Talking Back
My parents never allowed any “Talking Back” It still offends me to hear children “talking back” to their parents. As I heard both of my saintly grandmothers say, many times, “God put me here to instruct you, I know best.” Age and experience has its weight whether young people want to believe that or not. Just living, observing you learn much even with a low I.Q. I have fired more young people, working for me, for talking back and sassing me than anything else. For some reason, probably the home from which they come, where such was allowed. Many think that they know it all.
Every person, past the age of 50, should write your own obituary... So you can see on a piece of paper just what your life has been about.
So, with this in mind at 80, what would I say to myself if I were age 20 again? A 80 year old talking back to a 20 year old. Let me say in the beginning that I was not your usual 20 year old. At 20, I already had the judgment and life-outlook of people much older.
We are not stuck where we start. I came from poverty, but good genes from a family background of hardworking, god fearing responsible living.
At 20, life does not make sense but I had a world view because I read everything I could get my hands on. As well as listening to all the news on the radio. I still do, at 80, listen to several radios all the time. I listen to BBC all night. The difference, 20 to 80, I have never heard a weather report, on BBC, from any city in the world which I have not visited. As I read about the pyramids on the Nile... the pyramids in the Yukatan... I made up my mind then, early in life, to see them. Though blind, by the Grace of God, through stock market gains, I was able to do this. Very few men have see as much of the world as I have experienced. You decide to do these things early in life. No one, anytime in history, has ever risen above his ambitions. It is all in the mind.
At 20, life does not make sense, studying President Roosevelt, Wendell Wilkie, Robert Taft, and the other greats of the 20th century I was aware of national political activity. At 80, I can look back at the best time in American history. With the new world, new age religion of Oprah, the new world Marxist ambitions of Obama, this one time Christian nation will never be the same again. Thank God, I knew America at its best when I was 20, knowing that through responsible living, hardwork, intelligent investing, as a citizen of this democratic republic there is no limit to what I could accomplish.
At 20, life does not make sense unless you are guarding your health. Why is it that many men, over age 40, have disabling diseases such as diabetes, heart attacks, cancer, and stroke? Others, live long lives in good health. It is good to invest for the future but your most important investment is the investment in your health... Eating correctly, exercise, rest. The men I have known in school, military, the professions, in business, always partying, burning the candle at both ends wind up either in a early grave or nursing home. Your life, your body, is your own. If you can read you can learn to care for it. One of my first girlfriends, her husband, both are buried. I knew them as successful entrepreneurs. So intent on their physical appearance, so impressed with underweight, that they were for ever eating worthless food and drinking artificially sweetened everything. Both died with Alzheimer's after spending a long time in nursing homes. Nothing will destroy the brain quicker than aspartame. Aspartame is only good for rat or ant poison. The cruelest hoax visited on American citizens, the poisons in municipal water systems supposedly to make them safe. (Fluoride and Chloride)
At 20, life does not make sense unless you have already established certain parameters about your selection of friends and your willingness to give up some family. Nothing will disparage you quicker, nothing will bring you down faster than pitiful friends... Those who do not share your aims and ambitions. You can be selective in your friends but not your family and relatives. I find there is more jealously in a family unit than any other. Be ready to let them go. To this minute, at age 80, I can not remember one word of encouragement from one family member or any relative. This is a sad commentary but even Jesus Christ himself recognized the situation. (Matthew 12:48)
At 80, “talking back” to 20, my family, my relatives should have been glad to know what a person from such a humble background, having lost his eyes, could do with his life... Particularly, honoring my parents as I have, Their church, where I have given hundreds of thousands in their honor, has never yet thanked me... Not even one time. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong.
At 20, you establish your own absolutes... The absolute from right and wrong, the absolute from good and evil, the absolute concerning science and religion.
You may not believe in gravity, but try stepping out a window on the 10th floor of a building. You may not believe in the periodic table, but the molecular weights that you calculate the chemical equations involving molecules but mix up the wrong poisons and you could have a terrible explosion.
You may not believe in reading music, established tones, measures, keys, listen to a concert pianist, then listen to a child banging on a keyboard. Listen to rap or rock and roll, then listen to a symphony.
Talking back to 20, I have learned that people love lies. They learn this on Madison Ave resulting in the squawler of television and radio commercials. At 20, little money was spent in political campaigns. Obama spent nearly 1 billion dollars to buy the presidency. Through lies, (college funds for all students, cure for cancer, transparency in government, etc) He enticed 69 million Americans to vote for him. He is still lying, more profusely than ever. (Global Warming, financial bailouts, recession recovery) People would rather hear a lie than the truth anytime. The government controlled media knows that the more you tell a lie the more people want to hear it. Jesus said, “I am the truth.” (John 17:17, 14:6) From 1799 to 1892, this was a Christian nation as declared by the Supreme Court. In my lifetime, 1963, by a innocuous 21 word prayer. Prayers was taken out of schools... Replaced by police officers patrolling the halls. In 1973, abortion was legalized and since then 53 million babies have been killed. (3000 a day, 1452 black babies) At 20, we had abiding faith at the integrity of our government. We know now, that America was warned about Pearl Harbor that President Kennedy was assassinated by his own country, that President Clinton orchestrated the burning alive of 85 women and children at Waco TX. That the government had direct involvement with the Oklahoma City bombing, and the 9/11 bombing. Much lying about the Vietnam and Gulf War and even greater lies about the Iraq War. Americans have come to love lies especially those cooked and beautifully frosted and decorated by government intelligence. Judicial watch has just come out with a list of America's most corrupt politicians.
1. Christopher Dodd
2.John Ensign
3.Barney Frank
4.Timothy Geithner
5.Eric Holder
6.Jesse Jackson, Jr./Roland Burris
7.Barack Obama
8.Nancy Pelosi
9.John Murtha (deceased)
10.Charles Rangel
You will note, only one republican the Senator from Nevada. At 20, the country would have been embarrassed by this disclosure... even though, the country realized that F.D.R.'s Vice President, Henry Wallace, was an avowed Communist. This country was so objective even Joseph Stalin did not realize that F.D.R. Was wheelchair bound. Stalin did not know that F.D.R. Was crippled from polio until the Yalta Conference. Today, any decadents, politician or otherwise smeared across America. Ask, President Clinton, Tiger Woods, Joe Biden, etc. The Congress is aware of the inconsistency of government... Americans fright with the contamination of politics and money. It makes no difference, they just want to get elected or re-elected, if it takes lies, deceit, debauchery, death to get there.
At 20, people were more considerate of one another, most knew they were God's Workmanship (Ephesians 2:10) The world had not taken over the Church. Sheppard's were concerned about the flock. Pulpits and pews were not filled with imposters.
One of my fellow blind friends, now dead, told me that, as a only child she was taken to her mother's funeral grave-site by neighbors (she did not have any living relatives) So unconcerned were these neighbors and the funeral director, that they all got up and went to their cars and left this woman sitting alone by the grave. THIS TOTALLY BLIND VETERAN KNOWS THE CALLOUSNESS OF HIS FELLOW MAN. A wheelchair bound veteran told me what desperation he had suffered in a men's bathroom. Technology has improved the world, but human nature has taken a downward turn during the past 80 years. Character determines destination, a lack of character, has determined this nation eventual fall into the muck of history.
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