We don't have many details about the activity of sinful humanity during Noah's time. Looking around us, we can well imagine what it was like... degrading sins of every type... cursing, raping, adultery, excessive eating and drinking, fornication, nudity. Nudity always accompanies sin. When Moses went up on Mount Sinai, for a personal meeting with God, at which time, God gave him hand written tablets, laws, dictating how the children of Israel would live, when Moses returned, thousands of the millions of the ex slaves were dancing naked, around a golden calf, already involved in personal idol worship. The personal sins of “Sleaze” are the worst of all sins because sin against your own body.
This week, the 4th annual Burlesque Festival in London. A time of celebrating sleaze connected with nudity, wild dancing, drinking and general partying... much like Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
Decadent behavior of man has always been a mystery... particularly for people given so much. When the North Vietnamese leadership first arrived in Saigon after South Vietnam and America had lost the Vietnam War the first words from the North Vietnamese dictator, “Get rid of the Western decadents in this city!” Here we have a Godless, communist dictator speaking of Western decadents... decadents brought into the city by America. (America, according to 60 Minutes, spends $10 billion dollars a year on pornography) I can say this without fear of contradiction, having traveled through most the worlds communist, totalitarian countries, you will not find, even in the largest city... Moscow, St. Petersburg, Beijing, Havana, clubs and bars promoting burlesque. To show just how decadent... if you have not looked at the pornography on your personal computer... America has become the center of decadents. The Supreme Court, this week, ruled on aspects of animal cruelty, particularly dog fighting. Films were shown there showing young curvacious women scantily - bikini clothed, with high heels, stomping on young puppies and other young animals in a sexually arousing cloture of sexual depravity and barbaric animal cruelty and killing. Other films were shown of vicious dogs attacking one another. Perhaps, some men, “different strokes for different folks” get some type of arousal from either type film.
When I was young, burlesque was an activity at “far away places, with strange sounding names.” I remember going to the “Moulin Rouge” in Paris. The female gender, the woman, was a delicate matter of beauty... not a sex object to be degraded. Women on the covers of movie magazines were beautiful, make-up, hair, did we ever think, the day would come, something that Noah probably didn't see, young girls with tattoos, piercings, hair cut like a male. I have said it before, now, I say it again “There is nothing more beautiful than a beautiful woman and nothing more ugly that a ugly woman... especially a woman that tries to be ugly” There is nothing feminine about tattoos, piercings, “butched” hair or gravely voice. Lesbianism was unheard of 80 years ago... today, everywhere you look, even in government, a large percentage of school teachers. Satan has not forgotten the women. At one building I owned in this city, a building at which there was located a large night club, the Chip and Dale's made a appearance. (shapely males who stripped to dance music) Women would line up outside the building to see this dance group. Who visual-seduced them with their nudity. In every town now there are “sex shops” called “Badd Kitty” “Tiffany's Cabaret” “Adam & Eve” often, these are gateways for prostitution both male and female. Perhaps this is the reason 50% of all single girls have sexual transmitted diseases (STD) Perhaps this is the reason, 3% above last years figures, 40% of all children are born to single mothers... to be raised in homes without a father in the house... destined for a life of poverty, poor grades in school, poor healthcare.
Not content with the sexual “Sleaze” that has taken over America. By products of medical involvement in sinful sexual activity (two thirds of all HIV/AIDS cases comes from male homosexual activity) This one disease cost the American taxpayer billions of dollars each year, according to the Los Angeles Times each AIDS patient, before death, costs $119,000. A compassionate nation, we spend our largess on our on as well as other nations particularly Africa.
Not content with the taxpayer dilemma regarding already excessive healthcare cost, we now have the “sleaze” of the Obama healthcare legislation, according to section 2521 of the 2600 page document, 3 years from the Presidential signing, each citizen is to be instilled with a microchip... a I.D. Feature... a chip ¼ the size of a grain of rice, which will contain all your healthcare and citizenship information. For the pets, already so vaccinated, there has been much problem with cancerous tissue around the chip.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
(Revelation 13: 16-18)
St. John the Evangelist wrote Revelation nearly 2000 years ago. He was given the knowledge to know about the mark of the beast. With the Holy Spirit of God's direction it is up to you to make your decision.
In thinking of healthcare, the most important information on a prescription from your doctor whether on your medicine bottle or from his concerned mouth, are DIRECTIONS. Many times, you are taking several medicines it is not smart to mix the medicines and use DIRECTIONS from only one bottle. You have your answer book, God's Word. You have the bright people around you. Thousands of books of thinkers around the world. In this information age, you have the television set, the computer, advice and information coming from all sides. But, it is your life, your health, your eternal DIRECTIONS for which you should be concerned.
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