I have never known a con man I did not like. In one way or another, we have all been conned. Recently, seeking to trade a perfectly good used car for a new car (my used Cadillac only had 36,000 miles, one owner, like new) I was conned by a dealership in another town who wanted me to buy a new Cadillac … when I got there they had no new cars. Investigating, I went into the Lincoln dealership. The sales manager said, “If you want a new car you are going to get a new car”. And so I did, my car and a check for $30,000 later, my driver drove me away in a new Lincoln. It was not until a few weeks later, that we discovered, the car had a bad paint finish covered up by careful polishing. As you have already surmised, Lincoln nor the State Attorney General offers any relief, their words, “you bought the car that you got”. Like one time, as a child, hard working in green tobacco to buy school clothes, my shirt faded completely the first time it was washed. The owner of the store said, “you bought the shirt that you got”.
We get the politicians that you buy, the best politicians that can be bought and, they just turn a blind eye to the corruption which goes on in our country with the financial community. North Carolina bought a con job, or rather, the Democrat machine that has controlled this state for over 100 years bought a con job. Thousands of farmers, living on small farms had made a good living raising, harvesting, and selling tobacco, cotton, soy beans and corn providing a livelihood for many because on these small farms the land owners and even their tenants could grow their own food, livestock etc. When the cash crop, the tobacco, was removed from the farms all these refugees from the small farms went on the government dole, living in housing projects. These farm families who had supported schools, churches, given to the world children accustomed to hard work and moral values were now gone from the American scene forever. Cigarette companies coughed up millions of dollars to state governments to be used in the very doubtful process of teaching people not to smoke. Tobacco growing and cigarette manufacturing moved to China where 65% of the population smokes.
I watched with interest, a hearing from the Senate Commerce Committee about the giving of this money to the Golden Leaf Foundation, a foundation who's board of directors is made up of good ole boy machine Democrat demagogues who have run this state my entire life. I understand the same thing has happened in every tobacco growing state.
Senator McCain, chairman of the committee, mocked former Governor Jim Hunt, so anxious to teach young people not to smoke. The money from the Golden Leaf Foundation has been used for everything except teaching people not to smoke. I find that about as many smoke now as ever, especially women. I understand women feel they are liberated! Since the largess of the tobacco companies and their millions, obviously did not teach people not to smoke, the government has passed laws to stop smoking in every building except your personal home and that will probably be next. Having been in China three times since this fiasco started, I can tell you that more tobacco is grown in China than I ever saw in Eastern North Carolina and, along with all their other exports comes tobacco products. Mr. Obama was to open up jobs in automobile manufacturing. The jobs have opened in China. China produces twice as many cars now as the USA.
Another con game was the closing down of all textile mills and sewing factories located in the state. Many if us had worked hard attracting such facilities to the stae in which lower education but hard working people could make a living. Almost every town of any size had a cotton mill (a mill where cotton was converted into fabric) and certainly a sewing factory where clothing was made. All of this industry is now in China, India, or a South American country. Many towns, had a furniture manufacturing industry. North Carolina was known as the furniture manufacturing mecca of the nation. This has all moved to China, India, or some other country. North Carolina was known for it's textile manufacturing. Cannon Mills offered employment for many citizens. Money from this great industry supported many education facilities.
Unemployment in North Carolina is now between 10 and 20%. Education institutions are turning out graduates but only those preparing for the healthcare fields are finding jobs. The Democrats have been successful, they have erased blue collar jobs and with their Communist healthcare system are providing blue collar jobs for those who will care for the “masses”.
How crazy can we get? The gold-men with their sacks, gave Mr. Obama $975,000 (nearly 1 million) for his political campaign. Now, SEC enters a complaint against Goldman Sachs that the Wall Street powerhouse committed securities fraud by creating and selling a mortgage investment that was secretly intended to fail. According to the complaint, Goldman created Abacus 2007-AC1 in February 2007 at the request of John Paulson, a prominent hedge fund manager who earned an estimated $3.7 billion in 2007 by correctly wagering that the housing bubble would burst. Now, you might say that such shenanigans is against the law but, Henry Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury, gave a special waiver. Does it surprise you that Henry Paulson, former president of Goldman Sachs, received a 200 million dollar bonus? Along with the Paulsons, Robert Rubin (former president of Goldman Sachs), Secretary of the Treasury under Clinton, and Tim Geithner, present Secretary of the Treasury under Obama, all are involved in this scam against the American people. Goldman Sachs', banker for the Rothschild International empire is so entrenched in the muck of international money corruption that only history and investigations can possible pry out. Pelosi, another one of the Washington crooks, said she was going to drain the swamps. She needs to start at her own house, then go to the White House, then go to Mr. Chris Dodd's house and Mr. Barney Franks's house for a good start.
Our country now has a 12 trillion dollar National Debt and a 1.6 trillion dollar deficit as far as the eye can see. China and other lenders will eventually get their money back, but what will it be worth? The Washington and Wall Street mafia has already decided to pay up by moving up … moving up inflation. Goldman Sachs, and the Paulsons, bailed out AIG. The secret about the AIG bailout … the secret will come out eventually is AIG holds most of the annuities and retirement funds of many Americans and most government workers. Bonds go up when stocks go down. The bubble now is US Treasury bonds, we, having lived through the bubbles and bailouts of .com, automobiles, construction and banking.
General Motors was founded in 1908. Yesterday General Motors that it was paying back it's bailout money. IN 1910, a General Motors worker could earn in one month enough money to send his child to college for a year. In 2010, a General Motors worker must work one entire year to send his child to college for one year. The inmates are running the asylum. When will the average American citizen, American working person learn that we have been sold out … a con job, sold out to the men with sacks in the financial community and the political hacks. When will those who steal from us learn that they are walking around carrying sacks with holes? (Hag 1:6)
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