If I were not an old, totally blind man, and could still climb a ladder, I would go on top of my house and paint a big white X and under it put, “strike here first”. I want to be immediately cremated by whatever disaster hits, and it is certainly going to happen. I don't want to be left behind, subjected to the plunderers and pilferers who will be roaming the streets looking for food or anything else. I don't believe it has occurred to most people just how chaotic life will be for those left behind after a man made or natural disaster.
Most of us have spent our lives preparing … preparing for living … preparing for dying … preparing for the unexpected. But, let's face it, most of the population prepares for nothing, as with our country, reactive instead of proactive. It is inconceivable in the 21st century, that with all the technology available, that alternate airline routes are not already mapped, able to escape the umbra of any natural disaster. We know it is not true because with the volcanic clouds from Iceland, airports were shut down. In one afternoon, all the agriculture and much of the wealth of the United States can be wiped out by one volcanic eruption such as that from Yellowstone which has been showing much activity. The news people would be crying about the great Yellowstone's country club destruction in which Bill Gates, Dan Quail and Ted Turner, the club who's annual membership costs 4 million dollars and 2 million dollars for annual dues, if they could take time from talking about Tiger Woods, John Edwards or some other fornicator.
With disasters and catastrophes all around us, both man made and natural, it is hard to comprehend why intelligent people do not prepare for the inevitable … water, food, shovels, batteries, life saving medications. Most think that after a catastrophe with other than minor inconveniences, life will go on as usual. One college student said to me, “I might be without electricity but I could just eat at a fast food place”. News Flash! There will be no electricity for anyone, no water coming out of any pipes, no service stations, no delivery trucks on the highway, store shelves will be empty. Even if you can get to a hospital there would probably be no one there to care for you. Doctors, nurses, policemen, firemen, all service personnel, if alive, will be at home trying to protect themselves and their family. Certainly, people who have never worried about death or even going to hell and have made no preparation about their eternal welfare, who have just played the game and have made few preparations about survival here on this earth, a big ball of dirt surrounding magma, will not be concerned (a lost word in most vocabularies).
The wants and needs of earth are generally modified by the profiteering of war. Wars have kept the American and indeed the world economies going for a very long time. We care little about those willing to go to war, buried in military cemeteries on foreign land or those returning battered and bruised scrimping to survive on a military pension. We have cared little for the innocence, mothers and children, burned and buried, under the ravages of bombings. To show how callous the human psyche has become, just this week, an United States President, Bill Clinton, has admitted that he orchestrated the burning alive of 85 women and children at the religious compound near Waco, Texas. Can you even imagine that this piece of garbage, a pervert in any language, says he was blackmailed by Janet Reno, his Secretary of State? We feel sure that his wife, the present Secretary of State, is no better.
Offshore banks under the tutelage of the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, the Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs, are in control of the world's money supply. Those who ride in stretched limousines have little care for the homeless trying to survive on the streets. Those who live in the luxury of Park Avenue sky scrapers, mansions overlooking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are only annoyed by talk of poverty. But, remember this, they will be the first victims of a catastrophe. Peasants in the back-wood huts of third world countries, the disenfranchised Americans living in clapboard houses in swamps will survive the catastrophe. They have their wells of fresh water, a few chickens, know how to grow some food. Closets full of fancy shoes matching the splendor of the country club, golf club, will not suffice when walking, trying to escape the ravages of an uncontrolled society.
Sir Walter Scott said, “there is only one book, the Bible”. Mother Teresa said, “do what is in front of you”. Anyone with two purkinje cells still functioning in the brain should be making preparation. We have chosen our poison, at the ballot box, installing people in office only concerned with the next election, their own welfare.
Bill Gates has not done what he has done because of his love for humanity. It is greed that has made him wealthy. Greed is the catalyst by which the wheel of capitalism turns. We have built great cities, even countrysides, even golf courses … all with magnificent buildings, traveled on magnificent planes and automobiles, lived beyond the dreams of emperors but profess a decadence sickening to intelligent thinking and blasphemy in the nostrils of all- mighty God.
God's word, the Bible, was completed in 95 A.D. A period of 1400 years elapsed between the writing of the oldest book and the writing of the newest of the 66 books. Yet, there is not one contradiction, not one promise broken, not one prophecy, until this minute, unfulfilled in this “answer book”. We do not want to hear it, more anxious in changing God than in God changing us. More concerned with what people think of us than what God knows about us. In one college, a Christian legal student group has been forced to take in non-believers … very much like the vegetarian society that was forced to take in meat eaters.
In a local college, one theater teacher was perplexed because a drama student showed so little respect for the lines in one of Shakespeare's plays. Not holding to the integrity of the lines, he wanted to make up his own. On the night of the performance, the student gave the Shakespearean lines perfectly. At the end of the play, there was one curtain call after another as the audience applauded. Afterwords, the teacher/producer of the play said to the student, “I don't understand why you changed you attitude totally to give such an outstanding performance”. The student said, “just as I went on stage, and just before my first lines, the last person to take a seat in the audience was the author himself … William Shakespeare”. (People Still see visions)
Perhaps, as individuals and as a nation we will come to a reasonable sighting of God, some vision before the “strike”.
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