Pernicious Republicans
Archimedes, Greek mathematician and physicist said, “give me a fulcrum and a place to stand and I will move the world”.
The world's only hope, next to the intervention of God, is the hope of the Republican party. I can trace my American roots on paper, back to 1766, a survey map of the first farm, surveyed by the early American surveyor, Adjionah Peacock (Burlington County, Morristown New Jersey). From these early pioneers, until now, Republicans have held on with tenacity to the conservative principles of biblical values, low government interference in lives through taxation and regulations, values of decency and home, family, God and country. We have been in the minority because the world, the flesh, the devil is so attractive to unsaved, decadent minded control types...those who believe that government is the answer to all problems and that “big brother” knows best.
Even in the Republican party, we have had a steady infestation of parasites known as RINOs (Republicans in name only). These liberal, imposter Republicans reached their height during the George W. Bush administration. The Bushes, both 41 and 43, sold themselves as Christian conservatives. They were neither Christian nor conservative like the grandfather, US Senator Prescott Bush, of Connecticut, who made the family fortune dealing with Nazi Hitler's Germany. From then until now, they have traveled under a veneer of fakery...much to their financial success and we could give the names, Neil of the infamous savings and loan debacle, Marvin of the 9-11 explosive debacle and the ex President, 41, who is reportedly enriching the family by buying up much of the world's oil reserves. It would have been a complete idiot, such as 43, in the White House, who would have held on to Rumsfeld and Rice as they destroyed the government. Number 43, as he nicknamed all his “fraternity boys”, never used his veto pen, spent most of his time vacationing, allowed the Republican party to sink into the muck of charlatans...great preparation for the corrupters succeeding him. Judicial Watch just came out with the ten most corrupt politicians in Washington;
1.Senator Dodd
2.Senator John Ensign (Only Republican)
3.Barney Frank
4.Timothy Geithner
5.Attorney General Eric Holder
6.Jesse Jackson Junior
7.Barack Obama
8.Nancy Pelosi
9.John Murtha (Dead)
10.Charles Rangel
The ancient Egyptians would never have believed that the Nile river would have turned to blood. King Herod, wicked beyond words, interested in Christ “doing some tricks”, Governor Pilate, more interested in his 15 year old wife than justice for our blessed Lord, like lady Macbeth, thought he could wash his hands of demonic activity.
During this Easter season, when we think of the earth's renewal, our new birth through the atonement of our savior, it is good to evaluate just what has happened to this Democratic republic...of all nations...in history...blessed beyond words to describe. We know there are about 50 million American citizens who claim to be Christian. How can so many people allow things to go so wrong, our morals to sink into such depravity? Have we become a society of pretenders? Have we so confused the person of Jesus Christ and the purpose of Jesus Christ?
Five years ago the nation chose sides in the Terry Schiavo tragedy. A disabled woman who could have lived, whose family with exception of her demented husband, wanted her to live (a husband who had decided to live with another woman, more interested as a financial opportunist than the feelings of a concerned people and a concerned nation). Politicians, who for their own expedience made the life or death of this 41 year old woman a matter of votes. A nation tainted by the holocaust of abortion, embarrassed by the treatment of it's disabled citizens.
In all these things, the Republican political party supposedly always taking the high road has allowed the RNC to seek footage in the same muck and mire that has dominated the Democrat party...Democrats, only interested in votes, “the end justifies the means”. In the state of North Carolina, Democrats have controlled the legislature, every area of state government, for over 100 years. When I was younger, there was only one political primary...the Democrat primary. There was not enough Republicans to even offer candidates anywhere. In the legislature, and I used to travel and watch the legislative activity while they were still meeting in the capital building, there was not one Republican, one woman, one person of color, all white, well-festooned, liberal, wealthy, white Caucasians. One Senator, cousin Waylon Spruill, would come into the chamber, as if he were calling hogs to the trough...”sooey, sooey, sooey”. Then, they would divide up our tax dollars among themselves. The same goes on today except in the stalls in the men's bathrooms. Representative Black, Speaker of the House, now in prison, passed out money in the bathroom. Ex Governor Easley, his assistant Mr. Ruffin Pool...and God only knows how many more...passed out money and positions, plane rides, board appointments...ABC liquor store enticements with transparency. In other words, corruption has become so acceptable that it is the “rule”, not the “exception”.
In uniform, with all decorations, using a white cane, I stood in the new legislative building with an officer of the North Carolina Jaycees. We were there in the interest of proposed legislation. One of the senators, on the committee, from Columbia, Tyrrell County, was talking with him, explaining his financial problems. My friend put 500 dollars in his pocket. He said to me, “this is the way you get things done here”. It is like the inspector, inspecting one of my buildings, on Oleander Avenue, Wilmington NC, when I shook hands with him I placed a 100 dollar bill in his hand. Of course the electricity was immediately turned on, the building had passed inspected. I apologize to the world for participating in this graft and corruption. God has forgiven me for this act but has not let me forget it. Are we supposed to live, work and prosper in this world of total corruption, on the brink of annihilation, when we know that our republic has sunk to this depth? Or, are we as Christian soldiers of the cross, willing to die and even give up our eyesight for this country supposed to stand up and defend what is left of it's constitutional principles?
I saw my mother sit and weep over the corruption she saw as a Republican poll watcher during the days of the Democrat stranglehold and enslavement of the citizens of North Carolina. She could not believe the corruption, the evil intent of Democrat politicians. The tragedy is, as Democrats, perhaps through the leadership of the Holy Spirit of God, have recognized the debauchery they have learned to vote Republican. Few victories, squeezing out a victory now and then, from the thinnest of margins (Helms, Holshouser, Martin, East, Dole etc.) The Democrats can depend on liberals, all blacks, most women, all academics, most recipients of government checks to vote Democrat regardless of the integrity of the person. You can depend on the Democrats to support anything that will destroy the state or this nation...liquor, gambling, abortion, homosexual agenda, socialized medicine, welfare checks.
I have asked the RNC (Republican National Committee), to whom I had invested funds in the past not to ask me for anything else until they changed their basic philosophy, change back to the philosophy of Lincoln, Goldwater, Reagan. It is useless to try to pull a liberal Republican across the goal line such as we did with McCain and Dole. Many of us resorted to supporting John Anderson and Ross Perot...and other libertarians who are mostly disenfranchised Republicans. I will not waste my vote on a third party candidate again rather, if the Republican party does not have enough intelligence to cleanse itself from the like of the present National Chairman and the neocons who, like pretenders in every philosophy of life will get back to basics we will be forever in the minority, forever eating the dust and fumes from the Democrat “vehicle of hope and change”, filled with Radicals, Communist sympathizers, progressive academics, headed towards the inevitable brink and the fall into the chasm of disaster.
This is Holy week, preceding the greatest atonement sacrifice known to the mid of mortal man. Every republic has fallen because good men did nothing. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Gulag Archipelago said, “evil in Russia took over because Russia forgot about God”. We must believe that Republicans will reclaim the promise of our constitution. The Russian poet Pushkin wrote, just before the Russian revolution, “graze on ye sleeping cattle and sheep”.
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