Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rogue and Right

Thrill seekers on a circus ride called “Star Gate” got more then they bargained for when the ride became stuck and they were in an upside down position..After 45 minutes hanging there they were finally rescued and now the rescue company is charging each 400 dollars for the rescue.

The former Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, vice presidential candidate in the besmirched McCain presidential fiasco, will probably make $5 million on her book about being a rogue. The book is the biggest seller in book history. And of course, the communist liberals are doing everything they can to discredit the book just as they have chewed hot coals to discredit her. I understand the Associated Press has dispatched 11 reporters to do a factual check on the book. Relax, you can be sure these reporters would not be able to find a book store, let alone do a factual check.

I could supply any good investigative reporter with enough information to get a Nobel prize for literature with just the lies and deceit coming out of a presidential 10 month term. The deceit of the bailouts, the deceit of the take over of several corporations, the deceit of global warming and the Cap-N-Trade, the deceit of the takeover of 1/5 of our national GNP with “sick care” legislation which will cost $850 billion (A couple with a combined income of $100,000 will pay $20,000 for government health care, the same type service you get at the post office, the same type care you have received from VA, SCC, FCC, FTC, and don't forget your school systems). The deceit involved at Fort Hood, when a Muslim killed 14 loyal Americans. The deceit involved in pushing onto the American psyche a culture of death promoted by Obama and his ilk.

The greatest deceit has been visited on the political and judicial justice system of America with the hauling of terrorists into a Manhattan federal court against every sane principle of military and civilian Jurish prudence. When will the Americans and others who voted for this bizarre experiment, in hope and change, actually admit that enough is enough that we are hanging upside down, tired of paying to be rescued by stupidity. Enough has been done to the fabric of this republic, to the future of young Americans.

On November 17, 2009 the word of the year was announced. It is the word “Unfriend”. How absolutely appropriate in this political hope fest of “change”. In the Obama culture of death, in the disparagement of wrecking health care, in the spectacular ogre of Cap N Trade, in the inquisitions involving the nationalism of churches (reportedly, pastors are being paid cash to support Obama programs, in their groups and from their pulpits), the time has come to unfriend ourselves from the shackles of political correctness. Even if it means taking to the streets in revolution as rogues against the leftist traitors of America.

McCain's presidential bid was rescued by Sarah Palin who is more of a conservative then McCain. Real republicans, looking down the road at the present fiasco, in spite of McCain's flirting with liberals in a metamorphosis-zeal to please those on the right and left (he actually thought he would get support from Lieberman, Kennedy, Feingold, etc.) just waltzed around with his candidacy. Any real Republican conservative could have done a better job. He thought, “Mr. Nice Guy”, war hero, would get votes.

The elitist, those who care only for themselves, supported his opponent. It was only Palin, rogue conservative, who was willing to lead real republicans in the principals espoused by Reagan and demanded by those who are willing to pay the price for victory. I was not there, but I was told that when McCain came to this city his campaign was an embarrassment. Like Dole, the hierarchy “Good ol'boys of the GOP” actually thought the registered republicans would get enthused about these lukewarm, pseudo-conservatives. Appeasement is not a word that democrats understand. They know nothing about winning friends and influencing people. Democrats, go for the jugular, they know the rewards of victory, the “agony of defeat”. Democrats not only will lie, cheat and steal to obtain their objective, but will get out and organize and utilize every legal and illegal method. A good example is the cover of Newsweek Magazine or the despicable article in Vanity Fair.

The time has come for Palin to the rescue. The time has come for country club republicans who are just content to sit in the bleachers and watch the game to let the elitists have a strong voice in the party. I am just a small wart on the republican elephant, willing to work and give, but as I have told several of their lackeys who have contacted me regarding money, I have no money for barrel insurance or for a death wreath to hang on the door of the RNC. In 42 BC, Cicero said, “be afraid of the treason within.”

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