Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Au Revoir, Entanglements

"The world had absorbed the Church, and the church is content that it should be so!
Horatius Bonar

One of the affects of aging, you know that you are going to say good bye, Au Revoir. You know you are going to say goodbye even though you used botanical medicines to escape the poisons of modern medicines and the chemicals of Big Pharma. But, as was said by one of the preachers at my own father's funeral, "You just wear out."

Most of us live on an island of dissociative fugue (Fugue usually involves daydreaming, travel, even establishing a new identity). Most of us are on stage, pretending to be someone else, most of our lives, giving the minimal yet trying to get the maximum. I often feel that I have struggled on my own towards an ocean's shore after battering the waves of trials and turmoil, almost drowning with the despair of living.

Those of us living are accosted by the boxes of financial, political, even spiritual hype, when there is no longer anything in the boxes.

As a young boy, I would often observe the despair in the eyes of our farm livestock... the sweating, overworked mules, the milk cow. Then I would look at the eyes of my sweating, overworked parents and grandparents. What kept them going? Was it a matter of reason, or faith, or just survival? Did people really believe what people in our country church THOUGHT they believed? I SO remember our Pastor, M.L. Johnson, standing in the church yard smoking cigarettes... deacons and other men of the church smoking cigarettes and I thought, will there be smoking in heaven?

There is no doubt in my mind that I was chosen, elected of God. It has taken an entire lifetime for my or your redemption to gel in my mind. Faith is 90% courage and I have had the courage to test my faith. I know that God wanted me to travel the world and he made the necessary arrangements. When I saw the Hindu Temples at Khajuraho, Buddhist monkey temples in Nepal, Islamic Mosques across North Africa... the warp and woof of humanity seeking a power greater than themselves. I knew why David Livingston-Africa, Hudson Taylor-China and other Christian missionaries across the world had the passion to proclaim the Christ whom we loved. I did not understand eternal security, the security we all seek in life as well as death, until I saw a father walk down the street holding on to the arm of his young son. The French Philosopher, Blaise Pascal said, "Make people believe that the Gospel is true and then show them that it is."  Life is more than the eventual disappearance than your eventual disappearance into open ground (grave). We have found that lives are a symphony of personalities... no matter where, no matter when, that the individual is not a solitary shooting star. Don't try to hide it, parts of your body can be transplanted, but your soul is a mystery within yourself. Your mind is always factoring the equations of living. Like my parents, you may be working to hard to get sick, or take vacations, or holidays. Many of us have never had time for the pleasures that many enjoy... hitting a small white ball, shooting at animals in their home place. Even enjoying the pleasures of fishing, which simply must be treasured because our blessed Lord enjoyed fish and picked his friends among fisherman. Some of us just enjoy learning for learning sake. But, in the quietness of the night, every time we hear the siren of an EMS ambulance, drive past a graveyard, we know that death awaits us as it has awaited everyone else before us, the mortality rate is still 100%.

One of my best friends was a black physician. His father, a well known black preacher, died and I attended the funeral. The funeral was held in a very large black church, the largest in the city. To this day, my own paternal grandmother's funeral was the largest I have ever attended, I was age 7. Perhaps this is the last great homage we can extend to our loved ones. At this black preacher's funeral, I had never heard such coral music, the pallbearers wearing white gloves, nurses in white uniforms attending to families. At the end, the casket carried quite a distance to the hearse while the carillon pealed a mournful dirge.

God is "Boss", he is in control of everything. He knows about the hungry children of refugees, the desperate lives of Christians living in the concentration camps of North Korea (These matters, a burden on my heart every day of my life, in my prayers). There are so many things my sighted eyes saw, my blind eyes remember, that I wish to forget. I will never forget the refugees lined up at a boarder crossing from Afghanistan into Pakistan... those desperate people with their worldly goods in sacks on their backs, their children in rags barefoot on the icy ground. I have not forgotten the city of Manila, in the Philippines, where desperate people searched through great piles of garbage (Not far from the Philippines University and the great hotels where tourists stay, just around the corner from the place where Muhammad Ali, his famous fight, Rumble in the Jungle). A young man I met on the street, student at the University, whose father was an American soldier, told me that every time I heard a siren it was probably the limousine of Imelda Marcos, Governor of Manila. At the end of her husband's reign as President, there was a thousand pairs of shoes in her closet in the Presidential Palace. Is it any different in the haves and the have-nots in our own country? What does your IRS master file say about you? The IRS has a master file on all of us. More important, our blessed Lord who can subtract as well as add, what does his accounting book say about us?

But, Christianity is not a checklist, you do this-you don't do that. In my lifetime, I feel I have been catapulted into Ripley's radio program which came on when I was a child, Believe It or Not. I would never have believed that churches would accept the killing of babies, same sex marriage. Life intensity-obedient trance, the strangulation of all absolutes via eyesight and the television set.

"He understands you longing, Your deepest grief He shares; Then let Him bear your burden, He understands, and cares."

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