Much has been said about President Obama either not knowing what to do or doing the wrong thing in the greeting of World Leaders. There has always been a Chief of Protocol, one who is well schooled in handling diplomatic functions … even state funerals. I met, Angier Biddle Duke, a North Carolinian who was Chief of Protocol for a very long time. The present Chief of Protocol is Capricia Marshall. She either does not know what she is doing or the President pays no attention to her instructions … for instance, bowing to certain leaders.
We were always informed about decorum involved around leadership. For instance, the Queen of England went into a school in New York City on one of her photo opportunities and a large black woman went over, grabbed her and hugged her neck. This was a shock to the British royalty and to the U.K. The Queen even shakes hands with her own grandchildren. Every military officer knows, that in the presence of heads of state, you never put your hands near your pockets. It is inconceivable and some security agent should have been fired on the spot, when an Egyptian reporter in Iraq actually removed two shoes from his feet to throw at President George W. Bush.
Sanity has become insanity. Diplomacy has become degrading. Finances have become fallacy. Science has become pseudo-science. In the Congress, 30% of all Democrat elected leaders and 33% of all Republican elected leaders do not believe that Satan has anything to do with their lives. (They certainly have an awakening coming!)
Heathen activity of the New World Order was introduced by former President George H.W. Bush in his address to Congress on March 1st, 1991. I almost fell out of my chair when I heard him use the words, in all places, the Capitol of the United States. Scripture certainly points to an eventual one World government. Every prophecy of the scriptures has been fulfilled up to present … the most remarkable, the gathering of the Jewish people back to their homeland from all corners of the Earth. Of course, the Apostles of wisdom in today's world, the academics, the secular press, the corporation heads all discount such knowledge. They certainly discount the revelation that one third of the world's population will be destroyed (Rev 9:13-16).
The scripture indicates that this war will be in the Middle East at the Euphrates river. Already, America has 100,000 troops in the area. It will happen quickly, in just a few years, almost over night, gasoline prices will soar to over 5 dollars a gallon, the oil tankers of the world, hauling their gold through the Straits of Hormuz. It has already been decided that that entrance will be clogged with sunken ships. Sea powers using that sea-lane of the world have not been able to control rag tag pirates around the Suez Canal.
While utility companies have been raising your rates for all utilities, nothing has been done to protect the electric power grids which will be the first facilities attacked. Strange that we do not have the sanity to think ahead on these things … the fact that nothing works without a power source … airports, hospitals, industry, ground transportation. Only the things that will further enslave the general populous will be in effect such as limiting the food intake of citizens … calorie limitation. The research has already been done at veteran's hospitals about the calories necessary to maintain life. One of my V.A. doctors went through the research and lost very much weight. The sophisticated diet mills, and their great financial gain will have to find other employment.
Daily, almost on cue, we see the global control of finances and lending. The catastrophe in Copenhagen slowed down global climate control (Obama with his coaching, Pelosi with her liquor poaching) but with the popularity of fairy tale science as we approach the big chill, global warming will appear again along with global healthcare (microchips in global citizens identifying such along with healthcare), airline controls and the bringing under one umbrella the religions of the world.
It is inconceivable that you cannot tell professing Christians from their unbelieving neighbors in their acting, thinking and voting. When Kerry ran for President, 16% of evangelicals voted for him. 32% of evangelical Christians voted for Obama. Even Catholics, the most pro-life denomination, voted 54% for Obama. Have these people gone crazy? Think of abortion, gay marriage. Think of innocent children, those blessed not to be aborted now facing the insensitive, wall to wall school sexuality, aspects of gay marriage, transvestites (cross dressers) teaching in the public school.
A recent play, on a University campus … “The Garden of Eden”. Adam and Steve, married males, naked on stage, in the Garden of Eden, Eve and Mabel, married lesbians, naked in the Garden of Eden.
Confused scientists, confused world leaders. It is known that 1/3rd of the scientific community are believers in God, 1/3rd are non-believers and 1/3rd are indifferent. Four questions you should ask these people;
1.How did I get here?
2.Where am I going?
3.Where do I end? (is my end just a grave in the ground?)
4.For human beings, is there something better?
Carl Sagan, on his program Cosmos, said, “this is all there is to it, there is nothing else.” Sagan, dead for some years, now knows for sure.
On one of my trips to South America, off the coast of Ecuador, I toured the Galapagos Islands. Interesting, but there is nothing there that would cause anyone to believe in Darwinian evolution, then or now.
Mr. Obama's hero, Saul Alinsky, in his Rules For Radicals, said the first radical was Lucifer. He gave advice during the Vietnam War about protesting. He said, it does no good to hold signs of protest on the outside of a building. When George H.W. Bush, head of CIA, spoke in New Orleans, Lewinsky's radicals were inside, in the audience, dressed like KKK members. Any time, the now ex-President would say anything promoting America the KKK costumed people would stand, cheer and wave their signs. The radicals have learned how to work the system everywhere. Liberals are most effective in pointing out the inconsistencies of church members, pastors and patriots. When will conservatives learn how to react? In polling, knowing the objective of the liberal, secular news media, you always give erroneous answers.
Honestly is always the best policy except when dealing with diabolical, deceitful Devils.
The ObaMAD Legend
ReplyDeleteHere's a suggested book title for anyone who will someday write about the hopefully short-lived, Obamaniac dictatorship:
"Double-Crossers, Cross-Dressers & Cross-Bashers"
(For more Obamania, Yahoo "Obama Avoids Bible Verses," "Obama Supports Public Depravity" and "David Letterman's Hate, Etc.")