Friday, July 9, 2010

Sovereignty or Shanghaiing?


I sleep with my window open at night, I have two wonderful homes, one right on the Cape Fear river and one right on the ocean. With the window open, I experience the freedom of fresh air, freedom of free air, air is about the only thing that is free anymore. Of course, I pay dearly for the privilege of sleeping in these two houses.

At my house in town, right on the river, I can hear vehicles going across the nearby bridge, I hear commerce on the river. Totally blind for most of my life, I am glad to know there are still people going places, doing things. I traveled the world, every continent, 157 countries while I still had a small amount of vision.

At my house on the ocean, sound of waves, tides set by God, from the time the earth was “made”, in 11,015 BC, completely timed to the second. Ahead of time, you can look at a calendar or almanac and know exactly the relationship between the earth and the moon, the determiner of tides. As with everything else “good” which God “made” it is exacting, according to his sovereignty, he is in charge, he is boss. Trust is left up to us.

Shanghai, China was at the time I was there, the second largest city in the world, and certainly the largest city in China, a large seaport. In the 18th and 19th centuries, ships captains conscripted or enslaved men through trickery or otherwise, these men were made to work in ships against their will. This practice was called shanghaiing (Shanghai was a common destination for such ships in these times), a form of enslavement, no freedom involved.

Lets get down to the basis of what I am discussing, enough is enough, at least with Americans, land of the free and home of the brave. We are the last people on earth to be on our knees, begging not to be enslaved. Once you are enslaved, once you are shanghaied, especially with younger generations, sovereignty is soon forgotten. Most of today's young people have never known the freedom of past, and older Americans. There are very few things you can do in America anymore without a permit or a license. It is necessary to show a form of identification, ID, anywhere, any time. Without God, you cannot know God, his sovereignty, his majesty.

Worship services, whether church, cathedral, temple, have become a place to find old, white haired patriots. The American flag and the Christian flag on either side of the pulpit, the Bible, Cross, and the Star of David are unfamiliar to most young people. Today's youth has been shanghaied into a life of enslavement, 3.87 billion dollar national debt increase every day, total collapse of the healthcare system, financial system, insurance system, academic system, once the envy of the world.

Many people thought they were voting in the last presidential election for “change”, not realizing that change can be bad as well as good. Many knew their ancestors had experienced the most shameful time of American history, not only enslavement, but a long period of discrimination and bigotry. The worst enslavement in the imagination of man, is the destruction of an innocent baby in the fetal position, next comes in the elimination of the elderly, many of whom have assumed a fetal position. In either case, no choice, no chance.

It has been the unabashed, non-secret plan of the Illuminati, the Bilderbergers, planned parenthood, to employ eugenics in controlling world population. Social security for the elderly, taken out of their pay as FICA taxes, is considered adult welfare. Lies and deceit has told Americans that there is a social security trust fund. As Senator Josiah Bailey told my father long ago, as Senator Jesse Helms told me long ago, “there is no such fund.” The socialists have better places to spend money, mostly on themselves, rather than on old citizens, disabled citizens, or citizens needing healthcare.

The Bible is mostly a Jewish law book, the Old Testament and the Gospels only the background for today's church, if the disciples had understood they would have been at the tomb on that Easter morning. The 32nd chapter of Deuteronomy is one of the most beautiful chapters in the Bible, Moses describing to the children of Israel what will happen after his death. God is God, and he can do what he pleases. God told Moses what would happen, and to this second, every prophecy, every promise has been fulfilled. Moses was 120 years of age, his eyesight still good, still in good health, but God is sovereign, and He did not allow him to go into the promised land but allowed him to look over and see it.

We know that Lucifer took over the world, we know that Saul Alinsky teacher of president Obama (Rules for Radicals), dedicated his book to Lucifer. Those of you with eyes can look across the world stage and know that the takeover has been completed. I have been so blessed to have seen the best times in American and world history, to have seen America as a liberty-loving, God-fearing nation of productivity, industrial might, and military confidence. This happened and was changed during my lifetime.

Horace Greeley, editor and founder of the Republican party, said, “a bible-reading population can never be enslaved.” Abraham Lincoln, known as our greatest President said, “I don't fear America being conquered from without, but from within.”

Most people remember the time when children played outside, their own yard, neighbor, church, school, or community-yard. They were breathing free air, healthy in their imagination, then came television, air-conditioning (there is nothing more unhealthy than air conditioning, bad enough on planes, worse in your house, circulating stale, polluted air. I can tell every person who sleeps under air conditioning at night). With television, the child's world becomes more and more limited as the child becomes more and more myopic (near-sighted).

You would shoot a foreign tyrant who would poison your child's mind, as does the instrument for which you pay much money and are deceived enough to still think it is educational. Have you ever heard of mind control? Have you have ever heard of state controlled propaganda? Lenin, stalwart of communism in Russia (whose body still lies at the Kremlin in Moscow for all the world to see) said “give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”

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