Run For The Hills
The most basic instinct of a human being, or even most of the lower animals for that matter, is to run from trouble. I remember, in Africa, my driver came up on a pride of lions. Lions sleep on their back with their legs up in the air. They were all lying, sleeping, not in the least excited by the Jeep, it's driver or the very scared man in the back seat. Any one of these lions, with one swat of his paw, could have eliminated us. The lions had no reason for alarm.
Americans have reason for alarm. If, you pay any attention to news reports each day, you are demented if not alarmed. Just think, involved in two wars which we are losing, invaded by non-citizens who are taking up space in schools, hospitals, jails … all at the taxpayer's expense, a depression which will make the Great Depression of the 1930s, eventually, seem like a cake walk. The final takeover of our Democratic republic by the forces of communist, totalitarian, authoritarian control without the firing of a shot. The last vestige of our privacy, our security, the takeover of our health systems. In my lifetime, choice students, those who could pay the freight, make the deal, willing to keep their nose at the grindstone conquered the healthcare curriculum. From the family doctor in the horse and buggy, making house calls, to the highly trained specialist in a renowned clinic we had the sacredness of choice. The professor graded your paper by hand. He knew you, knew your strengths and weaknesses. The school prepared a doctor for success clinically, morally and financially. Today, professors in most healthcare occupations barely know the student. This extends to all professions and occupations. Today, you are fortunate indeed if your doctor even makes skin contact or eye contact with you.
In the average doctors office, assembly line care, he or she is too busy racing from one examining room to the other mostly depending on lab tests and the computer. You think it is bad now, just wait until thirty to forty million insured are waiting in the office for care. In the new system, you pay the insurance ahead of time and everyone will want to make sure they get their money's worth.
If you tolerate injustice it will grow. Satan teaches you how to lie, God does not know anything about it. The population has been trained, mostly because of the public schools, to yield and kneel to government control. States and communities have just learned to roll over, not fight anything. Like your old dog, just roll over and play dead. In the squalor of contentment, even in churches, once responsible people have become fat and lazy … dumbed down by a state controlled news media and, the pablum of just accepting anything anywhere, anytime.
“Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.” (Ecc 8:11)
If you tolerate injustice, ambiguity, incompetence, it will only grow. Most of us want to be popular, accepted by everyone. We actually believe the Dale Carnegie slop, How To Win Friends and Influence People, we want everyone to like us. Instead of training children, most parents want their children to be their “friend”. Not one person in God's word, leader, prophet, Disciple, Apostle was popular. Our blessed Lord, the only perfect man who ever lived was flogged mercilessly and then hung naked on a cruel cross. He broke up every funeral procession he ever met, healed the sick, fed the hungry but even the religious people of his day chose Barabbas, a thief, instead of him.
The socialist wants to be paid for anything even for digging a useless hole. The capitalist, the Christian conservative, wants to be paid for contributing to the world through his work, his study, his time.
The most selfish thing I know is to accept bad behavior because, you do not want bad behavior to affect you … you know that if you say something about bad behavior, you will be unpopular. You can be sure that the Joel Osteens of this world do not have the big following they have because they are preaching sins ruin and Christ's redemption. The thousands who listen to Joel Osteen, both in his colosseum and on television want to be entertained with nice jokes and pleasant platitudes. My only child, my son, is a professor at one of SBC's largest seminaries. Very much, a chip off the old block, he is an outstanding speaker. On a recording, to a congregation I heard him say, “I want all of you to like me”. I thought to myself, “you have much to learn”. Even the best preacher in the world was disliked by some. Jesus Christ washed the feet of Judas before Judas betrayed him.
If you are loved by the world, if you are politically correct, if you can support the Democrat party with your vote and money, believing in Darwinian evolution, abortion, gay marriage, I'm here to tell you, you are not Christian, according to what I know about God's word. Lazy and apathetic children will be lazy and apathetic adults. A nation consumed by evil will soon be consumed (Just read your newspaper).
The world was practically shut down last week by one volcano … it is expected that the one next to it will now erupt as it did 100 years ago. There are earthquakes almost every week. Yellowstone is very active. Just the steam and acrid lava from Yellowstone could paralyze this entire country.
Obama says the craziest things. Recently he said, “America is number one whether we like it or not”. Would he like it better if Iran or Saudi Arabia was number one, or perhaps China? China is almost number one. He has done more than anyone else to make it number one … exports, manufacturing, particularly of automobiles, Marxist influences all over the world particularly South America and Africa?
Adam Smith said, “anything that creates value in this world is what you do for others”. We are truly in a handout, bailout society. The Christian principle of “others” is long gone. The norms we have today involve greed … greed in banking, greed in political influence, greed in racism and greed in the division of culture … the haves against the have-nots.
You are in a warfare for survival, don't depend on the government, don't depend on your luck … run for the hills.
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