Tuesday, June 20, 2017

#1975 Hidden in Plain Sight


            Over a long life (now 87 years old), family members, associates, AND almost all church members...anger and bitterness towards God. It does not make sense, that God is not made in their image, instead of us striving to duplicate his image. The sign of spiritual maturity, when you learn that God does not "make sense," except when you fully experience his sovereignty . He is boss, he is in charge. In my youth, an encyclopedia was a great gift, so was a type-writer, as well as the telephone at my cousin's country store; from which, people from many miles around depended...doctor, funeral home, etc. Now, bottomless ocean of technology, a world of entitlements, a world of hiding our meanness in the church house...our incompetence by politics.  Our social indecencies in the computer and lewd publications. There was a time when "sleaze" was found only on back streets, dark sin store-houses. Now, every home has its "pornography" or other addictions available...so every conceivable sin is hidden in plain sight.

            How did we think that we, as a nation, would escape. In 1955, a Russian "gangster" beat on a podium at the United Nations, and said, "We will bury you." Some years later, two British photographers asked me to slip into Afghanistan with them via a private plane...escaping all entrance requirements; so that they may photograph the great standing Buddhist at Banyan. We had to make it completely across the valley to photograph these historical treasures...thousands of years old. When the Islamic radicals went in and destroyed them, as well as every other historical figure they were able to; who could hide the fact that we, as a nation, would soon be on their list. SO, Muslims, without any training facilities or planes and tanks, have whipped us, over and over again, over the past fifteen years. Their anger towards infidels in plain sight. And we could not understand.
            Just this week, a US Destroyer, equipped with millions of dollars of electronics, almost sunk by a cargo transport vessel. IN PLAIN SIGHT, our leaders wanted us to believe they were searching for sailors from this ship that might have drowned. Every military man knows that every naval vessel is equipped, so that in the event of any sort of penetration, everything will be sealed, to keep as much water as possible from entering the vessel. These seven sleeping sailors were (quite possibly) drowned by their own country...in plain sight. In plain sight, let's see who will pay any price at all for this negligence.
            I have spent most of my life in healthcare...so careful to protect drugs. How many pills did I count in Army Hospitals that were kept under lock and key? Not one pill should disappear. Today, chaos in the world of pharmaceuticals, you go to the drug store to get a shot...drugs just walking out of private home, nursing homes, and other facilities. In the Netherlands, a suicide cocktail is placed on the bedside table of the patient ('assisted suicide') to take and end it all at their convenience. Can one even imagine how many people are suicide victims, just from pill bottles left indiscriminately everywhere. Did we think we could hide this?  Actions are now in full progress to remove "In God We Trust" from our money...our dollar bills. Why not right? We have already removed him from the Statehouse, school house, courthouse, and Church house!

            Most, as did Jonah and the good prodigal son, just want a God of convenience...a "bell-hop" God. As churches close down, as false religions thrive, does anyone consider that this has happened in darkness? Addictions, cultures of sin, failures of Government...all happened in plain sight. AND, there are still those who know me, and think that I am blind to all this. 

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