With Americans more disillusioned with their government more than anytime in history the ratings for Congress and the President at a all time low levels, lying, cheating, stealing, a regular fair on the menu of daily life. Instead of a democracy, many believe, we are a “kleptocracy” (government of thieves).
Now this may seem like a conspiracy, the man who started the conspiracy theory involving government was J. Edgar Hoover, 1st director of the F.B.I. Hoover was appointed the director of the F.B.I. In 1935 and served till his death in 1972. He introduce the words “conspiracy theory” as it pertained to the Mafia, which Hoover maintained did not exist. While he was declaring there was no such thing as the Mafia, the Mafia was taking over. Using the liquor business particularly through prohibition his agents were able to penetrate states that without the vehicle of liquor he would have no control. Today Mr. Hoover would probably say “There is no such crimes as “gangs” Even though they have permeated every city and much of the country side.
We choose willfully not to believe the national sinfulness of this nation. We simply cannot believe that other citizens are willfully killed in undeclared wars. We simply cannot believe that the F.D.R. Administration knew about the attack on Pearl Harbor ahead of time. It is hard to believe, although already admitted that Clinton-Reno orchestrated the burning alive of 85 women and children at the Davidian Religious compound in Waco TX. Covered up and hushed up, we know that President Kennedy was assassinated by his own country. There is nothing about the Oklahoma City bombing that makes sense, much about the NYC 9/11 catastrophe does not make sense. Like the Bay of Tonkin during the Vietnam War we know that lies were told... by your government.
If the average citizen gets a driver's license, or if you are handicapped, as is this writer, you must produce a birth certificate to get a state identification card. A birth certificate is needed for military service, certainly for working with federal intelligence agencies. Yet, we have a president in the White House that has spent millions of dollars on attorney's to keep anyone from seeing his birth certificate.
Few leaders in the world are God chosen. The 501 C3 certification of a church can be its downfall in this anti-church, anti-christian national protracted antagonism.
We are a spoiled country, obese, diabetic, while 25 million in the world die from starvation... 15 million are children.
We are just recovering from the largest bankruptcy in history. Lehman Brothers Investment Bank, losing billions, expecting to be bailed out by the tax payer. In this fraud, and this is what it was called by Congress, the CEO made 500 million and other bank officers made millions shorting the stock. On top of that, the CEO sold his multi-million dollar vacation house in Florida to his wife for $100 dollars... just in case of federal intervention. Goldman-Sachs, along with Treasure secretary Henry Paulson and other Treasury officials made millions with a scam-fraud picking of the pockets of the American taxpayer. It is only with the crooks in the banking business, the Congress business that you have “thievery” beyond the wildest dreams of the pirate Blackbeard or the Conquistadors who robbed South America of its gold. In the meantime, the hardworking, God fearing taxpayer clips coupons to buy groceries so he can pay his pay-check as tax. Tax bailouts, handouts, sell-outs to conglomerates whose officials and board of directors live better than ever all though they were unable to manage the business.
This diabolical financial recession is like a man trying to climb a mountain. He falls back 50 feet, gets up, brushes off, reevaluates, and then tries to recapture the distance he has fallen. This President, who has never worked a day in his life, who has never run a business of any kind, simply because the faller is ready to attempt to reclaim what he has lost, says “The recession is over” Bailouts work like giving the man who fell down from his own ineptness from climbing a reward for falling. If the climber of the mountain, like the CEO and boards of directors of these corporations, had used the correct mountain climbing procedures and methods for fall prevention (SLCD, ropes, etc.) The catastrophe would not have happened. The individual, the small business man prepares for failure as he makes his climb... a way out. HE KNOWS, THE GOVERNMENT WILL NOT BAIL HIM OUT. He knows that he will not get a reward for failure.
IN EVERY SITUATION IN THE WORLD, YOU HAVE TWO CHOICES. God's leadership or your floundering around. It is bad enough to think of the poor leadership of this nation in this world and in warfare. Have you ever thought of the screams of innocent children and concerned mothers as manned and “unmanned” (drones) planes drop bombs on homes. Have you considered the children of America enslaved for ever with the debt brought on by thieves elected and unelected (a child born this morning owes the government $48,000)? Do you think one of these financial wizards... just one member of Congress has ever thought about “loving his neighbor as himself”? (Mark 12:31) G.K. Chesterton said “The world will except and dogma without authority but will not accept dogma with authority... Authority such as God's inspired word, the Magna Carta or even the Constitution of the United States. Even in the most uncivilized areas of the world, the natives have the innate natural law morality that stealing is wrong. Never confuse Christianity with niceness, never confuse celebrity with success. Believe me, blind man talking, you can always run through darkness because He sees you even if you can not see Him... the darkness of guilt, the darkness of sin, the darkness of depression. Find the name that fits your darkness. The Lord that healeth the is the Lord that provides. In all things be a God seeker, a God finder.
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