Monday, September 2, 2013

Prince George and Labor Day

And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.

Joel 2:25

The greatest drama in God's creativity AND the world and everything in it, showing the magnificence of His designs, is the migration of bird life-- the millions of neurons in the bird neurology are hardwired (a bird about the size of your fist) to fly thousands of miles in a season. This writer and world traveler will never forget the mountains around the Arctic Ocean, almost black with bird life. The Terns had migrated from the South Pole, where I had witnessed their stay there. The ornithologist/ scientist, studying their magnetic abilities-- their study of the stars has yet to give explanation to their ability to travel such distances (their rest stops, food supply). Nor can the scientists account for the Geese and other birds as they fly in the V formation, knowing their regular stops in their migratory flights. God wired them with work ethic survival, just as He did with so many animals (bees, ants, etc).

There is a different neurology with locusts. Scripture has much to say about locusts, long-suffering mankind restoring after the destruction of locusts. As old as history, and it all started in the Garden of Eden, when man chose the spirit of death instead of the spirit of life through disobedience, forced to work/ sweat.

By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.
Genesis 3:19

The aroma of sweat is the perfume of accomplishment. I can still, to this day, imagine my sweating father-- hard at work, the working-ess man I have ever known. But, because he worked-- the farm, his business (barber shop), construction of buildings, raising livestock-- he made a good living for his family and was able to return to God, the portion that was due to God.

It still thrills this old man to shake the hand of a working man-- a man who knows the honor of labor, who knows the honor of the family, and the honor of serving a holy God. And, not just men, but the female gender as well-- whether a mother raising children and caring for a home, pulling the looms in a cotton mill, teaching others' children or nursing others (sick folks). So many women know the thrill of a paycheck from work as well as the consolation of a job well done at home. My own mother, who worked on the farm home, giving to the community, said her greatest compliment, when someone spoke of her children, was, "You did a good job."

Just a few weeks ago, the world waited patiently as a new future king of the British empire was born, Prince George. This writer well remembers great grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, being crowned in Westminster, following the death of her father. I well remember her marriage to Price Phillip. Americans, still intrigued by royalty, watched the marriage of her successor, Price Charles, the birth of his successor, Price William, and now the birth of his successor, Prince George. This child will never want or need for anything. Like royalty from the time of King Herod, or other tyrants, such as Hitler or Nero, all had the choice of treating their fellow man decently, or using their fellow man for their own comfort. This writer has seen the castles of Europe, the palaces of Asia. Buckingham palace has 775 rooms and 78 bathrooms for just one old man and one old woman. I have seen the splendor of Windsor and Edinburgh. Prince George will be the future head of the Church of England, just as is his great grandmother is now. Does she not think-- will he not think-- that the same justice of God applies to them, as to any other human being born into the world?

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Matthew 22:37-40

As this world traveler traveled through India, by train, through former British colonies in Africa by Land Rovers, or whatever, the thought was always there, "The great wealth of the British Empire could have been used to make the lives of poor human beings, who never had a decent water supply,or place for body elimination--- children who never had a full stomach. Such wealth could have made their lives better." The only consolation in the world of "big I, little you," is God himself walking the earth as a man-- Jesus seeing the disparity with his own eyes and yet saying, "The poor you have with you always," (Matthew 26:11). Man was given free will as a gift from God. Just as we were chosen to live-- even chosen for eternal life-- we have the choice of being a producer or a user. What possible thrill/ enjoyment/ accomplishment, can anyone get out of living if you do not know the joy of working and giving.

The boy, Prince George, will have ponies, because his great grandmother so loves horses. He will eat from gold plates and never know or even observe poverty. Only the grace of God will present the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ. We wish that for him and for all those in the world who are physically able to work.

The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.

Proverbs 20:4

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