For the four years, I was a hard working student at the University of Memphis health care units in Memphis, Tennessee, I was a member of the great Bellvue Baptist Church. The great preacher Dr. Robert E. Lee was pastor at that time. Before the age of mega churches, this church was the largest church East of the Mississippi river. For my entire life, other than the fact that I met and married my son's mother there, the greatest of that church will be an inspiration. Dr. Lee preached his sermon, “Payday Someday” all over the world. 89% of the the America population say they believe in a final judgment. This is surprising when only 78% believe in God. Any way you put it, each day is important, it is all you have, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and we often wonder what each new day will bring.
Tomorrow, is April 15th, sobriety day, when you bring into reality how much you owe your government and April 16th is silence day, when you bring into reality how much your world has changed. I often tell taxpayers, to write on a piece of paper just what they get from their government. You can write on a very small piece of paper how much you get compared to how much you pay. The trouble is, 50% of the population pay no income tax at all...rather, they get money from the government for not paying taxes, an economic readjustment procedure...or as President Obama has said, “spreading the wealth”.
In this time of double digit unemployment, unemployment among minorities exceeding 25%, the 50% of the population who pay the income taxes, which amounts to about 1 trillion dollars to the US budget, the real estate owners, the real capitalists, opportunists, responsible patriots of this democracy, those who went to school, studied hard, worked hard, behaved themselves, lived responsible lives, assume the risk of investment, proud to serve their country in uniform, reared responsible children...are left to bear the burden for half the population. These are the citizens who vote but they are out voted by those who have their nose in the government trough who are riding in the wagon of state instead of helping push and pull the wagon of state. It is the unproductive parasite citizen, who sucks out the very blood-life of our nationalism. Those at the TEA parties, those in real churches, those in the uniforms of police, fire fighters, nurses, armed forces, are getting tired of sweating while their less fortunate and more flatulent fellow citizens relax and are “at ease and Zion”, resting behind cell walls (it costs 80 dollars a day for each prisoner in the local prison) wearing out their “Lazy Boy” in front of the television enjoying “fisticuffs” at the gym or Tom Foolery at the local Starbucks.
Enough is enough, and finally the tax paying citizens have awakened. We cannot out vote them. While we are working, they are actively conspiring against us. Like the great “ACORN organizer” in the White House, these doldrums of radicalism are just thinking up new ways to pirate our tax dollars. The pirates of Somalia, the drug addicts of Mexico, openly and unashamed are immoral. Social scientists and academics...even some liberal religionists...have given a symbolic verisimilitude of decency to the captors of our democracy.
On April 16th, we have a day of silence. The Day of Silence is the Gay, Lesbian and Straight's (GLSEN) annual day of action to protest the bullying and harassment of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students and their supporters. Students take a day-long vow of silence to symbolically represent the silencing of LGBT students and their supporters. The Day of Silence has been held each year in April since 1996. The event takes place at college, high school, and middle school campuses. In some cases there are elementary school participants. On the appointed day, students maintain verbal silence either for the entire day or a portion of the day, such as during the lunch break.
During their period of silence, participating students may hand out printed cards explaining the nature of their protest. This may be supplemented by additional texts or images. Some school organizers also create or purchase pins or stickers to put on lockers and t-shirts. Others dress in all black, with rainbow ribbons or gags to emphasize the cause and their presence. Also if allowed, special announcements during the day allow the event to be recognized by the school. Ideally, the silence ends with a "breaking the silence" event in which students participate in activism and education.
Just as the early heterosexual and homesexual suggestive "pornographic" magazines were the early sunbathing peridodicals, then came Play Boy, Play Girl, Penthouse etc. The time when suspected gays and lesbians were mostly in the arts and music classes, topsy turvy, it is the gay agenda to manipulate and monoplozize even into the elementary school, the most sensative area of a child's life, the ptivacy and sensitivity of sex, masculine and feminine identity. It is cruelty beyond belief as with the plight of the taxpayer, those who would destroy our nation, our way of life, our children, must first make us mad. Are you mad enough to do something about this decadence and enslavement?
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