In the advertising world of slogans and jingles the most popular slogan ever used is, “Friends don't let friends drive drunk”. The effectiveness of this slogan was recognized immediately because there was a decline in drunk driving. In 1982 the fatalities from drunk driving were 26,173. In 2008 fatalities from drunk driving were 13,146, one half, which probably shows the effectiveness of the slogan launched in 1984. For those killed on the highways because of a drunk driver, for the loved ones of those killed on the highways because of a drunk driver, this offers little empathy. But, it still shows the importance of the mental process.
From the beginning of time, Eve was reasoning in her mind about an answer for the serpent or whether, as she should have, told the serpent that her husband would handle the decision. The first couple could not handle the most basic rule, only ONE rule, not to eat of the fruit of ONE tree. Think of the millions before the flood, reasoning to handle things according to natural law. Think of the Hebrew people, after Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses handling the laws given by the hand of God, on the other side of the cross. Think of the followers of Christ, the early Church, living according to the parameters given by Christ, written by Paul and the other Apostles. Think of the galaxy of knowledge etched into the minds of frail human beings during the stone age, bronze age, iron age and all the layers of intelligentsia since. As Einstein said about the universe, the most incomprehensible thing about it, it is comprehensible.
The largest library in the world is the American Library of congress with 23,218,000 books. More incomprehensible, all these books are now available at your fingertips, online. Equally incomprehensible, with the thousands of books I have in my personal library, my antiquarian book collection, I can put any book on sale online, and almost instantaneously this book is available to be bought on millions of sites around the world. Such is the grandeur of man's wisdom not to be contrasted or compared to the grandeur of the wisdom of God. Just think, every snowflake that has ever fallen, different, designed specifically by an omnipotent, sovereign creator of the universe. Just think, over 6 billion human beings living today, equaled to all those who have lived since the flood of 4790 B.C., and the billions who lived before the flood … no two with the same thought process, the same flex in the iris of the eyes, the same fingerprints, the same voice. We are wired to comprehend this vast amount of knowledge.
It is well known by those who study these things that man only uses a small percentage of his total mental ability. We have heard the slogan of the United Negro College Fund, “The mind is a terrible thing to waste”. How despicable it is that so many waste theirs through mind altering drugs, insipid trash filtered through the eyes, ears, taste, all senses. Pitiful the human being who poisons his mental faculties with chemicals such as artificial sweeteners, satanic music, addictive lipids of pornography and derogatory simulations.
Don't be beguiled by the psychologist of the psychiatrist. Your mental health depends on you. Brain exercises such as the playing of chess or bridge, memorizing, bringing back to the forefront memories of the past. For the Christian, memorization of God's word is an essential. Fasten securely, childhood memories, experiences during poverty, travel and family experiences. There is no reason for any person, leaving off addictive barbiturates. Beware of general health. There is no reason for anyone to go through the living death of senile dementia. Stay active, as much as is possible with your physical condition. Exercise properly. Don't give into the drudgery of an unkempt condition. Even if you cannot see your condition dress for success. Approach each day as a new “kid on the block” … ready to meet and greet, profile and defile those who will drag you down. You are God's workmanship (Eph 2:10), young, old, tarnished or shining.
Many of us were blessed with a photographic mind, instant recall of every life activity. In my store house of knowledge, I can see every warp or woof encountered during the past 75 years which I really want to remember. Like your computer, don't embed the trifling trash. Bleed out the excess baggage. Guard the windows of your soul (eyes). Your life is your own, you were chosen by God.
Read the love chapter of the bible (1Cor 13). You have faith, hope and love. The greatest thing you can have in your brain is love. “God is love”.
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