Thursday, February 25, 2016

#1807 "Running On Empty"

"Running On Empty"

"My people have committed two evils: 
   they have forsaken Me--the Fountain of living waters, and 
   hewed out cisterns--broken cisterns, that can hold no water." 
Jeremiah 2:13

  This writer was born a conservative, I get a little sick of hearing politicians and talk show hosts talk about conservatism.  Most know nothing about conservation. When one has lived in poverty, when one has made every penny count, when one has lived totally dependent on the sovereign god of the universe he can call himself conservative and not just conservative in finance but conservative in thinking. Eating, Dressing, responsible for every action, the true conservative does not throw away food, clothing or anything that can be used by himself or someone else. This writer does not own one article of clothing that was not bought second hand or one piece of furniture in my house that was not purchased second hand (you cannot invest one dollar that you have spent). Since I have lived so frugally I have been able to invest, multiply many-times every dollar I have ever made and have been able (because of this frugal lifestyle) to give "cheerfully" (God loves a cheerful giver - 2 Corinthians 9:6-7) to Christian causes around the world.
  Often, this has gotten me into trouble, attempting to drive a car on gas fumes or attempting to reach a gas station with cheaper gas, you could call this "Running On Empty". I do not believe that I have ever bought groceries or anything else which I needed unless buying from a sales paper. If I cannot buy things I need on "special sale" then I do not need it. Their is a great deal of buying what we want than instead of what we need. I never knew what it was like to order from a restaurant menu what I really wanted, rather I always bought just what I needed at the cheapest price.
  Now, you can well imagine my consternation in thinking that I must choose from those "Running for On Empty", wanting to be president of the united states, "What a choice"...a communist such as Sanders - the wife of a decedent - impeached president such as Clinton or on the other side of the card a billionaire "sideshow" performer such as Donald Trump.
   I once owned a condo in Manhattan for many years at the corner of 56st and Park Ave. On the corner of 56th and 5th ave, NYC, was the Trump Tower. A friend took me into the Trump Tower one time (which Trump lives on the very top). Limousines where constantly pulling up to the outside bank of elevators that took the Trump crowed up to the Trump penthouse. The place was well guarded and my friend said he had never seen so much brass and gold "reminders of Solomon's Temple". After the little "blowup" between  "The Donald" and "The Vatican's Pope" (the Vatican also a place of much brass and gold) Trump "testified that he was a good Christian". God is much more interested in how we achieve than what we achieve, I wonder if Trump wants the American public to find out how he achieved his wealth. What we are in Christ, in Gods economy not like the worlds economy or an IRS form, completeness in Christ. Trump boasts of his success, mankind has a way of measuring success, money-power-things, this is not Gods measure of success. The truly successful man discounts self and has a measure of humility.
  Satan hates the idols of men, "hunger for power", greed for money, anything that keeps men from loving one another. "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. - John 13:34.
  This old, blind, veteran wants to remind all of you that will vote, "YOUR COUNTRY IS RUNNING ON EMPTY". Firstly, your country is broke, 19 Trillion dollars admitted debt, 100 Trillion dollars in debt to pay all the "Gimmie-Feel good extravagances of politicians buying boats". For instance, to show you the extent of debt which your decedents will pay - 1 Millions seconds was 12 days ago, 1 Billion seconds was in 1976, 1 Trillion seconds 31,709.8 years ago. Yet, you have politicians "running on empty" promising your children and grand children "free healthcare, free college education as well as freedom in all lifestyles".
  Their was a time when young people where lauded for working there way through college. This writer, (born in poverty on a dirt road). no power, phone or water-lines) worked his way through 8 years of university education, took much pride in giving his professional healthcare services to those in need. There was a time when responsible men and women of faith and patriotism did not covet welfare and did not conjure up reasons for living off the work of others.
  Secondly, your country has lost its moral foundation, "Running on Empty" your country has become a profane culture. Nothing marks this more than the abomination-holocaust of abortion. God will not allow any nation to escape the wrath that tears his chief creation from the womb of the mother. Abortion is casual in a Godless culture such as the Godlessness of communist China and Communist Russia. But, remember, their are more Christians in communist China than the population of the United States. Christianity is contagious in every communist country because the evil heart of man, on either side of any boarder is gratefully redeemed by the righteousness found in the knowledge-atonement of Jesus Christ.
  Thirdly, most real Christians know the absurdity of same sex marriage. The born again Christian knows the evil involved in the Homosexual agenda. The child of God knows the consequences of armed forces where "political correctness" putting women on the front lines in war will only bring disaster. We do not worship a "Bellhop God"  one on whom we call just when we need him. He is either lord of all or not lord at all. He is worthy of our life and every action of life.

  In the Christmas movie "It' a Wonderful Life" The  father of George bailey ,Peter Bailey to George "At the end of life the only thing worth having is what you have given away" "Running ON Empty", it is hard to give anything away.

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