Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Poisoned Pill - Obama’s New Appointee To Head The FDA Is A Big Pharma Mega-Lobbyist


As the Intercept reported, Faculty Connection, LLC  “boasts that its team of ‘practicing university-based physicians and researchers’ provides ‘regulatory consulting,’ including expertise in FDA briefing reviews and other regulatory submissions to the agency.”

Further, an official corporate video notes the company has “served over 175 different pharma, biotech medical device firms,” claiming to help faculty — researchers, doctors, and academics — work side-by-side with the pharmaceutical industry.

For example, Dr. Mona Fiuzat’s, a consultant for Faculty Connection, LLC, “participated in the preparation for Cardio-renal Advisory Committee presentations to the FDA on behalf of drug sponsors,” according to her biography on the company’s website.

Califf previously came under fire for helping to establish the Duke Clinical Research Institute, which is funded primarily by pharmaceutical companies.  According to a 2014 “Conflict of Interest Disclosure,” Cahill admitted his close connection to the industry. As TIME summarized, his income is “contractually underwritten in part by several large pharmaceutical companies, including Merck, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly and Novartis. He also receives as much as $100,000 a year in consulting fees from some of those companies, and from others.” The FDA insists Cahill donates his private income to nonprofits.

Even so, Califf’s appointment is hardly surprising. Michael Taylor, the current Deputy Commissioner for Foods at the FDA — also appointed by Barack Obama —  used to be Monsanto’s vice president for public policy.

Collusion between corporations and the FDA is widely documented. This influence has presumably contributed to many questionable decisions, such as the FDA’s approval of oxycontin for children or the ongoing approval of countless dangerous drugs that are later recalled.

Califf, however, put a positive spin on his conflict of interest. Earlier this year — when he was a only a potential nominee — he told TIME he was a valuable candidate because it would be “useful to have someone [leading the FDA] who understands how companies operate because you’re interacting with them all the time.”

In spite of Califf’s rhetoric, sordid ties like his continually prove the depths of corruption and the state’s lack of concern for the people it is tasked with protecting. In the United States, 70% of Americans consume pharmaceutical pills — a figure that, perhaps, reveals the consequences of placing corporate puppet masters in charge.

“For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind:.” (Hosea 8:7)

There are 141 schools of medicine in the United States.  All, without fear of contradiction, controlled by the worlds richest industry, "Big Pharma", the manufacturers of prescription drugs.  America, with 5% of the world's population imbibes 80% of all prescription drugs manufactured in the world.  It is an insult to the American population, and should be an embarrassment to the "so called" medical professionals that everyone involved in medicine are now "drug pushers" I understand that "Big Pharma" intends to have every American taking at least 3 pills.  It starts with the young children who survive "medicines abortionist", upon entering the state's schools.  If children, particularly boys, act normally/physically hyperactive, their teacher or parent or someone wants a pill in their mouth.  1/4 of all psychotropic drugs are fed to children.  Then, in higher grades, college, or facing the competition of daily life most become addicted to street drugs or alcohol (which is a drug) AND, we wonder why America has more young men and women in jail than any other nation, why there is so much divorce/abuse/suicide.

This writer, a sightless Army Medical Officer/Veteran now a voyeur instead of making the big bucks in practice like my fellow professionals, will never understand why men and women, smart enough to attain professional degrees ...science/medicine/osteopathy/nursing/dentistry/optometry etc. cannot comprehend why government has become so involved in their business.  Does it shock you that most "sick care" professionals spend so much time "milking" the government for funds.  Does it surprise you that "once" refutable foundations have sold their souls to the drug peddler?  Primitive doctors, such as the disciple Dr. Luke, were slaves, then the butchery started in the barber shop "barber pole".  It took 600,000 American Civil War deaths (most from wounds and disease) for Dr.'s to learn handwashing.  Thank God the treatment and even cures of holistic and other methods of treatment (mostly from Asia) are making a breakthrough.  Thank God that the Christian is being taught about the ALL SUFFICIENCY of the Lord's table.  In remembering what our blessed Lord did for us on Calvary, and following his instructions, in our memorial service of his death, we can take a piece of bread for healing "by his stripes, we were healed" (Isaiah 53:5).  The Apostle Peter, looking back, "by his stripes, ye were healed" (1 Peter 2:24). 

I take nothing from the hard working doctors/nurses/technicians who give their very best training in the time of our needs...broken bodies from accidents, ravaging diseases BUT, when will the professionals become interested in the real poison of the well.  Treating the body like a dumpster instead of like a temple.  When was the last time your Doctor talked to you about your eating habits, or even touched you?  Most of the big 3, heart attacks, cancer, strokes can be greatly limited by nutrition and exercise.  Books could be written on this subject, no one knows your body like you.  To the uninitiated everything is obscure, learn and live. 

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