Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Homogenized Culture

An older man was a candidate for public office. His opponent hired a woman to appear at every speaking engagement of the candidate. She would just stand on the fringe of the crowd and whisper “He is an octogenarian”. The whispers would caress the crowd that the older man was an octogenarian... the majority, not realizing the the word simply meant 80 years of age. “Light has come into the world, but men prefer darkness to light.” (John 3:19) We love to discuss evil, predatory Catholic priests. Young girls sold into slavery in Africa. Young boys becoming sex slaves in India. Without our realizing it, a homogenized world. Every one, everything seeking the lowest common denominator. What happened to honesty, integrity?

One of the first times, and I remember it well, I witnessed honesty in business. A friend owned a restaurant. I went to visit him as he was eating his lunch at the counter. He said, “Tom, have some lunch with me.” I said, “I would like a ham sandwich like the one you are eating and a cup of coffee” When we had finished eating, he called the cashier and said, “Give me a check for our lunches.” Now you would expect that most business owners would not expect to pay for his or a guests lunch, but he pulled out the money and paid for both. In so doing, he showed his employees the world, the flesh, the devil, his guest, that his honesty was pervasive, even in his own business. Many employees have seen employers cut corners-compromise, then it is easier for the employee to do the same. Do not expect your employees to be honest if they see dishonesty in you, do not expect your children to be a model of virtue if they have witnessed hypocrisy in you.

This octogenarian has found that most lives, the science and art of living, “just going through the motions” I long for the day that I can see genuineness and spirit again. I have been in hospital rooms where, the visiting pastor or minister “just went through the motions.” There because he was paid to be there... repeating some well-worn phrases because it was expected.

One of my friends died recently. Barry had given up on the church... the insincerity of the preacher, people in the HABIT of pretending. But, he was very kind to a janitor at a local McDonald's. Who should walk into his hospital room but the janitor... showing real concern, real compassion? It has been many years since I saw real concern, real compassion in a doctor's office. Usually, someone spends more time getting information from you about your ability to pay than the doctor or staff spend trying to find out your reason for being there.

There are enough Catholics in this nation to control an election... almost 70% of voters are Catholics. Fifty-four percent of these Catholics voted for the most anti-life, anti-Christian president in history. Like the Jews, who too are so broad-minded, so liberal, the Catholics even invited him to speak at Notre Dame. When he spoke at Catholic Georgetown, all religious symbolism was covered. Like Baptists, evangelicals, even some republicans, Catholics are slow learners. Now, February 2, “like spitting in the face of God”, presidential edict that all Catholic institutions must pay for birth control, abortions, etc. in their various health insurance programs. Obama and his ilk have proved that they do not mind facing religious battles head on. His view of the world, “The end justifies the means”, into a cauldron-blender this presidential imposter is scooping financial equity, sexual animus, educational indoctrination with spiritual valuelessness... the historical American culture blended into nothingness from a long narrative of somethingness.

God's directives... historical foundation found in His book, differ from any man's directives. Does it bother anyone that recklessness has led to a $75 Trillion national debt, divided out to $250,000 for every man, woman, and child in this nation? Technically, financially, bankrupt. Spiritually, biblically, a people dedicated to destruction.

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