I never cease to be amazed that hard working people will spend perfectly good money having someone else to train their dog while giving little consideration to the training of their own children. Parenting is nothing more nor less than the training of your child who comes into the world much as a blank sheet of paper. I realize that I expect many children to know more than they actually know and, the more I'm around adults, the more I realize that most adults have had very little training. Education is a lifelong process. I have learned more in the past 10 years than I learned in the previous 70 years. Each day presents itself a new learning challenge. Think of the great minds of the founding fathers, just what they accomplished with limited means. Think of what they could have accomplished with today's nano technology, information constantly coming into the world from every direction, the scientific exploration and presentation from the universe.
I have known several trainers of dogs. I am told you get the same result every time with the same reward. Faith, is a verb. Faith, is action based on belief, sustained by confidence. Faith is a gift, the Holy Spirit of God involved and invested in the heart of man , God's spirit in us.
I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer, veteran. Over the years I have come in contact with many disabled persons. I have found that the disabled, the handicapped, those in wheel chairs, those with white canes, those confined to beds, often have a greater faith than the so called “normal” population. We would not have all the sermons of the world's greatest preacher, prince of preachers, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, if it had not been for his bed ridden wife writing down everything he said. Our consolation, is in our blessed Lord, who is “boss”. Bad things happen to good people but you learn to accept his sovereignty. It is up to us to trust.
I have traveled extensively through both Communist China and Communist Russia. I crossed Russia on the Trans Siberian Railroad. I crossed China by rail from the Gobi Desert to Hong Kong. In these Godless countries, (there are some Christians in both) the unbelieving people have nothing to look forward to on earth or afterward. It is a mystery beyond all mysteries that at least 50% of the America population, most knowing better, wish and work for the same dereliction of soul.
You can influence God with your faith but you cannot control him.
I have tried to read most of the world's great literature...have owned most of the great books of the world. In all literature, you will not find greater stories than the New Testament accounts of the “Prodigal Son” or the “Good Samaritan”. Over and over, the Biblical scholar goes back to the story of the Jewish nation, beginning with Abraham, the first Jew, and on through the profits. It is hard to study anything without referring to the “heroes of the faith”, Moses, Joseph, Paul etc. We have just observed the passover, the young lamb, kill, it's blood put on the door post, it's flesh roasted, eaten, to give strength and healing. When they left Egypt, there was not a sick person among the millions (Psalm 105). How we cheat ourselves by not trusting in God's provision...at the communion table...the redemption blood for our salvation...the bread for our healing. One woman, a church member of many years, told me, she had never participated in a communion service. She did not know what I was talking about. Now, there was something definitely wrong with her, something definitely wrong with the pastor of the church to which she was a member, and much wrong with the church who kept her on the church roles as a member.
The more we focus on the passion of Christ on the cross the more we know we are of value. Our value is not in what we do but is in what he did for us. To this very minute, I cannot believe I am worth what he did for me. God is not obligated to prove anything to me. The world wants proof about God but very few other things. The Church is more interested in changing God than in God changing the church. Most church members will swallow any liberal theology that comes along. The Shroud of Turin is the most investigated piece of cloth known to man. Over and over this supposed wrapping of Christ's body when he was taken from the cross and placed in the tomb has been subjected to the peering eyes of scientists...most of them Jewish...from Los Alamos and other laboratories...already with a bias towards the shroud, our blessed Lord, and anything pertaining to Christianity.
Why don't these investigators investigate why the hard working, God fearing, American tax paying citizen, forced to travel somewhere by plane must play 45 dollars extra to put a bag in the overhead storage bin on the plane. One airline is even charging to use the bathroom on the plane! Thankfully, until today, you can put a bag under your seat. Thankfully, until today, you can still go to a bathroom on the plane but, you can be sure of this, like cameras in the bathrooms and locker rooms of your high school, there will be cameras in the bathrooms of planes. When will these same scientists, Jewish or otherwise, start studying the genealogical and genetics tree of Mr. Obama? The harassment by the IRS of citizens who pay their income tax unlike the head of the Treasury, Mr. Tim Geithner, Charles Rangle, and others in government who do not? When will these same investigators study the earmarks, lobbyist influences, radicalism of many in the congress? When will these investigators associate political contributors with payoffs by government agencies?
And the beat goes on. When will we associate the banking crisis in this country with the world banking power grab?
TS Elliot, arguably the most important poet of the English language in the 20th Century, speaking at Cambridge, said, “it will take many generations to solve the world's financial and social problems.”
When, in 1963, because of an innocuous 21 word prayer, prayer was taken out of the schools, replaced by law enforcement officers patrolling the halls, when, in 1973, in Roe vs Wade, abortion was legalized. We should have known we were on the “fast track” toward the final days of the republic. Like the famous example, to which everyone has been thoroughly exposed, “the frog being cooked in the pot” with incremental measures, the once great promise of the democratic republic of America has been changed into a product of pathological socialism.
With Harry Potter, The Da Vinci Code, the crucifix in a glass of urine, the church being just another country club or a golf club, we should have known that a country cannot survive which has lost it's value system.
William Blake, English prophetic poet of the Romantic age said, “on the road to folly you pass the castle of wisdom.” What has happened to the textbook writers, the professors who hold academic chairs in leading universities, those who hold an acumen of wisdom in most disciplines of learning, and who are so desperately needed in this time when America seems intent on suicide?
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