Re: Republicanism and Conservatism
Dear Mr. Fetzer and Members of the Committee,
Like my parents, grandparents, all the way back, with a paper trail, to 1766 and the founding of Morristown, New Jersey, we have been Republicans and Conservatives.
I have written you several times about several things, never had a response, but, at 80, totally blind for 50 years, I do not give up.
I am enclosing a copy of a letter which I received from Erskine Bowles after I complained about the Mayor Easley, incredulous-ludicrous pay status at NC State. You can look on my Facebook biographical information or blog and determine my interest in the University. I feel I have paid for my right to complain and speak out concerning decadence in government.
The thing that bothers me most in the Bowles letter … willingness to accept the irrational actions of the board simply because the Republicans voted for it. This is the problem now, and has been for a very long time, the Republicans who get on these boards just go along to get along because they feel that it is in their personal interest. After all, how great it is, in this tattooed Democrat state to be placed on any board anywhere, for anything. I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer veteran from the Korean conflict, born and reared in this state, family going back many generations. I earlier volunteered for board membership, public health, library etc. but was denied membership because I am blind.
I am sorry to say, but with all due respect, it is about the same with Republicans. Not once, in all these yeas of my Republican Party support has any Republican offered to include me in any function. I had the pleasure to knowing Senator Helms and explained to him the laxity of Republicans in getting out of the bleachers and getting into the muck and mire of the game. He said, “Our fellow Republicans think the country club is the answer to their problems”.
I own some buildings, an office complex. Down the street from my buildings is another office building which was rented for the Democrat 2008 election. The parking lot stayed full night and day … they were busy getting out their vote. It worked!
Back in the 30s and 40s, I was a child, my mother and her cousin were the only Republicans at the crossroads community where I was raised. They took turns as poll watchers at my cousins store … the voting precinct. My mother would weep at the insidious deceit and corruption going on by the Democrats. Back then, state election, in the Democrat primary, we did not think there would ever be a Republican primary or a Republican elected. My father had a friend who was a Senator in the legislature. With an interest in me, knowing my potential, (and I probably could have gone to the legislature as a Democrat) he would invite me over from Chapel Hill to watch proceedings in the Capitol building … “cousin Waylon Spruill” calling hogs to the trough, not one Republican, one woman, one black in the legislature. Now, with a chance to win, most of you are sitting around on your assets.
Each time, anyone, runs for office here, against the Democrats and RINOs, I call for them to come by so I can give them a check. Last election, a young man, running again, came by and I talked to him about my views on Conservatism, gave him a check. I use several assistants, in helping me in my businesses, I am still very busy. I told one of them to show him to the door. When he returned, I said, “Did he ask you to vote for him?” Of course he didn't, no more than he has asked me to vote for him this time. I do not have any more money to waste on his campaign.
I have given all I can give to this country, my eyesight, more money in taxes than I ever thought I would make. It is time for Republicans in this state to get serious about winning elections. I am convinced without fear of contradiction that the future of America depends on electing Conservatives.
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