Monday, September 28, 2009

Earth Shattering Events

Earth Shattering Events

Immanuel Velikovsky's World In Collision was a matter of scandal in scientific circles for many years, censored in Europe, and a matter of laughter in American universities because he attempted to combine Biblical miracles with facts of geology. We know now that much of his theory was accurate and is used by many anthropology, geology and astronomy students today. For instance, in our interest in Mars, it was observed by the ancients as a blue planet, as is the earth, but today is referred to as a red planet because of the action of a heated Venus, the water of Mars evaporated.

It is up to you, who follow NASA and space exploration, to excite yourselves with astronomy, history projections such as is popular with the study of the Mayan civilization. (The Mayan calendar ends in 2012. This is year 5770 on the Jewish Calendar.) We do know this: the exploration has become a matter of great interest and the spending of billions by the world's scientific community and particularly the billions of dollars wasted by NASA sending vehicles into space, when we know full well that whatever they find will do very little to help the common man on earth.

The supposed earth warming idea has made a billionaire of Al Gore.

The ancients studied the heavens. Today's children seldom look at the stars in the sky. Most media personnel pay no attention at all to the fact that we have experienced very unusual weather (coldest summer in many years, such as that from 1635 to 1700 there was much starvation on the earth because of drastic climatic changes.)

Occasionally, some news report will speak of the unusual sunspots or flooded areas of the world. It has been reported that the Euphrates River is drying up. The sociology of climate change determines the lifestyle of most of the earth's population. The largest part of the earth's population lives within 20 miles of oceans. This accounts for the many deaths at a time of a tsunami.

At the time of Noah's great flood the population of the earth was approximately what it is today, 6 - 7 billion; and we find records of this upheaval in every civilization of that time. Mountain ranges changed. Sea levels rose; and entire cities on the continental shelf sunk into the deep.

The world's plight for oil is just beginning. It is reported that China, needing tremendous oil reserves for the world's largest population, is not only drilling around South America and Cuba, but by some strange quirk of state department stupidity, beyond the imagination of billions spent there, is drilling in Iraq.

In visiting China 3 times I have been amazed to find a complete lack of religion and tradition. All cemetery tombstones were beaten up to build roads. You never see vacant land anywhere, certainly not landscaping for highways. Every parcel of land is used to grow something. As in Cuba, completely revolutionized to eliminate all tangential enjoyment, these communist countries, in this time of American health care interest, have no obscene drug producer prices. All citizens can go to a dentist when necessary at least once a year. In Cuba, there is an excess of 2000 medical doctors graduated each year. And in China, each commune maintains a health care facility.

It has always horrified me, as a health care practitioner and one who has studied American health care from the time I first entered the university and worked at a medical school, that organized medicine has kept such a close reign on medical schools only turning out a precise number so that the monopoly and care could be strictly controlled. The same goes on in dentistry (most of us sit around with “toxic pockets” of dental needs but are unable to pay the insidious prices at a dentist office) and other areas. Drug companies have become the world's prize “cash cow”, sending out their highly paid pharmaceutical representatives to educate the prescribers of their drugs, on the run, and enticing the prescriber's medical, dental, veterinarian, optometric, osteopathic, public health, etc., by wining and dining them, taking them on plush conference vacations. These health care practitioners who desire to live in the finest homes on “pill hill” must have at least two Mercedes parked in the driveway. While it is true that we risk all, to go to school for a very long time, and do expect to make a good living, the insidious closed circuit monopolistic system has not lent itself to the Christian principles of loving your neighbor. There are four drug company lobbyists in Washington for each legislator writing the legislation to suit their price fixing, drug pushing policies. They, wine and dine them with meals in the national capital's most expensive restaurants or with the most expensive whores, buying if not with actual cash which is more easily traced, with the health care billions, of tax payer dollars, which has made needed sufferers in this country, more sick and enslaved than the enslaved masses under communism. Michael Moore is not all wrong in his evaluation of American health care, nor is he wrong in his evaluation of American capitalism, which he calls “acceptable greed”.

It was determined long ago that 45 billion dollars would wipe out most of the poverty of the world. Put wells in African communities where there is no clean drinking water. Eliminate hunger in a world where many foodstuffs spoil. Reduce the senseless deaths of the 3000 children who die from malaria each day. Yet, in this useless, winless, Afghanistan conflict because of the corruption there between the fraud government, suspicious CIA drug activity, and even more suspicious oil pipeline, 33 billion is reported to have just disappeared.

The 2000 mile porous Afghanistan-Pakistan border, the nearly 1000 mile porous Iran-Afghanistan border, the most unconquerable mountain range in the world (Hindu Kush) should be reason enough for America and her allies to say as did Russia and Britain, just let the tribal leaders have the place, as was done throughout history. When Kipling was there, he called the place, indescribably heathen. I was there 3 times and I can justify his comments. Why send America's most precious possessions, young men and women, to battle in such an untenable situation? These children may mean nothing to you, the elitest hierarchy, in corrupted palaces of leadership throughout the world; but you, Mr. Obama, and consorts, as you eat off your gold plates, these young people mean something to the mothers and fathers who made them worthy American citizens. Isaiah 10:1. And for the many who have come back from the senseless wars, and from this veteran who has weathered many VA hospital facilities, I can say with all sincerity, to the uninitiated, everything is obscure.

Proverbs 3:5 – 6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

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