Most of we old people can still hear Bing Crosby singing, Pennies From Heaven which he made famous in 1936. At one time, a penny was worth 100 mills. Ad valorem taxes on real estate were measured in mills … as Governor Charles B. Aycock (Governor NC, 1900) said, you just add a few mills each year in tax, “people hardly notice it”. In the 21st Century economy, most Americans will not even pick up a penny off the street. I can remember when you could get a nice piece of candy for one penny.
Grand Standing in the wildest mood, yesterday, U.S. Senators grilled Goldman Sachs officials about their “wild ride” over investors and the financial world, keeping profits and bonuses upon executives while, as always, the investor was shellacked and left out to dry. You will notice these diabolical Senators did not have much to say about the government activity involved in Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Even Senator Dodd, who heads the list of the ten most corrupt Washington officials, so unpopular in his own state that he is not seeking re-election, such a thief that he would dare call the kettle black, for his President, put on an act of defiance even though the world knows the millions Goldman Sachs had contributed to Democrat coffers. Just think how mad they were at Goldman Sachs when all of the top officials of Goldman Sachs always, sooner or later, possessed prized administration appointments. These are the members of the Obama Administration who are reached by the tentacles of Goldman Sachs through employment or money;
Obama, Biden, H. Clinton, Altman, Craig, R. Emanuel, Geithner, Reischauer, Rivlin, J. Rubin, R. Rubin, Sperling, Summers, H. Paulson and 23 others … most still in government.
This was Washington D.C. theater at it's best. Some thought Senator Joseph McCarthy could put on an act. Comparing Joseph McCarthy to these Senators is like comparing Charlie McCarthy to Pelosi's lap puppy … recent Roman Catholic convert Newt Gingrich.
Obama's liberal extremism has been repackaged. Radical Alinsky taught him to package things well so the voting public would pay more attention to the beautiful bow than the ribbon which would be used to strangle them, “spread the wealth”. Remember John Dewey, “the end justifies the means”. Bonnie and Clyde robbed banks because, “that is where the money is”. The international bankers, the Rothschilds, owners of Goldman Sachs approved Obama for his job. He is expecting through graft, corruption, promises, prosecutions, promotions … whatever, that his fellow Democrats will help him keep his job regardless of the fraud or phoney-ism attacks involved even against the well documented, greased Fiat launching pad, Goldman Sachs. After all, thievery has always been made acceptable. On Jesse James' tomb stone, “a lifelong Baptist”. A thief went into the streets, Barabbas, still thieving as our blessed Lord died on the cross.
The contagion of financial lending, debt stretching, is spreading … Iceland, Greece, Portugal, about 21 countries. The lending bank Goldman Sachs has been involved in much of this treachery. Think of the 200 million dollar bonus to Henry Paulson, former head of Goldman Sachs, the George W. Bush Secretary of Treasury. There should be a “skull and bones” cell block housing alumni of Goldman Sachs.
On the margins of life, meek investors think they have a chance to multiply their savings, side by side, with these crooks … enabled by elected politicians. As one well known New York hotel magnet, Leona Helmsley said, “small people pay taxes”. It is the small people who get “screwed”. This same hotel owning woman, left millions of dollars to her dog. This billionaire investor, known as the Queen of Mean, convicted of tax evasion, would crawl down the aisle of Saint Patrick's Cathedral on her knees, while at the same time cheating her employees and the public. One of her employees told me, “she could throw a fit, use every vulgarity you can think of, over one flower not arranged correctly in a vase”. Like many of today's “supposed” human beings, she had more love for dogs and cats than she did for children. I know many people, personally, who have an “abnormal” love for dogs and cats and are the strongest abortion proponents. The killing of the most innocent life and total impatience with young children. God gave man dominion over the animals of the Earth and strict instructions on how to treat people, young, middle aged, old, ugly and beautiful investors or non-investors.
In my long eventful life, here on the East Coast, where hurricanes come in often, the authorities always make arrangements for pets. Not once, never, have I heard the authorities say anything about safeguarding the lives of the elderly or disabled. (Just let them stay in bed and drown as with Katrina in New Orleans) Not once, in all these hurricane and disaster episodes, living alone, totally blind, have I ever had the first law enforcement officer come by to check on me.
In our past history, we referred to natural disasters as, “acts of God”. We have taken God completely out of our vocabulary. Some have tried to take God off our money just as God has been taken out of our schools, out of our military units, out of our civic clubs, even out of our invocations and the present President, wants all God appearance covered anywhere he goes.
God is laughing to see political leaders and financiers squirm. “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.” (Psa 2:4)
Al Capone, America's most notorious gangster, went to prison for illegal activities, finally convicted for tax evasion. What a change! Today's tax evader is Secretary of the Treasury, a former employee of Goldman Sachs. Where have the tax officials, SEC been hiding while this financial-lending parody has been on parade? The inmates are in charge of the asylum. Congress actually thinks that the officials who got the country in this mess are the ones who can get the country out of the mess (Dodd, Franks, Rangel, Geithner, Pelosi etc.) Capone and others of his ilk would be laughing themselves silly if still around to watch this charade on television. IF Goldman Sachs, Lehman brothers, Merrill Lynch, the administrations and the Congress who allowed this enslavement of innocence to proceed escapes punishment, then the prisons of this country should be opened and all thieves set free.
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