Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Unbelievable Is Now Reality


The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has called for the end of bombing hospitals in war-torn Yemen, accusing U.S.-backed Saudi forces of carrying out the attacks.
The ICRC says “close to a hundred” hospital attacks have occurred since March, with the latest in the city of Taiz. Al-Thawra hospital, which has cared for about 50 injured people every day, was shelled several times on November 8. Before that, a Doctors Without Bordershospital in Haydan district of Saada was attacked on October 26.

“The neutrality of health care facilities and staff is not being respected. Health facilities are deliberately attacked and surgical and medical supplies are also being blocked from reaching hospitals in areas under siege,” Kedir Awol Omar, deputy head of the ICRC delegation in Yemen, said.
Officials in Saudi Arabia have not addressed the most recent bombing, according to Common Dreams, but have denied being aware that the October airstrikes in Haydan targeted a clinic.
“Saudi authorities are denying the evident truth of having destroyed a hospital,” Laurent Sury, head of Doctors Without Borders emergency operations, said. “This is an alarming sign for the Yemeni people and for those trying to assist them. How are we to draw lessons from what happened when all we face are denials? How can we continue to work without any form of commitment that civilian structures will be spared?”
Amnesty International has criticized the U.S. and other states for fueling the conflict while doing little to stop human rights violations.
“The U.S.A. and other states exporting weapons to any of the parties to the Yemen conflict have a responsibility to ensure that the arms transfers they authorize are not facilitating serious violations of international humanitarian law,” Donatella Rovera, Amnesty’s senior crisis response adviser, said. “Lack of accountability has contributed to the worsening crisis and unless perpetrators believe they will be brought to justice for their crimes, civilians will continue to suffer the consequences.”
Your writer is a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected Army Medical Officer, since WWII medical units no longer display the red cross which, for many warriors was a signal for help.  When I was a young Officer, the red cross would be on a field medical tent.  Ambulances were marked with a red cross but, we found that the enemy enjoyed destroying medical facilities. 

Todays, and even in my day, the Military Medical Officer must turn inside the collar of his shirt, so that the medical caduce/military rank cannot be seen.  The enemy enjoys shooting doctor's and nurses.  To show how things have changed, during the civil war, wounded on either side were cared for by medics.  It made no difference what uniform they wore. 

We hear on radio and television the blarney about the care for Veterans.  22 warriors commit suicide everyday, the Veteran's Administration wishes all Veteran's would commit suicide, it is far cheaper to bury a Veteran in a cheap casket than to care for one. 

To show you just how much Veteran's are appreciated, last week, Veteran's Day, this 85 year old Veteran was invited to a Veteran's Day event at the local Arboretum, sponsored by New Hanover County, NC.  I seldom get out of the house, but one of my friends insisted that I go.  I put on my suit, Veteran's cap and went to the event.  Not one member of the arrangements group approached me.  Another visitor there, a man who like me had never been in the arboretum before, said, "Colonel, they are serving lunch, I am going to get you some lunch".  I could tell he was very embarrassed and soon left.  He brought back to me, on a paper plate, a hamburger roll and some beans.  It was supposed to be a BBQ luncheon but the food had given out. They had no food for the honored Veteran's.  I'm sure some of the politicians, their families, the bureaucrats and their families were well fed.  I wrote a letter to the County Manager about this embarrassment, he admitted that they ran out of food.  Is not the incipient attitude as the irrational, radical indifference frevelant on the local level as well as in these warring places with "strange sounding names".  The VA took from me the promise of America/my future/my security/now my dignity.  Can you even imagine what warfare is taking from other people in war torn areas?

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