of leadership because of their ability to lie.
I was at a state wide meeting involving Chambers of Commerce. One of the more proficient liars, a power broker … man of inherited wealth … appointed to his job because of his “check writing ability”, by the Governor, was to give the opening address. Having read somewhere, that a speaker puts his speech notes on 3x5 cards, he had his speech on the cards. It had never occurred to him, what if the cards fall on the floor? Immediately, the cards tumbled to the floor, because, probably, of his nervousness. There he stood embarrassed and embalmed. Now, what was he going to do … he was obviously not a speech maker … he knew nothing about his topic … his only experience in government and commerce was back slapping on the golf course. Since a blind man, particularly a smiling blind man can get by saying most anything, he was up stuttering around and I said, “just lie to us, we do appreciate lies about this state”!
One lie one can always begin with, “life is not fair”. It is not fair to most of us, but very fair to the rest of you … those with trust funds, those with wealthy parents … those with blue blood-family names … those with rich wives … those with good looks … those with innate talent (hitting, throwing, bouncing a ball, playing music by ear, drawing or painting a scene etc.)
Another lie one can begin with, “the world is kind”. Men are born with evil hearts … most never change … only through the grace of God. I have found, in my long life, the most unkind, most unloving people are relatives and family members. Old acquaintances, like church members, even like forlorn classmates, the most hypocritical ones, can put on a front.
Look at the word “idol”, break it down … a matter of “I do”. Our idols involve only us, you and me. There are as many idols in India as people, in the Ganges, people in that dirty river (full of the ashes of the dead, sewage dumped from every town, people in the river, with the rituals of holding up their idols to the sun). Most of us do not have our own personal idol that we carved out of something and then threw the carved pieces away but we have our idols of anger, envy, pride, lust, laziness, greed and above all, gluttony. Unlike any other people in the world, Americans are fat … their God is their belly. “Whose end [is] destruction, whose God [is their] belly, and [whose] glory [is] in their shame, who mind earthly things.” (Phl 3:19)
Please lie to us doctor … tell me that I can eat all the sweets I want as long as I eat much grape fruit, as a female waitress once said to me. I'm amazed how many mothers do not realize the dangers of fluoride and chlorine in the tap water of their city … chemicals that destroy the maleness of their sons. I'm amazed, how many mothers do not realize that the leaching chemicals from plastic cups, the destructive chemicals in aspartame or other substitutes, and it's effect on maleness. 2/3rd of all HIV/AIDS comes from male homosexual practices. Would you like to know how many males with AIDS, have asked my assistance, in their suicide? Worldwide, 12 out of every 1000 people, both male and female are infected with HIV. In America the total lifetime cost of AIDS infection is 36.5 billion which includes loss in lifetime productivity. 50% of all teenage girls have sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
Please tell me doctor, will my tattoos and piercings not effect my health? 17% of all American citizens have a tattoo. It is impossible to estimate the amount of money spent on granulations, allergic reactions, hepatitis, HIV and lost employment opportunities because of tattoos.
Please don't lie to me doctor, investor, processor of financial opportunities. Iceland, most Atheist nation in the world, totally bankrupt, now source of world poison from the well of acrid lava expulsion. Ash, like talcum powder, 12,000 feet into the air, drifting over most of Europe, hundreds of airports closed, 100,000 Britains out of work costing 200 to 300 million dollars per day. The worst is yet to come, effect of this air pollution on crops and tourism. Where is Al Gore when you need him? Please Al, the one who has become a billionaire from Global Warming predict these things for us. There is more damage from this one volcano than 100 years of man made damage to the environment. One pilot, flying near Java, jet engines strangled by a volcano, engines only re-started one after another when the plane was nearing crash and ditching in the ocean, cleansed by clean air enough to restart. Royal Navy and French ships are being used to repatriate stranded European tourists.
Please, lie to me, tell me that such could not happen with the large volcano in which the largest city in the world, Mexico City, population 30 million is located. Just think of this repatriation as you watch the already distorted Mexican, US border. Please, lie to me, tell me that God has nothing to do with the affairs of men.
“And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed [them] all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. In that day, he which shall be upon the housetop, and his stuff in the house, let him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back.” (Luke 17:26-31)
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