Friday, February 8, 2013

What's New Pussycat?

What's New Pussycat?

"Somewhere down that highway
A familiar song is playin'
Somethin' I've heard somewhere before
So long ago, Show Me the Way Home"

            Made for the movie, 1965, by the same name, made famous by Tom Jones, American entertainer, "What's New Pussycat?"

            Animals, by nature, have always been sociable creatures. Whether birds in a tree, flock of sheep, herd of buffalo, or even pride of lions, they socialize, want to know what's going on. As poor as my family was, my father always subscribed to a local newspaper, two magazines, "Look" and "Progressive Farmer." He believed in having reading material for his children and we learned to read everything available.

            One of my fondest memories, my mother taking us to the crossroads where the county book mobile made a weekly stop. Many years later, practicing in a small town, I recognized the lady who drove the book mobile. When I finished introducing myself, telling her of the value of her life to mine, tears running down her face she said, "You have made my life." Many of my relatives bought a weekly entertainment tabloid type paper called "The Grit".  It was delivered by young boys on their bicycles, making some money delivering the paper. This paper was full of "newsy" musing stories from all over the world.

            When Alexis de Tocqueville came to America in 1835 and wrote his famous book, Democracy in America he said, "One of the things that makes America great, the fact that mail carriers go throughout the country delivering letters, newspapers, magazines, even into the Indian territories." The American mail delivery system became law in 1792. During this writer's eight years of university, selling books door to door in the summers, many crossroads communities, some very small, only one employee but always a post office. A place, where money orders could be obtained to pay bills, where any family, no matter how poor, disenfranchised, could stay in touch with people via the mail man.

            America's postal system is slowly being destroyed. The politics of retirement greed, I can say without fear of contradiction that most postal workers have their jobs because of political nepotism and favoritism being shown to veterans.

            The most damnable form of political cover up enabled by the press, favoritism shown to one political party over another. The press constantly "carries the water" for the democrat party, hiding things that should be public. The fact that the press in most large cities, democrat stronghold's are part impartial of the democrat party, enabling continuous election of democrats in big cities.  

            This week, "The Washington Post", bible of the national democratic party, finally revealed (leaked) treasonous information about drone warfare. "In September 2011, a U.S. drone strike in Yemen killed two American citizens: Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan. The following month, another U.S. drone strike killed al-Awlaki’s 16-year-old son, who was born in Denver. According to a secret Justice Department document obtained by NBC News, the Obama administration claims it has the legal authority to target citizens who are, quote, "senior operational leaders," of al-Qaeda or "an associated force" — even if there’s no intelligence indicating they are engaged in an active plot to attack the U.S. There have only been four U.S. citizens—three in 2011, one in 2002. According to the figures of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism in the U.K., we’re now talking about somewhere on the order of 4,000 people who have been killed with these drones."

            Now, added to the horrors of warfare that we have known in the past, unmanned drones (and there's probably 30,000 of them), killing-maiming not only war activists but innocent bystanders. There are reports of 54 "dark hole torture chambers" throughout the world. We are told of the horror pits of evil cruelty that goes on there and, we thought we were getting rid of the evil's of Saddam Hussein. Mr. Obama assured his followers that he was ridding the world of torture and other inhumane practices of war.

            This writer knows one military man, stationed in South Korea, who participated in drone activity sending unmanned drone flights over North Korea.

            It is known that drones were circling around the American consulate during the Libyan attack. It is known that drones circle around most American cities. It is significant that in this time of "Big Brother watching", when you have lost all privacy, the same mantra is used that is used in local city and county owned helicopters constantly flying over the city, "emergency, locating missing persons." Just how many people are missing? One disoriented woman left the local nursing home, lost. The sheriff's department could not find her, even with their expensive helicopter. It took a classroom of students to locate the woman's remains in a ditch, within one half mile of the nursing home. It will not be so, but every newspaper headline should read, "Americans can be destroyed, anywhere, anytime, without due recourse." Always, Americans have had the great advantage of the legal system. That is, all Americans except the most innocent, babies in the womb of their mother. Now we know, if anyone had a doubt, a nation that can kill 54 million of their most innocent, will certainly not hesitate, as convenient as it is with assassin drones to kill others. Perhaps for such a thing as not agreeing with the government regime.

            How interesting it was when government officials just got drunk, splashed around in a platonic waiting pool with someone like Fanne Foxe. I am speaking of Wilbur Mills, congressman from Arkansas with the infamous stripper in the Washington Tidal Basin. Please bring back those good old days.

            Shaking off the mire-stench of Washington politics, international Bilder Burger intrigue, new and even more horrible warfare, reach for the joy of Christian living, the joy of having known people of faith who knew right from wrong.

            Romans, Galatians, Hebrews, The Old Testament phrase, "The just by faith shall live." Has this one time Christian nation (Supreme court declared this a Christian nation 1799-1892), found that life has no meaning? Rather, like Obama, not a matter of loving your enemies (Matthew 5:44) but torturing and even assassinating those who are your enemies or who DO NOT AGREE WITH YOU.

            In my practice, even with family and friends, we want a barrier to protect us from the realities of this world. "Don't tell me what to study or read about my condition, just give me a pill to take care of my problem."

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